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Customer Service Web Developer

Farrell, PA, 16121
March 19, 2023

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Terrance Wells Jr (Web Developer)

724-***-**** *********@*****.***

Portfolio: SUMMARY

As a personal trainer and a writer, both tell stories. One through physical characteristics, the other develops characters mentally. As a software developer I get to tell stories with each line of code I write. I created a value system for myself that I live by and it's called, "LEE" (Leadership, Ethics, Empathy). I lead by example, and never compromise my ethics, and I am empathetic to the people I work with and for. I am a full stack developer who specializes in HTML/CSS and JavaScript. I am experienced in working individually and with a team to produce dynamic websites. TECHNICAL SKILLS

HTML JavaScript CSS SQL Git Github Ruby Python Node.js Express.js mongodb React Postman Canvas RELEVANT EXPERIENCE /PROJECTS

KAT KNAPPED Solo Project/video game

Time duration: 1 week

● Educational game for children, where the player gets practice solving math equations.

● Complete 2d game deployed online. Separate HTML/CSS/JavaScript files.

● Created using canvas crawler to build characters and JavaScript for DOM manipulation

● Includes user stories, wireframes, and ERD’s. Deployed online FAST LIFE APP Solo Project/ full-stack application Time duration 1 week

● A wellness application that allows user to choose fasting and workout plans and also create their own

● functional application built from the ground up using node and express.js. Has 3 models with seeded data for the database. Has complete RESTful routes for all resources.Utilizes an ODM to create a database table structure that interacts with MongoDb stored data

● Has semantically clean HTML,CSS, and back-end code

● Includes user stories, wireframes, and ERD’s. Deployed online BOOK STORE Team Project / full-stack application Project Role: Back End Time duration: 1 week

● Full-stack application utilizing React.js on front–end creating an application that searches for books, tag books, and also add comments to books.

● Used Mongoose toHas multiple relationships and full CRUD functionality on a single model and two subdocuments. Uses third-party API to acess data. Made RESTful Api fetch calls to an Express, MongoDb, Node.js backend handling all create, read, update, delete(CRUD) operations, and tested all backend routes during development using Postman.

● define schemas for MongoDb collections

● Includes user stories, wireframes, and ERD’s. Deployed online UNI-VERZE Solo Project / full-stack MERN application Time duration: 1 week

● Designed an application that searches for lyrics and allows you to post them, add comments and create lyrics. Utilized React.js on the front–end for framework and MongoDB as database.

● Has full CRUD functionality on two models. The backend consisted of Express, MongoDb, Node.js handling all create, read, update, delete(CRUD) operations, and tested all backend routes during development using Postman.

● Used Mongoose to define schemas for MongoDb collections Includes user stories, wireframes, and ERD’s. Deployed online .

● Created a responsive page styled with bootstrap 5. Used modals to and inline styling on forms. WORK EXPERIENCE

Personal trainer online

International sports science association 2015-2022

● Trained with 25 clients every three months, with 70% of clients reaching fitness goals within the period.

● Customized workout routines for individual clients based on their fitness goals and needs. Recommended nutritional plans for clients to achieve optimal health results.

● Provide exceptional customer service, securing 80% of new clients through referrals. EDUCATION

General Assembly Remote

Software Engineering Immersive May2022 - August2022

● Full-stack software engineering immersive student in an intensive, 12-week, 450+ hour program focused on product development fundamentals, object-oriented programming, MVC frameworks, data modeling, and team collaboration strategies. Developed a portfolio of individual and group projects.

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