Elizabeth, NJ *7206
908-***-**** ******.*******@*****.***
Proactive recent college graduate with a
Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Global Health
Equity and Advocacy, with 3+ years of work
experience. Aiming to leverage academic
experience and a proven knowledge of
analytic, advocacy, service, and community
outreach to successfully fill an entry-level
position for an organization. Frequently
praised as efficient by my peers, I can be
relied upon to help your company achieve its
College Park, MD
B.S. Global Health Equity and Advocacy (May 2020)
● Relevant Coursework: Sociology of Health and Wellness, Health Disparities in the United States, Introduction to Medical Anthropology and Global Health, Method & Theory in Medical Anthropology & Global Health, Writing for Health Professions, Science Writing, Child and Family Advocacy Impact
● Awards & Honors: Dean's List, Dr. Ulysses S. Glee Community Service Award 2019, Dr. Ulysses S. Glee Community Service Award 2020, Lee Spann Jr., Resident Assistant Scholarship, Mintz Family Leadership Scholarship, Kiwanis-Leurich Scholarship
● Extracurricular Activities: Preside of the Pre- Student Osteopathic Medical Association, Vice President/Tutor of the Petey Greene Program, Rawlings Undergraduate Leadership Fellows Program, Beyond the Classroom Living-Learning Program
Omni Eye Services, Iselin, NJ
June 2021 - Current
Ophthalmic Technician and Medical Scribe
● Responsible for entering Chief Complaint, reconciling medications, completing Review of Systems, detailing Histories, inputting doctor’s findings, and more into EHR system before submitting charts on behalf of optometrists and ocular surgeons
● Working patients up by testing Visual Acuity and intraocular pressure using an ICare tonometry
● Efficiently scribing and performing technician duties for retina, cornea, cataract and glaucoma, pediatri, and neuro-opthamologist such as IOL Master, Pentacam, Autorefraction, Optical Coherence Tomography, Pachymetry, Fundus Photos, Visual Fields and more
● Evaluating patient test results to order appropriate diagnostic testing
● Accompanying opthamologists and optometrists into patient rooms to assist in procedures, obtaining consent, and billing for procedures such as Punctal Plugs, anti-VEGF injections, Focal Laser, Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty, Laser Iridotomy, and more
● Ordering eye drops to patient pharmacies and sending refills when necessary
● Delivering post-operative instructions to patients IBX-RUDCR, Rutgers University
November 2020 - March 2021
COVID-19 Extractions, Laboratory Technician
● Use MicroLab Star Hamilton and Janus automated machinery to transfer COVID-19 testing saliva samples
● Perform Nucleic Acid Isolation with Chemagic 360 machine to match genes with COVID-19, allocating the samples into plates containing 300 mL of Lysis
● Receive, label, and analyze nasal swab and saliva samples before manually pipetting samples into Lysis plates following all safety guidelines
● Create Elution, Lysis, Magnetic Bead plates to keep them in stock for ongoing extractions
● Prepare Master Mix
● Accurately review and transcribe specimen data into laboratory information system (LIMS)
● Train new workers on automated laboratory machinery
● Unboxing, stocking, and managing laboratory inventory including flammable buffers and lysis
● Routinely use Microsoft Excel to defrag and log data for laboratory sample management
TaskForce, New York, NY
June 2020 – November 2020
Cultural Organizer Fellow
● Researched, developed and implemented programs focused on recruiting and retaining high-quality, diverse workforce.
● Conducted needs analyses and cultural assessments to enhance organization-wide change.
● Improved operations by working with team members and customers to find workable solutions.
● Demonstrated self-reliance by meeting and exceeding workflow needs.
● Performed massive partnership research, initiated communication, and established partnerships on behalf of TaskForce.
Office of Multicultural Involvement and Community Advocacy, College Park, MD
August 2019 - May 2020
Black student Involvement Community Organizing Student Intern
● Perform administrative tasks such as scheduling, delegation, organization of daily/weekly tasks, track the status of project/task completion, communicate new information to team members, and other duties as assigned
● Front-desk coverage and customer service responsibilities such as greeting guests, answering phones, fielding questions, relaying messages, and other day-to-day administrative functions
● Update social media sites- Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram – and share calendars with upcoming events and up-to-date information as requested by staff
● Working with a COSI team to execute team projects
● Plan and execute Black History Month events and logistics and the UNITY newsletter
● Represent the MICA office at events through tabling, greeting, serving as set-up or breakdown, etc.
CECEI Lab, University of Maryland, College Park, MD January 2020 – March 2020
Research Assistant
● Performed statistical, qualitative and quantitative analysis.
● Screened potential subjects to determine suitability for studies.
