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Officer Chief Logistics Director

Waverly Hall, GA, 31831
March 27, 2023

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*** ******** ******* *****

Waverly Hall, GA 31831

Cell: 762-***-****



University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona

B.A., Religious Studies, 1999, GPA 3.65

Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, Berkeley, California B.A., Philosophy, 2003, GPA 3.42

Columbus State University, Columbus, Georgia

M.P.A, 2016, GPA 3.88

Air Command and Staff College, Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, Alabama M.A., Military Science, 2019, GPA 4.00

EXPERIENCE Major, Infantry, United States Army

May 2021 to Present: Battalion Commander & Executive and Operations Officer Managed current operations and long-term planning for a battalion (1,400 members) deployed to allied nations in Central and South America. Managed multiple echelons of staff and external personnel to meet long range training and deployment objectives.

Facilitated interagency operability between embassy/Department of State personnel, foreign military (Colombia, Honduras, Panama), and senior U.S. military headquarters to coordinate country travel and operational support for deployed U.S. military personnel.

Prepared and provided reports and briefs to senior military officials (two-star general level) and foreign Ambassadors regarding security force assistance operations within the South America area of operations.

Planned and resourced advising capabilities to the Colombian Lancero School (Ranger school equivalent) to participate in their first ever gender integrated class in country’s history.

Rated in the top 2% of majors on annual performance report. June 2019 to May 2021: Executive and Operations Officer Chief operations officer and second in command of an infantry battalion consisting of 2,000 personnel across the United States and Africa. Managed the accountability of more and $140 million in equipment ranging from specialty company equipment to light infantry vehicles. Managed all administrative, maintenance, logistics, and training support functions of the battalion and attached civilian agencies.

Developed and implemented the Army transition to new digital requisition standard operating procedure to fill more than $2 million of equipment shortages.

Coordinated and oversaw the transfer of US property to host nation African militaries as part of the base closure plan. While serving as the Task Force Commander, I completed two base closures in Cameroon and Tunisia with 100% inventory of equipment accounted for and no loss.

In Field Grade Officers, rated number 5 of 62 majors on annual performance report and recommended for promotion to lieutenant colonel.

Coordinated the training of over 500 Cameroonian Soldiers in the tactics of light infantry training. June 2018 to June 2019: Student Air Command and Staff College Led joint planning teams to form complete operational and logistics plans in support of over the horizon US Airforce strike packages. The planning teams worked in constrained time and resource environments to achieve mission success using economy of force. Served as the staff manager to maintain time and complete planning while meeting the commanders intent and providing operational options.

Developed and mentored 12 junior leaders by implementing a junior staff with the joined Captain’s Career Course.

Recognized as a top student planner and recommended for further studies with the School of Advanced Military Studies.

June 2016 to June 2018: Instructor Training and Doctrine Command Lead trainer in advanced infantry tactics and daily operations involved with managing an infantry company in garrison and war. Mentored over 500 infantry officers in labor management, equipment maintenance, personnel training management systems, and developing goals to meet the commanders intent.

Ranked in the top three of 32 trainers and recognized two quarters in a row as the top instructor at the Maneuver Center of Excellence.

Recommended for early promotion to Major and assigned as the aide to the Commanding General of Fort Benning because of my ability to anticipate organizational goals. May 2014 to June 2016: Infantry Company Commander Responsible for the training, safety compliance, security, and discipline of over 200 Soldiers and attachments. Also responsible for meeting organizational goals and maintaining initiative in the absence of orders. Directed and supervised all phases of operations and employment of the unit. Maintained visibility of employed company assets and personnel worth over $60 million of US property.

Rated the top Company Commander out of 39 commanders two years in a row.

Deployed and maneuvered the company both in Afghanistan and Korea with zero loss of property and personnel.

Rated above my peers for managerial potential and recommended for early promotion. January 2012 to May 2014: Battalion Logistics Officer Senior logistical officer in the battalion; responsible for planning, coordinating, and execution of supply services, maintenance, transportation, and budget matters for a 682-man combined arms battalion. Supervised and executed the repair of the battalion property valued over $365 million with no loss of property or personnel injured.

Responsible for the ordering of clothing, office supplies, mission essential equipment, and major repair parts for 682 soldiers with a monthly budget of $420,000.

Responsible as the purchasing authority for 6 Government credit card holders with accounts in excess $10,000.

