Joseph F Farrell
Jose hfarrel*** 75 Quaker Ave apt 12
Cor11wall NY 12518
To whom it may concern
Attached is my resume which hasn't been updated because of my retirement over 3 years ago
I've decided to get back into project management.I worked as nonunion electrician right out of high school in 1981. I got into Local 3 apprenticeship in 1984
•My last 12 years I worked as a project manager managing two major projects. The
wrc Tower 1 and the platform for the Hudson Yard Project.
•On both projects did typical project management required for 100 million plus electrical construction contracts. This included change orders engineer design and coordination of MEP.
•I spent 7 years at the wrc Tower 1. Then moved up to the Hudson Yard Project until I
retired in 2019
If there's any else you'd like to know please feel free to call
Sincerely yours Joseph F Farrell
.Josc1Jll F1t1·1·cll
S1 Mi,1·ga 1·ct St1·cct Mo111·1Jc, NY l 095(1 (845) 5 (1- l3 I (j
As a Local 3 Joumeyn1a11 Elect1·icia11 witl1 30 )1ea1·s' expe1·ience i11 designing, managing and implementing large cornplex electric projects in the New Yo1·k City a,·ea, I a111 seeki11g a cl1allenging role which leverages my extensive experience. My desig11 a11d project 111a11agen1e11t expe1·ie11ce i11cludes wo1·king on mediu1n-voltage (e.g., powe1· distribution, gener·ators, etc.), low voltage (e.g., Fi.t·e Alarn1, l11te1·co1n Systems), telecom, and data communications p1-ojects. I have personally 111anaged mt1lti-11lillion dollai· p1·ojects wl1ich 1·equi1·ed close coordit1ation with Architects, decttical engineers, d1"8ftst11an, senior clie11t coo1·di.t1ators, Gove111ment Inspecto1·s and various other trades. I exhibit good communication skill a11d take ownership of projects unde1· my leade1·ship. I have a well deserved 1·eputation and track-reco1·d of delivering projects on-time and on-budget.
Five Sta,· Electric, Inc.; 2008 to p1·esent
Working as a lead Project Manager I am responsible for the design and coordinatio11 of below grade electrical systems in Tower One of the World Trade Center. Working closely with JB+B Engineeri11g under my direction and advice many of the challenges i:,1·csented by Tower One's unique design were resolved.
Jordan Daniels Electric: 2003 to 2006
General Foreman 1esponsible for building out data centers for HSBC in Midtown including overseeing all electt:ical back-up syste111s_ I also directed the build-out of high end retail stores on Fifth Avenue.
Comstock Electric:
2000 to 2003
Long-ter re, project assisting in the oversight and implementation of all electrical
build-out MTA subway relay rooms and related equipment installation.
requit-ed to upgrade and
,ADCO Electric: 1995 to 2000
I worked both as General Foreman and Foreman in building-out office space, Equity Trading floors and Data Center
space for Goldman Sacks, Morgan Stanley and Equitable Insurance.
Bigman B1·othe1-s: 1989 to 1995
Initially assigned as an MIJ and during my tenure I was promoted to Foreman. Primary area of responsibilities was overseeing both z fJtil and office space electrical built-out Customers included: Victoria•s Secret, Macy's, AIG and
Sports Authority.
Kleinkechet Electric:
Owing Local 3 Apprenticeship I worked at multiple locations perfor111ing various electrical jobs
office towers at 33 Whitehall Street, and the Citicorp building i11 Long Island City.
Richmond Electric
Prior to joining Local 3, J assisted in the wiring of residential homes in Staten Island.
1981 - Regents Diploma, Susan B. Wagner, H.S.•Staten Island. NY
!989 - iates De5,·ee. SUNY Bmpire State College
1985 to 1989
•ily building
1981 to 1985
NYS Licensed
teacher, SUNY Empire State Colle
s Handler
References available upon request