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Stack Developer Backend

Scottsdale, AZ
March 23, 2023

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Iy swarya karthick

iy swaryakarthick**@ gm


Professional Sum m ary :

ٮA round 1 y ears of ex tensive developm ent ex p erience in an environm ent building n-tier ap p lications for web dep loym ent using Java, J2EE, Sp ring F ram ework, Sp ring M VC, Sp ring Boot, Hibernate and W eb Services. ٮEx p erience in developing web ap p lications using JSP, Sp ring Boot, Sp ring M VC F ram eworks, EJB, Hibernate, Sp ring Security, JBO SS, JDBC, Java Server Pages, Servlet, W eb Services, JavaScrip t, JavaBeans ٮEx p erience with Version Control Sy stem s like Subversion (SVN), Git, and VSS. ٮEx p ertise in designing and developing W eb-centric ap p lications using HTML5, CSS3, Java A p p lets, JavaScrip t, XM L, JSO N, A jax, jQ uery, Bootstrap, A ngularJS, NodeJS, Tag Libraries, Google W eb Toolkit (GW T) and Custom Tags. ٮPerform ed dep loym ent and sup p ort of cloud services including A m azon W eb Services (A W S) and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

ٮEx p erience with CI CD p ip elines to integrate the Java code to align with DevOps p ractices using Docker. ٮEx p ertise in Core Java Such as O O Ps, Collections, Ex cep tions Handling, Inp ut/outp ut (I/O ) System, Swing, A nnotations, M ulti-Threading, Lam bda and Generics. ٮEx p ertise in unit-testing with tools like JUnit, M ockito, Sp ock, TestNg and Integration testing tools like Selenium W eb Driver, Cucum ber (Behaviour Driven Development testing). ٮHands on ex p erience in developing server-side JavaScrip t fram eworks using Node JS (Hapi JS, Ex p ress JS) to build event driven, non-blocking i/o m odel web ap p lication ٮEx p erience in integration tools like Sp ring Integration, M ule ESB, A p ache CXF, A p ache K afka and A p ache Cam el to integrate the enterp rise ap p lication technologies with ex isting JVM environm ent. ٮDeveloped Technical Design (TD), Test Plans (UTP), Test Cases (UTR), Test Scrip ts for UA T tests ٮProficient in SQ L, PL/SQ L develop ed Stored Procedures, Triggers, F unctions and Packages besides writing DDL, DML and Transaction queries with develop m ent tools like TO A D and Rap id SQ L on M ySQ L, SQ L Server and O racle.

ٮIm p lem ented K afka p roducer and consum er ap p lications on K afka cluster setup with help of zookeeper. ٮW orked ex tensively with A PI M anagem ent p roduct of A p igee edge in consum ing the A PI’s in im p lem enting custom er use cases.

ٮDeployed Docker contained sp ring boot M icro services in to A W S EC2 container service using A W S adm in console and used lam bda to run ap p lications in A W S console. ٮDesign and im p lem enting Using XM L/JSO N p rocessing/transform ing using Java A PI’s ٮGood Ex p osure in end to end im p lem entation of CI CD (Continuous Delivery), DevOps p rocesses using A W S Code Com m it A W S Code Deploy, A W S Code Pip eline, Jenkins, and A nsible. ٮGood ex p erience in developing Ex tJS ap p lications with ex tensive server calls using A JA X and strong hold in handling the server data and ex cep tions to p rovide interactive user ex p erience ٮEx p ertise in im p lem enting Service O riented A rchitecture (SO A ) using M icro services, SO A P/RESTful web services and JM S.

ٮW orked ex tensively with W aterfall, A gile Ex trem e Program m ing (XP), SCRUM M ethodologies. ٮEx cellent analytical, p roblem solving and interp ersonal skills. A bility to learn new concep ts fast. Consistent team p layer with ex cellent com m unication skills.

Technical Skills

Languages : Java, Python, C, C++, SQ L and PL/SQ L. J2EE Skills : Servlets, JSP, JDBC, JNDI, JPA, JM S, JA XB, JSTL, J2EE Design Patterns, SO A P and RESTful W eb services.

