Claudine MUREKATETE - Resume
CLAUDINE MUREKATETE Muhanga-Southern Province-Rwanda
Date of birth: 5th February1982 Tel. + (250-********* Marital status: Married Email: ***********@*****.*** Nationality: Rwandese
Summary A well-presented and pro-active person who has a relentless drive to have a broad impact rather than just deliver results. Possessing vast experience of teaching in nursing sciences, implementing Quality improvement projects, nursing researches and carrying out nursing care, ensuring that all objectives are fully met. Claudine is a confident communicator with strong interpersonal and analytical skills who thrives on social interaction and stakeholder’s satisfaction. She is presently looking to join an ambitious institution where success is rewarded and always given priority. Claudine has a huge practical experience in nursing specifically in neonatal and paediatric nursing and the Background of nursing sciences,Several professional trainings and high level of integrity and commitment.
Skills Professional Personal
Working Experience
Four months of working with RCPCH Global (Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health) in the program known as RPIP (Rwanda Perinatal Improved Program) and RPSSP ( Rwanda Perinatal System Strengthening Programme) in four hospitals in Rwanda as a neonatal nurse mentor.
Two years of working as a neonatal intensivist nurse at Rwanda Paediatric Association (RPA) in collaboration with UNICEF in two neonatal Centers of excellences of two different hospitals in the eastern province of Rwanda.
Four years of teaching and supervising nursing students at a school of nursing and midwifery in the University of Rwanda
Two years of working as a general nurse at a district hospital in Rwanda
Four years of teaching at secondary school of nursing and midwifery in Rwanda Career
Tutorial assistant at the University of Rwanda, where I used to teach professional courses like Fundamentals of Nursing; Nursing process; Primary health care; First Aid and Health education. May 2014 –Sept 2017 Nurse teacher at secondary school of nursing and Midwifery where I used to teach Fundamentals of Nursing Jan 2005 to Dec 2008
Nursing process
Leadership skills
Holistic care
Team work
Quality assurance
Critical thinking
Ethical skills
Strategic thinking
Advanced IT skills
Influencing skills
Conflict resolution
Problem solving
Analytical mind
High levels of integrity
Negotiating skills
Claudine MUREKATETE - Resume
Implementation of nursing procedures: drug administration, wound dressing, IV catheterization, insertion of nasal gastric tube, feeding of patient, nursing care plan, venous puncture, fluid administration, Oxygen therapy, urinary catheterization, patient education, Enema and assistance of Doctors in theatre. Jan. 2009 to 2010 Implementation of advanced nursing care in NICU: neonatal resuscitation, inserting of central line, administration of drugs using syringe and infusion pumps, using infant CPAP,planning,leading and implementing Quality improvement projects, mentoring NICU staff and training on different neonatal care management, like thermoregulation, IV fluids administration in neonates, respiratory support in neonates, determination of Gestational age, management of seizures, jaundice, hypothermia, hypo and hyperglycemia in neonates and other neonatal conditions. December 2020 up to now
In the years of teaching, I was supervising student in clinical practice in different areas such as community, health centres and health posts, district and referral hospitals. I was doing the demonstration in the skills lab to the students before they reach the clinical area.
I assisted and supervised student’s research proposals for fulfilment of academic requirement to complete their studies
I participated in marking and practical licensing examination of students organized by the National Council of Nursing and Midwife (NCNM) in 2014, 2015 and 2020.
I conducted a research on the prevalence and risk factors associated with neonatal jaundice at a selected district hospital of Rwanda at the end of my master’s degree.
I conducted a research at the end of my bachelor’s degree in KHI on Nurses/Midwives practice related to risk factors associated with neonatal infections at a selected district hospital of Rwanda.
I did research publications, one on risk factors associated with neonatal jaundice and another on climate change associated with neonatal health risks, which are available in Rwanda Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences Vol.3 No.2, June 2020.
In collaboration with UNICEF and Rwanda Paediatric association, participation in the foundation of Rwamagana and Kibungo centers of Excellence, through continuous mentorship, training and assistance of nurses/midwives working in neonatology and maternity unities of those hospitals since 2020 to 2022.
