Raymond Ezirike
Windsor, Connecticut 06095
Northern Vermont University Lyndon
Lyndonville, VT May 2021
Bachelor of Science Exercise Science degree with a concentration in Pre-Physical Therapy
CPR certified by American Red Cross 2021
National Strength and Conditioning Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist 2021
American College of Sports Medicine Certified Exercise Physiologist 2022
Northern Vermont University Practicum: Oversite and helped facilitate exercise programs with athlete’s during strength and conditioning. Shadowed rehabilitate method of treatment in athletic setting with athletic trainers. Helped lacrosse, basketball, soccer, and tennis teams.
Northern Vermont University Personal Training: Learned how to instruct and create fitness programs for general population individuals.
Northern Vermont University Orthopedic Interventions: Learned about the various modalities such as manual and mechanical to provide treatment to various traumas. Learned how to access and screen for orthopedic injuries such as: ligament tears, tendon tears, and joint instability.
Northern Vermont University Exercise Clinical Prescription: Learned and created a written exercise prescription for metabolic, orthopedic, and other various pathological diseases.
Northern Vermont University Strength and Conditioning: Help Strength and Conditioning Director implement training programs for various sports teams, this includes men and women’s basketball, men’s lacrosse, and men’s baseball.
Northern Vermont University Exercise Physiology: Gained experience with using a variety of laboratory test and techniques to measure health status of individuals. For instance, the use of stress tests to measure an individual’s cardiorespiratory health such as: the Bruce Protocol, Astrand Cycle Test, YMCA and McArdle Step Tests. Trained in the interpretation and analysis of electrocardiograms. Also gained a competency of measuring resting blood pressure measurements and heart rate during exercise.
Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Centers: Helped Physical Therapist assist patients through exercise and treatment modalities under supervision.
Dean’s List 2018,2020
Leadership Award: Friendliest Person on Campus 2018,2019
Beta Sigma Lambda Education Foundation 2017
oEarned a certificate for attending and participating in the
First BSL Conference Leadership: BSL is a leadership group that teaches students how to be a better leader.
International Baccalaureate Learner Profile of the Month 2016, 2017
oPrincipled – Earned this award for outstanding behavior
in my classes.
International Baccalaureate Learner Profile of the Month 2015
oCaring – Earned for helping other students and working
cooperatively with them to succeed in my classes
International Baccalaureate Learner Profile of the Month 2014
oInquirer – Earned this award for asking questions used to seek
information on certain topics in my classes.
Sports Medicine Club Vice President 2019- 2020
Sports Medicine Club President 2018-2019
Leadership and Sports Class I learned qualities of a good 2016
leader. I also learned how to motivate a group of individuals by
having a vision towards a common goal.
Work Experience
Library Info Service Desk Member March 2018- May 2021
oAided with book organization, help facilitate and guide patrons to research material.
Amazon Warehouse June 2020- October 2021
oUsed computer data bases and machinery to help facilitate distribution of packaged items.
Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Centers: Physical Therapy Aide September 2021- continued
oHelped facilitate exercise movement and treatment modalities for patients under the supervision of Physical Therapist.
oManage scheduling for patients.
oFilled out patient intake forms.
oHelp maintain a clean and functional atmosphere in clinic.
Dr. Michael McGowan
Physical Therapist
Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine
Dr. Aimee Pascale Ph.D, ATC, LAT, CSCS
Assistant Professor of Exercise Science
Director: Center for Teaching & Learning
Dr. Bouley Ph.D
Associate Professor
Department Chair
Exercise Physiology Laboratory Director
Department of Exercise Science
Northern Vermont University – Lyndon