Over * years’ experience in iOS mobile application development experience; 5
Apps published to apple store.
Extensive use of Apple and third-party frameworks and tools for storing data persistently such as; CoreData, Documents Directory, NSUserDefaults, pLists,
Settings Bundle, Codable Protocols, and the Keychain
iOS expertise includes Storyboarding, Core Data, Internationalization and
Localization, iBeacon Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Unit Testing, over-the-air Ad
Hoc App Distribution, in-app purchase, ad and analytics integration, Auto Layout,
Apple Push Notification, SwiftUI, and Combine reactive programming
Fluent in the operation of RESTful API and web services utilizing NSURLSession and parsing responses using Codable/NSJSONSerialization for JSON data
Experienced in design and development for frontend UI/UX utilizing Storyboards,
XIBs, and programmatic means in conjunction with Size Classes and Auto Layout
Experienced in organizational programming through the MVC and MVVM structures
Articulate with data persistence though means including User Defaults, Core
Data, Cloud Storage, and other databases
Insightful experience in Swift, C, C++, and Objective-C, Object-Oriented
Programming techniques and APNS, PHP and Shell scripting
Excellent track record of designing and implementing flexible solutions in
Mobile IOS application Development using UIKit, SwiftUI, and Core Foundation with
Cocoa touch
Extensive work with design patterns such as MVC, MVVM, VIPER, KVO, KVC,
Singleton, Delegate, Observer/Notification, Adapter, Factory, Façade, etc.
Skilled in troubleshooting and testing using LLDB, NSLog & print statements, breakpoints, and Instruments
Proficient in source control with Git and SVN and use of third-party GUI clients such as SourceTree, Tower, and GitHub
Experience in CocoaPods and CocoaTouch frameworks for iPhone and iPad applications development using XCode IDE, iOS Simulator and Interface Builder
Good hands on experience with Frameworks such as: iPhone SDK, UIKit, MapKit,
Speech, AVFoundation, CoreData, CoreLocation, Social, XCTest, Alamofire,
SDWebImage, QuartzCore, Crashlytics, Core Bluetooth, Core Graphics, AppKit, and
Contributed problem-solving analysis and recommended solutions within the guidelines of the project and following best practices to iOS app development, such as scalability, re-usable code, and consistency
Experience working with in-app purchase iOS application for the iPhone/iPad along with distinct marketing-based iOS applications enhancing sharing through social networks and email
Excellent communication, organizational skills, attention to detail and the ability to meet tight deadlines