W eb Technologies : HTML, JavaScrip t, A ngular, Ex t JS F ram eworks : JSF, Sp ring F ram eworks

Design Patterns : M VC, D A O Pattern, Singleton Pattern, F ront Controller, F actory Pattern. Database/Tools : O racle 9i/10g/11g, IBM DB2, SQ L Server 2008/2012, TO A D, Hibernate. W eb/A p p Server : A p ache Tom cat, W ebLogic, IBM W eb Sp here, JBoss IDE/Tools : Eclip se, Net beans, W ebLogic W orkshop, A NT build scrip t, M aven build. M ethodology : O O A D, A gile, SDLC and UML.

O p erating System : Solaris, Linux, W indows and M S-DOS. Version Control : CVS, Subversion, GitHub, Clear Case, VSS, M S Visio. Professional Ex p erience

Client: PNCBank,Pittsburgh A ug2022-TillDate

Role: Java Backend Developer

Resp onsibilities:

• Designed and implemented rules which confirms the eligibility of the customers of PNC.

• Involved in the designing phase of the project for the rules and also functionality implementation.

• A lso involved in developm ent and testing of Rules using different RESTful service calls.

• Sp ring fram ework was followed with different A PI integration and handling security services as p er the p roduct needs.

• Development of Project involves Sp ring ap p lication developm ent, im p lem enting new features for the ex isting functionality and also new functionality.

• W orked in M ongodb for database access and data retrieval.

• Used IntelliJ as the tool for m aking the changes to the Cam el F low in the p roject.

• A ll the business level validation is done using the data rep o.

• W orked in A p ache Cam el F ram ework and created new p roject flows as p er the requirem ent p rovided.

• W orked with developm ent in Java11 for few functionality.

• Involved in the analysis, definition, design, im p lem entation and dep loym ent of full software developm ent life- cycle (SDLC) of the p roject.

• Directly connected with Business to collect the requirem ent and distribute work am ong the team m em bers.

• Particip ated in the technical code reviews, p rep ared unit test cases, detailed tim e estim ation, im p act analysis and code review docum ents.

• W orked in a scrum team and p rovided deliverables on tim e.

• W orked in Jira tool and confluence.

• W orked on A p i tools like Postm an and Swagger

• M ainly involved in dep loym ent activities CI/CD dep loym ent and fam iliar with O SE (O p en shift origin). A lso m ade changes in Jenkins F iles as p er the requirem ent of the p ip eline.

• A uthenticating Users and to p rovide the security to RESTful web services using O A UTH 2.0.

• W orked on build/dep loy tools such as Jenkins, Docker for Continuous Integration & Deployment for M icro services.

Iy swarya karthick

iy swaryakarthick04@ gm


Environm ent: Java 11, A p ache Cam el,, W indows XP, GIT, Log4J, REST A PI, Sp ring, Sp ring Boot, Postm an, LIN Q, Visual studio, Swagger,M O ngodb,K ubernetes, M icroservices. Client: Honeywell- Charlotte, NC Jan 2022- A ug2022 Role: Java F ull Stack Developer

Resp onsibilities:

ٮIm p lem entation of the design wirefram e using A ngular and creating services and ex p osing it to the backend which runs on Sp ring Boot. Here we also have another layer that m akes use of NodeJS m ainly used for authentication, authorization and session m aintenance. ٮDeveloped UI ap p lication initially using A ngular and m ade use of custom ized com p onents. ٮIm p lem ented custom er side validations using A ngular and created services on UI for storing and retrieving data from UI to the backend.

ٮW as under m igration of the p roject converting angular com p onents and up dating router M odules. ٮDeveloped key services for authorization and authentication in Node server, where we used LD A P. Later m igrated the authentication from LD A P to Ping A ccess-SSO (Single Sign O n) A p p lication. ٮCreated sessions for Login user and setting session tim ed out for the entire UI ap p lication. ٮStrong understanding on client-side ap p lication and very good at attaining the architectural design for M VC using directives, p rom ises and p ip es.

