215-***-**** Cell
Cape Coral, Florida, 33914
** **** *****’ experience in the Philadelphia Maritime Industry in increasingly responsible positions leading to the highest-ranking position in the Trade Association
Detailed experience in labor negotiations (Chief Negotiator in collective bargaining agreements between the Philadelphia Marine Trade Association and the International Longshoremen’s Association)
Extensive budgetary experience (responsible for administration of $1,000,000 annual budget; trustee for various benefit funds)
Proven administrative leadership and familiarity with managing office facilities (responsible for supervising staff and implementing office goals)
Demonstrated problem-solving skills in industrial relations (extensive experience in interfacing with labor and management in Philadelphia Maritime Industry)
Extensive familiarity with current legislative trends in Maritime Industry and labor relations
Current Professional Responsibilities and Duties:
President for Philadelphia Marine Trade Association (November 2008 to Present)
Appointed by PMTA Board as a qualified member of the Maritime Industry to serve as an Officer on the Board of Directors
Responsible for all pertinent matters involving the Association
Serve on committees of the Association as Member or Chairperson without restriction
Develop and supervise administration of annual $1,000,000 budget including purchasing, scheduling and data processing
Responsible for coordination of Benefits Administration
Manage Grievance and Arbitration Procedures for PMTA-ILA Contract
Chairman of PMTA Directors’ and Executive Committee Meetings
Contract Negotiations with ILA including preparation, interpretation and implementation of Labor Agreements
Responsible for developing and maintaining daily operating procedures for effective and highly efficient office
Responsible for hiring, training and supervising office personnel at on-site and off-site locations
Additional Activities:
Trustee of PMTA-ILA Pension Fund (August 1992 to January 1995 and June 2000 to present). Appointed by PMTA President as one of five Management Trustees for multi-employer pension plan with assets in excess of $110 million dollars.
Management Representative of PMTA-ILA Contract Board (October 1992 to Present). Instrumental in creation of Management-Labor Contract Board responsible for properly implementing and enforcing PMTA-ILA contracts. Appointed Management Representative.
Management Representative of PMTA-ILA Drug and Alcohol Committee (July 1992 to Present). Appointed to work with ILA in developing and implementing local drug and alcohol program in the Ports of Philadelphia to assure a drug and alcohol free workplace in order that cargo handling work is performed safely and productively, while safeguarding employees’ rights of privacy and due process.
Management Trustee for PMTA-SOP&GU Pension and Welfare Plans (March 1994 to Present). Appointed by President for multi-employer Pension and Welfare Plans for Security Officers, Police and Guards’ Union in the Port of Philadelphia.
Manager – PMTA-ILA Containerization Fund (June 1984 to Present). Administer and supervise record keeping of a jointly trusteed fund for Management and Labor used to supplement the income of longshoremen. Annual assets of Fund exceed $3.5 million. Report to joint trustees and work closely with Fund Co-Counsel on proper investment of Fund monies.
Trustee MILA (Management-ILA Managed Health Care Plan) Health Care Plan. Served as a MILA Trustee for 1 meeting until MILA Board was reorganized.
Member of the Board of Directors of United States Maritime Alliance (USMX). Served a one year term and an additional three year term on the reorganized Board for USMX from July 2010 until term expired in July 2011. Re-elected to USMX Board in July 2013 as one of three members to represent the Employer Associations of the USMX Membership. Term expired 2015. Served as a member of the USMX Negotiating Committee that negotiated current USMX-ILA Master Contract which was for Master Contract Cargo from Maine to Texas in ILA Ports.
Member Board of Directors Maritime Exchange for the Delaware River and Bay.
Member of the Board of the Allied Trades Assistance Program.
President National Maritime Safety Association – June 2022 to present.
Other Professional Experience:
Vice President, Philadelphia Marine Trade Association (June 1996 to November 2008)
Executive Secretary, Philadelphia Marine Trade Association (January 1991 to June 1996)
Office Manager, Philadelphia Marine Trade Association (June 1984 – June 1991)
Assistant Bookkeeper/Clerk, Philadelphia Marine Trade Association (June 1978 to June 1984). Bookkeeping and related monthly and annual reports for PMTA-ILA Containerization Fund. Responsible for bi-weekly payroll preparation along with filing of all federal, state and local tax reportings.
Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA – Bachelor of Science, 1988 – Major: Accounting with a high concentration of classes in Labor Relations.
Roman Catholic High School, Philadelphia, PA – Diploma, 1978 – Academic Curriculum
References are available upon request.