Professional Profile
Operations and Program Management Officer with over 20 years of military service and support highlighted by specialized experience in leadership, overt/clandestine special operations, counter-insurgency (COIN), instruction delivery, and intelligence and network analysis. Professional with significant experience in the collection, development, processing, exploitation, and dissemination of classified information. Maintains an active Top Secret, SCI clearance and has extensive experience in SAP/ACCM operations/programs. Analytical and critical thinker who is able to stay calm and make informed, actionable decisions in high-pressure, dangerous, and fast-paced environments. Over 10 years of experience in RDT&E, DoD Tech and Procurement within Industry, DARPA, ARL, NRL, JIDA(JIEDDO), DTRA, SOCOM, RRTO, with a predominant focus on tech transition, prototyping, evaluation, commercialization, seed funding and red teaming.
Highly effective Portfolio Manager with hands-on experience planning, directing and coordinating a wide range of complex programs and projects throughout the development the cycle. Adept at performing associated risk analysis and implementing mitigating actions to ensure delivery of objectives. Uniquely effective at identifying creative dual use (military and commercial) applications for emerging and proven technology. Consistent success in the rapid transition of capabilities into operational environments. Dedicated to the continuous improvement and management of process, projects, and programs. Proven track record of delivering significant and timely returns on project investment.
Professional who thrives on highly sensitive responsibilities; effectively utilizes and applies organizational and operational knowledge; and exercises acute mental agility to consistently exceed project requirements with minimal guidance and operating in low-resource environments.
CEO, Beyond SOF March 2012 – Present
●Established an organization that focuses on the identification, matching, and transition of technology and specialized resources into various military and commercial programs. This includes over $1.5m sourced in private and commercial funding.
●Established a JSOC tech-centric Fellowship Program funded by ARL for transitioning military members who were eligible under DoD Skill Bridge to participate with industry partners
●Consultant for technology companies and venture capital firms to identify military application for emerging technology and capabilities; coupling small/mid-size organizations to major corporations
●Conduct placement of specialized veterans into commercial and government roles that require unique skillsets, clearances, and technology expertise. Special Operations Integration and Recruitment (over 22,000 current and former SOF under management) Client list includes IBM, Deloitte, General Dynamics, Mantech, Palantir and over 20+ defense contracting and commercial industry clients.
DARPA, AEO Portfolio manager for SOCOM Programs March 2012 – November 2015
●Highly prolific Portfolio Manager (reporting directly to the Deputy Director (SES)) managing 51 projects supporting 31 DARPA programs valued in excess of $50M
●As the direct DARPA liaison to USSOCOM Special Mission units and activities, successfully transitioned 13 DARPA Programs to SOCOM. Managed eight DARPA SAP engagements with USSOCOM. The most recorded to date for this Agency.
●Successfully Co-led premier DARPA End-of-Year Funding for Mature Programs consisting of 51 programs valued at $70M
●Managed the highly classified CENTCOM A2AD Portfolio (SCI/SAP engagement) with 10-15 DARPA Program Managers/Programs
Chairman, Humanitarian Operations Protecting Elephants (H.O.P.E) December 2012 – Present
●Founded H.O.P.E. as a non-profit organization that utilizes under and unemployed veterans to conduct train, assist, advise and equip anti-poaching operations with Strategic Partners in Africa to disrupt and abate poaching; mitigating the high rate of veteran suicide by giving veterans a new mission and purpose in life,
●Created niche enterprise drawing from collective experiences within Special Operations and Intelligence Communities, coupled with an extensive network developed within the commercial industry, to provide tailored solutions to Host Nations in Africa
●Promoting the development of African micro-economies through commercially based solutions that are innovative, reliable, and agile by leveraging established affiliations with a diverse group of organizations
●Raised over $40K in capital to establish a Counter Poaching non-profit with public/private partnerships in 33 African Nations to raise awareness and influence policy changes on Capitol Hill
●Led support campaigns resulting in the donation of radios and night vision goggles (NVGs) to Gabonese Rangers to include radio/NVG training from semi/unemployed veterans of both Iraq and Afghanistan
Senior AF/PAK Ops Integrator/Analyst February 2011 – January 2012
●CTF Project lead for FBI TFOS for multiple sensitive assignments lauded by FBI Lead resulting in three additional projects
●Deployed to Kabul as a CPN/CN/CTF Liaison for Shafafiyat, ISAF SOF, DEA, FBI, and Afghan Hands. Enabled DEA in acquisitions of GPS/form-factor cell phones for lawful intercept
NAC Senior Intelligence Analyst (BAE Systems) October 2010 – February 2011
●Selected by JIEDDO Director (3-star General Officer) to head premier information sharing engagement between FBI (Mid-west Region) and JIEDDO
●Rapidly developed in-depth network products on areas of interest for Special Operation units which enabled specific targeting and pattern-of-life collection
●Specialized focus on CN/CT Finance networks and creating tactical methodology for targeting value chains and complex global diaspora networks
JIEDDO Program Integrator (SAIC, Inc) May 2010 – October 2010
●Portfolio Manager for $1.086Bn in Counter Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED) Initiatives and Acquisition line of operations for all multi-service support under the Department of Defense