ٮRan Log aggregations, website A ctivity tracking and com m it log for distributed system using A p ache K afka. ٮInvolved in innovation of the current UI to m ake an im p lem entation under m obile device access using cross p latform technologies such as Ionic which helps in im p roving the business. ٮInvolve in developm ent, design and im p lem entation of the front-end ap p lication using HTML5, CSS3, A JA X, Bootstrap .

ٮEx p erienced in A PL tools like POSTM A N and Swagger. ٮM ade use of Reactive F orm s using A ngular where m ost of the validation is done using com p onent rather than using tem p late-driven which p rovides in HTML.

ٮM ainly involved in dep loym ent activities CI/CD dep loym ent and fam iliar with O SE (O p en shift origin). A lso m ade changes in Jenkins F iles as p er the requirem ent of the p ip eline. ٮInvolved in web services design and developm ent. Resp onsible for creating and consum ing web services using REST and XM L.

ٮIm p lem ented JavaEE com p onents using Sp ring M VC, Sp ring IO C, Sp ring transactions and Sp ring security m odules.

ٮIm p lem ented transaction m anagem ent using Sp ring A O P and used Sp ring A sp ects for im p lem enting logging functionalities.

ٮW orked in integrating JM S with SPRING BO O T by p roviding an instance which is em bed with A ctive M Q . ٮW orked on a p roject which handles searching algorithm s using Elastic Search which is m ainly used for p ulling analytics related inform ation using the keywords entered by the end user. ٮA uthenticating Users and to p rovide the security to RESTful web services using O A UTH 2.0. ٮIntegrated the O RM O bject Relational M ap p ing tool hibernate to the sp ring using Sp ring O RM in our ap p and used sp ring transaction A PI for database related transactions. ٮConfigured JPA to use Hibernate as O RM tool.

ٮEx tensively used Sp ring IO C configured A p p lication Contex t files and p erform ed database object m ap p ing using Hibernate annotations.

ٮIm p lem ented Sp ring Validators, p ersistence layer, and service lay er com p onents using Sp ring/Hibernate A PI and Sp ring/Hibernate annotations. Ex tensively used Hibernate Q L. ٮCreated p ersistence layer using Hibernate for sending and retrieving data from the database. ٮIm p lem ented PL/SQ L queries and used O racle stored p rocedures. ٮW ritten Stored Procedures using PL/SQ L and functions and p rocedure for com m on utilities using O racle11g and M y SQ L.

ٮDeveloped and configured JM S com p onents in W ebLogic A p p lication Server. ٮDeveloped test cases for each com p onent in different p anels using Junit, rep orted and dep loyed using Jenkins.

ٮW orked with Jenkins Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD). ٮDesigned and developed the fram ework to consum e web services hosted in A m azon EC2 instances. ٮBuilding cloud M icro services and im p lem ented back-end using Sp ring Boot. A nd A uthored ap p lication using Sp ring Cloud services.

ٮVerified data integrity on A p ache Cassandra cluster while batch loading. ٮUsed A p ache K afka in cluster as m essaging system between A PIs and m icro services and worked on Sp lunk, SPL (Search p rocess language) queries, rep orts and logging using Log4j. ٮUsed Docker Container to address every ap p lication across the hybrid cloud and Docker for better collaboration and innovation.

ٮDesigned, configured and dep loyed A m azon W eb Services (A W S) for a m ultitude of ap p lications utilizing the A W S stack (Including EC2, S3), focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling. Environm ent: Java, JavaScrip t, HTML5, CSS3-LESS, A JA X, Bootstrap, A ngular, jQ uery, Sp ring Security, Rabbit M Q, N ode JS, Ex p ress JS, HTML5, Bootstrap, Site M inder, Hibernate, O IDC, Jenkins, Log4j, M ongoDB, M ongoose Connector, O racle, JBoss, Elastic search, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Docker, A p ache tom cat, M ockito, Junit, m ock M VC, K ubernetes.

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