Kristina Camacho
Florida, New York *****
Why Hire Me? I feel like an employer should hire me not only because of my experience, but because I feel I have a positive personality, I follow directions and I'm always willing to learn something new, and I know how to balance having the right amount of empathy and fun while still keeping it professional. I've been told basically my whole life that I am a people person and I try to steer clear from negativity and drama, but also know when things need to be brought to attention. General Background
Experience: 5 Years
Last Employer: Helen Pikul
Willing To Travel: 25 miles
Can Legally Drive
Day Shift
Night Shift
Specializations Alzheimers / Dementia
Handicapped Patients
Hospice Patients
Breathing Treatments
Special Meal Prep
Childcare Experience
Psychiatric Experience
Homecare Experience
Assisted Living Experience
Finger Printing Complete
CPR Certification
First Aid Certification
Cats Acceptable
Dogs Acceptable
Smokers Acceptable
Lift 25+ Pounds
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Why I Want To
Be A Caregiver
I want to be a caregiver because I actually used to have my CNA license, but then I had my son and took some time off and never got to renew my certification. But while I was working as a caregiver / CNA, I can say still till this day that it is one of the most rewarding jobs I've ever experienced. Just knowing that you make a difference, whether it's big or small in someone's life, makes me not only feel like I have a purpose again, but even on a "hard day", I can still go home knowing that I did everything I could to make someone's life even just a little bit happier and easier. This kind of job isn't just about the money, it's about meeting new people and new personalities on a more personal level and being able to even develop relationships with all different walks of life as well. I'm not scared to get my hands dirty and I would never make any person feel less than or embarrassed of a health problem, a mental illness, or a physical disability, etc. This is also because I've dealt with these things first hand and knlow how important it is to do your job good as a caregiver but also let that person or persons still be as independent as they can while still practicing safety. Looking to hire more great caregivers?