Led the receipt and reintegration of 215 shipping containers and vehicles returning from an overseas deployment with zero loss.

Planned, executed, and supervised the draw of 468 mission essential vehicles from the installation logistics director with zero safety incidents and zero loss of property. May 2011 to January 2012: Company Executive Officer Second-in-Command of 155 soldier tank company consisting of coalition force trainers and direct combat forces. Responsible for the tactical employment, training, administration, personnel management, maintenance, force protection, and sustainment of over $270 million of equipment in a combined arms company deployed to Iraq. Planned and supervised the turn in of $83,000,000 worth of company property to multiple agencies across various operating bases throughout Iraq and Kuwait without a single loss.

Identified by the Battalion Commander as the top Executive Officer in the battalion.

Selected by the Battalion Commander to also serve as the Field Ordering Officer responsible for procuring supplies and labor, which resulted in $50,000 worth of essential contracts on the entire installation.

Successfully supervised the maintenance of 33 combat vehicles maintaining a 92% operational rating over a 10 month period.

Selected for training as the Army Force Generation program for the battalion as the repair manager responsible for the maintenance of Army equipment.

Supervised the collection and reorganization of government property which resulted in the recovery of $67 million. October 2009 to May 2011: Infantry Platoon Leader Responsible for the training, tactical employment, operational readiness, health, welfare, and discipline of a 34-man 120mm Mortar Platoon. Responsible for operational readiness of 27 combat vehicles, and all associated weapons and equipment valued in excess of $60 million dollars.

Identified as one of the top Infantry Platoon Leaders in the battalion and rated as the top Lieutenant in the company.

Led over 40 Personnel Security Detachment missions and 30 joint patrols with Iraq Security Forces throughout Maysan Province with a 100% success rate.

Deployed to Iraq as part of Operation New Dawn.

Maintained accountability of all the company communication equipment valued in excess of $60 million dollars with zero loss.

July 2008 to October 2009: Officer Candidate Student Completed the 12 week intense leadership development training in both a classroom and austere environments. Faced both physical and mental challenges designed to harden rapid decision making process and anticipate organizational goals.

Graduated near top of the class and awarded an Infantry Officers Commission

Completed Infantry Officer Basic Course

Graduated Ranger School ahead of my peers.

Completed Mechanized Infantry fighting vehicle logistics and maintenance training. March 2005 to June 2008: Criminal Investigation Division Agent Responsible for conducting investigations and for enforcing military and federal statutes. Investigated various felony level crimes including homicide, sexual assault, cyber crime, white-collar crime, and drug-trafficking to include high profile gang murder case.

Recognized by my supervisors for exceptional investigative excellence during the investigation of the most highly visible murder case in Europe.

Recognized as the Enlisted Agent of the Year in 2006 for leadership and technical competency.

Completed Computer Evidence Analysis Course with U.S Department of Homeland Security.

Trained Advanced Fraud Investigator

Completed Protective Services Training and Antiterrorism Evasive Driving Course

Completed Crisis Negotiation Course with the Federal Bureau of Investigation January 2004 to March 2005: Mechanized Infantry Team Leader and Gunner Supervised the tactical employment of a 9 man team in offensive, defensive, and retrograde operations; provided tactical and technical guidance to subordinates and professional support to both subordinates and superiors in accomplishing their duties. Received and issued orders, coordinated with adjacent elements, ensured collection and reporting of intelligence data; analyzed terrain, adjusted aerial fire support; performed duties of squad leader in his absence.

Promoted to Sergeant ahead of peers with only 18 months in service.

Graduated on the Commandants List at the Non-Commissioned Officer Leadership Academy. October 2003 to January 2004: Enlisted Infantry Trainee Basic Infantry Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training. Performed as a member of a fire team during drills and combat. Performed maintenance on tracked and wheeled vehicles. Aided in the mobilization of vehicle platforms, troops and other associated weaponry. Assisted in reconnaissance missions.

Trained in process of prisoners of war and capture documents storage.

Trained on the use, maintenance and storage of combat weapons. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION

College: Intern, Columbus, GA city government; completed an internship with the City Manager’s Office responsible for daily city management of $297 Million budget.

Other: Recognized as an outstanding faculty trainer at Air Command Staff College; awarded Ranger Tab, Parachustist Badge, Air Assault badge.

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