Charlys Rasmussen
Aka Charlys Presley
Birthday 09/03/1986
New York University 2021-2022
Chapman University 2004-2007
San Marino High School 2000-2004
Westridge School for Girls in Pasadena 1996-2000
Valentine Elementary School in San Marino, Ca
Caltech Preschool
Work History
Personal assistant for a Shopify Store November 2022-February 2023 Account Representative, Model and Photographer in training for Designer Photography June 2022 to present
Bookkeeper and Payroll
for Power 106 March 2022 to June 2022
Taco Bell 3 weeks July 2021 to August 2021
Music Distribution and Recording artist 2013-2022
Experience in Finance Reviewing 2007
Cat Sitter and House Sitter 2005-2006
Tudor 2005-2006
Bookkeeper, Retail Associate and Personal Assistant at Piccolo Florist at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Pasadena, Ca April 2005 to January 2006
Dance Teacher and Piano Teacher from 2004 to 2005 and 2002 Community Service Theatre Teacher for toddlers in Duarte, California in October 2002 Violin Performance and Competitor
Piano Performance and Competitor
Ballet Soloist/Young Prima Ballerina studied at Collenette Ballet School in San Marino, Ca Acting Experience
Honors Society
Who’s Who in America
Placed first in Southern California for Piano and Violin Best Choreographer and Dancers Awards in High School Best Actress Award in High School
sports, community outreach, philanthropy, art, music, dance, writing, cashiering, communications, teaching, assisting, acting