* *********** *** ******* ** *A CL.*5L-19 MLS SM344
Aalat aeme a mpleeeetng eevirommeetal tmprovees paogans pemote meeed eavronmental pertarmnce Amaa with cy pectlons end wort wid ates o ene lodow-though ih imgeovee Provises techakal aad pemirtgmbance to extermal cmkumcr Eacoages pe-ppkicatioa mestings to eat wida tney permu pruceuing
Assaa Landil and Site Managen widd developaent of Aüqaencin plens Kaow lelge, Stulls, a the Abiliay to compkete truble abavting end dingaouds of all uappored equlpmem Denatrald eacelent eusamt scrvice slila, lock out tag au enp. Perfoms bauic mechankal sbls Periures bask capentry skils
Parim se spdl ckanup and bouschceping duties as well s partic ipale in remedation projects in and out ofort arca PuRcaul t rl with materials wdich contain hazardous chemiab Wo in prudurtwa and cvastnuctin cavironmets
Pupery inspeL segegate, and conolbdate all waste storad un e Safcly uperae equpment tw prucess materiab includng bukrs, ahrekien. grunucrs, ctracon pumps, unks and preare wanen Loal and uaiuad ulal and lauad matet uls safcly la axundane with cunpany, aderal, stac, anl local regulations nule BROOK IND. LANT MAINTENANCE MECHANIc: TRAINEE
1L/2006 10/2010
MaLas a cican. sufe wuel arca n cnplance with Corpurale OSHA Sandarb, and perfrms all work in acurdane » ud estadhshed ukn pruccdwes
Perrn repuit and mainieaanee involvung diaasscmbly, oveahaul zascmy, and adjustnents ofcruahung and sceemng v mduk cupnent cupunents
sy Prupcrdy sten daumeat prcventurc aid concene wur atn1ty on a daly tusa ullung tl* conputried nuintemee nanmpmnt Pnette Lompctng demarnts - folhw up n wusk completum w dh euu*i and managemcnt Perhem ttct mee luteus mechunal nd manicname dute> as aiy*d MRROOTER
Worhs n plu»». plz-ts, cupfet. tr**s, starl. and cast uum pupes Pah fantctaKc un plunbstre try tcolac tt washer un kahy latn cts, mcndny u»t rs, nd uyenre ck»psel deaats fcamt1 xdi-tclaid duls as dolgncd lhtc1ti tmalturninai» tn siduindbuny sy ati», sluta systc» dbwn. and nules ieruu EDICAION VENTURA UIC:I UOOL. 19%8 ibiri«OMA