Training of Rwamagana and kibungo NICU staff on the use of conventional CPAP machine, syringe and infusion pumps and use of the New Ballard score in determining the GA of the neonates.
Training of the NICU and maternal staff of Rwamagana and Kibungo hospital in warming babies using different modes of incubators and radiant warmers.
Contribution to the reduction of premature mortality at Rwamagana hospital, where since June 2021 they count 0 deaths of preemies and a remarkable reduction of mortality rate in NICU in general.
Contribution to the reduction of hyporthermia of neonates on admission from 65% to 25 at Kibungo hospital and from 70% to 21% at Rwamagana hospital 2021.
Contribution to the reduction of neonatal sepsis at Kibungo and Rwamagana hospitals through strengthening of IPC measures in 2021
Claudine MUREKATETE - Resume
Contribution with success to the initiative of transportation of asphyxiated newborns on oxygen from maternity to neonatology at Kibungo hospital in 2021
Participation in training of nurses/midwives of Munini and Rwamagana hospitals as a neonatal nurse, on national neonatal protocol,organized by USAID, Intrahealth/INGOBYI in 2021
Participation in RPA 5th annual scientific conference,2021
Participation in designing the standardized QI tool and implementation of QI projects on Birth asphyxia; hypothermia; IPC; KMC; NICU layout; Equipment management; File documentation and Neonatal follow up post discharge.
Participation in the layout of Rwamagana and Kibungo layout where we separated inborns and outborns babies
Participation in some innovation activities where I designed the card for neonatal follow up, the KMC logbook and making the NICU more beautiful by displaying some pictures inside.
Participation in RMNCAH TWG meeting in August 2022
Participation in the meeting on neonatal technical working group organized with RBC in 2022
Participation in the RPA 6TH annual scientific conference,2022 Academic
University of Rwanda /College of Medicine and Health Sciences (UR/CMHS) Master’s degree in Neonatology 2017 - 2019
Bachelor’s Degree in General Nursing 2010 - 2013
Secondary studies:
Advanced General certificate of Secondary School at Kabgayi Nursing school. 1998 - 2004 Primary school 1990 to 1998
End of life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) organized by KHI 2012
Care of people living with HIV/AIDS 2006
Claudine MUREKATETE - Resume
Sexual and reproductive health of youth and adolescents 2007
Computer trainings with Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Power Point and Internet Explorer in 2006
Prevention of Malaria during pregnancy in 2012
Medical Simulation(Installation-Training-Teaching) in 2014
Formative and Summative Assessment 2015
Female & Family [e] Education in 2016
HBB MT (Help baby breathing master training) in 2016
Family planning (natural and artificial methods) in 2017
S.T.A.B.L.E in 2018
Protecting Human Research Participants in 2018
General Data Protection Regulation in 2020
Staff awareness: Information security and cyber security in 2020
Personal protective measures against COVID-19 in 2020
Training on national neonatal protocol 2021
Training on the use of ventilator machine in neonates in 2021
Training in the use of dream warmer in 2023
National Council for Nurses and Midwifery: NCNM
Rwanda Nurses and Midwives Union: RNMU
Council of International Neonatal Nurses: COINN
Rwanda Association of Neonatal Nurses: RANN (Active member) FUTURE ACTIVITIES
To improve the quality of life of neonates and other population in general. To continue my studies in different areas of health. To do other researches and publications.
Claudine MUREKATETE - Resume
Computer, Microsoft Word: proficient
Microsoft Excel: proficient
Microsoft Power Point: proficient
Internet program: proficient
Languages Kinyarwanda (mother tongue) Native English & French: Excellent Swahili: Communicative Referees
I acknowledge that all information stated above is true to the best of my knowledge Done at Muhanga 14th March 2023
Names Occupation Contact
Dr. Jeanne N. Kagwiza (PhD) Acting Principal
Associated Professor
College of Medicine and Health
University of Rwanda,
Domitilla MUKANTABANA Campus Manager of Kabgayi
School of Nursing and
Phone: 078*******
Mrs.Fauste UWINGABIRE Senior Neonatal Nurse Clinical Mentor at Partners in
Health/Inshuti mu
Buzima(PIH/IMB) Rwanda
Claudine MUREKATETE - Resume