● Traveled to low-income communities in Washington D.C. to conduct in-home behavior assessments on infants and toddlers.
● Collected data from parents and caretakers through questionnaires and analyzed qualitative data.
● Ordered supplies, stocked work areas and prepared materials for research purposes.
● Checked incoming data for accuracy and integrity to identify and resolve problems.
● Developed reports and recommendations regarding research outcomes.
● Keep organized records, maintaining inventory equipment and materials. HIPS, Washington D.C.
January 2020 - May 2020
Direct Service Intern
● Directly engaged with clients on mobile syringe exchange van and staffing the HIPS front desk to provide health services and resource linkages
● Educated clients on safer drug use and safer sex materials through direct interpersonal conversations
● Thoroughly trained on topics such as micro counseling, sex work, mental health, drug use, and HIV/AIDS
● Recorded, updated, and analyzed data to assist the successful execution of the syringe exchange program
The National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care, Washington D.C. January 2019 - May 2019
Public Policy and Communication Intern
● Provide research support on long-term care and health policy issues
● Support communications and policy staff on a variety of projects including web updates, social media,and email blasts
● Assist with writing newsletter articles and policy updates
● Assist creating advocacy and education materials
● Monitor relevant policy issues
● Attend relevant events and meetings
● Conduct administrative tasks as assigned
Scribe America, Silver Spring, MD
November 2018 – March 2019
Emergency Department Medical Scribe
● Transcribed and edited reports from 6 physician using Emergency Medical Records (EMR).
● Input details about patient histories, physical examinations, medications and other information into physical or electronic charts.
● Transferred transcribed materials into electronic health records system.
● Evaluated charts, documents and orders, and made timely corrections.
● Completed clinical work such as Medical Terminology, Diseases and Clinical Testings.
● Determined correct ICD-10 and CPT codes for use in medical record.
● Documented and initiated tests, scan and other orders.
● Accompanied physicians, nurses, and PAs into patient rooms Snider Undergraduate Research, College Park, MD
August 2018 – May 2019
Research Fellow
● Studied links between risk factors and effects of financial barriers to healthcare access.
● Attended workshops in scoping, research writing and presentation.
● Worked under Dr. Caryn Bell to complete a quantitative and qualitative research project titled "Financial Barriers to Asthma Care” for Black Families in Urban Areas".
● Synthesized large amounts of information to support research efforts.
● Utilized Google Documents to input data gathered from various sources.
● Advanced knowledge of America's biomedical healthcare system through effective and correctly conducted research studies.
● Produced well-written and thoroughly vetted research paper for publication in the Snider Undergraduate Research Journal Vol. II.
● Proposed and implemented research focused on asthma care and socioeconomic barriers to healthcare access.
Department of Resident Life, College Park, MD
August 2018 - May 2019
Resident Assistant
● Develop and maintain a positive living environment for 56 ethnically diverse residents
● Create and market social and educational floor events to strengthen community development
● Promote and support academic excellence, student involvement, and cooperation in alignment the Department of Resident Life’s Community Living Principles
University Health Center, College Park, MD
August 2017 - May 2018
NASPA -Certified Sexual Health Peer Educator
● Completed 40 hours of training about sexually transmitted infections and safe sexual practices and University Health Center resources available to students.
● Delivered weekly educational workshops to the University of Maryland community about power-based violence and bystander intervention. Audiences vary from 10 to 150 individuals.
● Tabled events to disseminate sexual health resources such as condoms Dreams, Attention & Memory Lab, UMD, College Park, MD January 2017 – May 2017
Research Assistant
● Screened potential subjects to determine suitability for studies.
● Supported principal investigators during research into attention and memory.
● Screened over 200 participants enrolled in memory and attention research study, administering relevant tests and surveys.
● Checked incoming data for accuracy and integrity to identify and resolve problems.
● Coded collected data in R-System to store information.
● Prepared testing sites for participation, regulated participant flow, and delivered consent sheet and instructions.
City of Elizabeth, Dept. of Recreation, Elizabeth, NJ June 2013 – August 2016
Summer Camp (Seasonal)
● Awarded “Most Improved Counselor” in 2014
● Mediated conflict, facilitated discipline, and offered personal support when needed for 40 inner-city children
● Brainstormed interesting and educational games to promote personal growth and teamwork building amongst youth
● Reported any notable concerns to Senior Camp Manager
● Oversaw field trips to swimming pools and assisting children in personal care such as getting dressed
● Microsoft Suite
● IRB proposal
● Social Media Targeting and Communication
● Detail-Oriented
● NASPA - Certified Sexual Health Peer Educator
References available upon request