●Managed, reviewed, and coordinated 86 separate programs encompassing $500 Million in Home Station Training Lane (HSTL) acquisitions. Synchronized portfolio management of Joint CIED training initiatives for all DoD organizations within the C-IED realm; ensuring funding for pre-deployment training
●Reconciled $10.4M in funding within a 30 Day period to redirect off-schedule and out of scope programs to ensure maximum utilization of available funding
●Developed a sequencing methodology to prioritize Joint Urgent Operational Needs Statements (JUONS) ensuring maximized combat effectiveness of JIEDDO funded programs to deployed troops
●Managed, reviewed, and coordinated over $200M in Live, Virtual, Constructive & Gaming contracts for Joint-IED Capability Approval and Acquisition Management Program C-IED Initiatives
Special Forces Operational Detachment Commander October 2006 – May 2009
(10th Special Forces Group)
Kapisa Province, Afghanistan
●Responsible for the preparation, planning, and executing a full spectrum of Special Operations, including Direct Action and Special Reconnaissance throughout the US European Command area of responsibility in war, conflict, and peace in all terrain and climatic conditions for a 12-man Special Forces Operational Detachment-Alpha (A-team)
●Trained allied partner nation-Romanian Spec. Ops. Task Unit (ROMSTU); mentored leadership and developed successful Foreign Internal Defense (FID) curriculum resulting in a model Afghan National Police (ANP) force able to accomplish force projection, and prosecute targets independent of coalition forces
●Led the building of forces of a 180-man ANP Troop in the Karpisa Provence, negotiated with Afghani Ministry of Interior; increased resourcing and manning. Coupled with ROMSOTU training and mission execution which led to publication of unit capabilities by visiting Western-journalists of both Associated Press and BBC
●Created echeloned security synchronization/information sharing meetings between coalition forces, ANSF, Shura Leaders, and Village Elders resulting in overwhelmingly improved information/intelligence flow, an understanding of future goals, and successful detainee/explosive seizure operations
●Developed and executed aggressive Pre-Misson Training to include an advanced trauma module, demanding mobile and dismounted maneuver live-fire training, multi-faceted physical conditioning, and Dari language enhancement. Improvements resulted decreased training module from 6 to 2 month period (66% time savings) while enhancing and advancing junior member capabilities.
●Managed $25,000,000+ sensitive special operations equipment account and operational funding while deployed in a combat environment. Ensured 100% equipment accountability.
●Supervised and synthesized the collection and analysis of tactical-to-strategic level intelligence within the Karpisa Provence; provided immediate actionable intelligence to support of sensitive operations
●Over 50 hours of Command and Control (C2) of Special Operations ISR platforms resulting in MASINT culmination and rapid execution of three successful Direct Action missions of JPEL targets
Tbilisi, Georgia
●Responsible for the training of 220 members of a Georgian Special Forces (GSF) Battalion in all aspects of Special Operations Planning, Training, Resourcing, and Mission Execution.
●Trained and mentored GSF Officer Leadership in Mission Planning at the Strategic and Operational Levels including senior level Officers.
●Resourced and contracted new training facilities in excess of $100,000
Mali, Africa (Trans-Sahara)
●Planned and executed a Joint Combined Exercise for Training engaging with the Malian Army's premier infantry force to disrupt Al-Qaida activities in Africa and to stabilize internal national security matters. Training led to 50% reduction in Al-Qaida activity within Mali and increased Counter Terrorism capacity
●Planned and executed separate Joint Combined Exercise for Training that spanned over 2200 kilometers in the Sahara Desert training over 200 Malian Infantrymen in desert mobility combat convoy operations while conducting intelligence collection on Al-Qaida activities throughout the Trans-Sahel.
●Selected to plan and execute highly sensitive Direct Action/Exploitation mission, directed by the Special Operations Commander-Europe, against Al-Qaida targets in Northern Africa
Infantry Officer July 2000 – October 2006
(173rd Airborne Brigade)
●Commanded the Rifle Company during 5 Combat Patrols including 2 Battalion level Cordon Operations; coordinated all resources to conduct over 300 Company Combat Patrols.
●Commanded detachment responsible for preparing 61 vehicles, 622 personnel and an Airborne Battalion worth of equipment for the Airborne Assault into Northern Iraq.
●Developed a local Iraqi contracting network and oversaw the expenditure of over $1M in rebuilding Iraqi infrastructure: includes police stations and schools as part of COIN strategy (cultural acceptance)
●Executed the rail movement of $24.9M of Army rolling stock and sensitive equipment through 3 countries twice in 2 months with 100% accountability and ensured accident free delivery.
●Managed over $1,000,000 in company funds that supported a 150 man forward combat outpost
●Developed plan for an international project valued at $17M to rebuild the Olympic Stadium in Kirkuk, Iraq, employing over 15,000 unemployed local Iraqi inhabitants
Furman University, Greenville, SC Sep 1996 – May 2000
Bachelor of Arts
Certified Project Director, Institute of Project Management Apr 2018 – June 2018
Specialized Training
●Tactical Site Exploitation (TSE) Sensitive Site Exploitation (SSE) Course (Jan 2009)
●Israeli Mobile Force Protection/Counter Hostage course (C.R.I.) (Sept 2007)
●Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape Course (Level C) High Risk (Sep 2006)
●Army Special Forces Qualification Course Graduate (Sep 2006)
●Volkmann Course ASOT Level II (Jul 2005)
●Sniper placement and Target Interdiction Course (Jan 2005)
●Ranger School (Sep 2001)
●DoD rating in Italian, German, and French.
●Proficient in MS Office, Project, SIPR/JWICS, Palantir, TAC, JSOC Tools, Analyst Notebook, and Google-based intelligence tools.