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Atlanta, GA
May 11, 2023

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Mobile : 314-***-**** Email : ***********@*****.***

Personal Profile

Senior iOS Mobile Application Developer.

** *****’ professional experience in iOS development.

* *** **** ***lished to Apple Store.

Enthusiastic, proactive individual.

Strong team member with good leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills,

Experience working Full Development Lifecycles, including requirements gathering, design and software architecture, technical documentation, development, testing, debugging, and releasing the project to the Apple Store.

Equally capable in Swift and Objective-C, multiple versions to present using Xcode IDE with Interface Builder.

Skilled applying Clean Architecture, VIPER, RIB, MVVM, MVP, and MVC design architectures.

Adept applying RxSwift, Combine for data binding.

Experience creating UI with a combination of Storyboards, Xibs, and programmatic UI.

Hands on exp in creating new screens using SwiftUI and migrating from UIKIT to SwiftUI.

Experience refactoring legacy codebases and transitioning code from Objective-C to Swift, MVC to MVVM_C architecture.

In-depth knowledge of Cocoa design patterns, including Singleton and Delegation patterns.

Skilled with Grand Central Dispatch (GCD), Operation queue to perform tasks on different threads, allowing for a more fluid user experience and optimized performance.

Experience working with iOS frameworks such as Core Data, Core Animation, Core Graphics, and Core Text.

Expertise in using third-party libraries such as Core Plot, ProgressHUD, and Alamo fire, Kingfisher to integrate additional functionality into applications.

Created and customized views using table views, collection cells, tab bars and navigation bars which are basic functional elements in multi-view applications.

Skilled troubleshooting and debugging iOS mobile applications using NSLog statements, breakpoints, LLDB statements, crash logs, and Instruments, View Debugger.

CoreLocation and GeoCoding utilized to determine nearby locations, and request information on landmarks.

Able to work with a hybrid codebase using Swift and Objective-C with bridging headers for having Objective-C and Swift work together.

Able to work independently and in a team, with experience in pair programming sessions, as well as assisting with code reviews and mentoring junior developers.

Used Core Animation framework to animate the flip view transition between two views.

Comfortable with Agile Scrum roles and processes, including Scrums, Sprints, Sprint Grooming, Sprint Planning, Sprint Retrospective and Sprint Backlog.

Familiar with both Object-Oriented Programming and new Protocol-Oriented Programming trends promoted within Swift.

Familiar with Git, GitHub, Bitbucket and SourceTree for code repository and source control.

Experience managing and prioritizing Epics, Stories, and Tasks in Jira.

Proficient in developing iOS Swift apps driven by web services.

Experienced with RESTful APIs to connect iOS applications to back-end services.

Technical Skills

Programming Languages

Swift, Objective-C, Java, JavaScript, JQuery

Architecture & Patterns

MVC, MVVM, VIPER, RIB, MVP, KVO, Delegation, Notification, Singleton, Façade, Builder, Object Oriented Programming (OOP) / Object Oriented Design (OOD) Observer/Notification, Adapter, Factory, Façade, etc.

Design & UI

Visual Paradigm, UIKit, SwiftUI, Adaptive Layout, Cocoa Touch AutoLayout, Storyboard, XIB, Interface Builder, Size Classes, Traits

Core Frameworks

UIKit, SwiftUI, Combine, Core Location, Core Animation, AVFoundation, AVKit, MapKit, XCTest, EventKit, PassKit, Core Data.

3rd Party Frameworks

RxSwift, ReactiveCocoa, Telenav Maps SDK, Kiwi, Alamofire, AFNetworking, SDWebImage, Realm, Firebase SDK.


Instruments, Carthage, Eclipse, Zend Server, Xcode, CocoaPods, Crashlytics, Fastlane, Adobe Analytics, Localization, Jira, Stash, Confluence, Git, Github.

Web Services & Integration

REST, SOAP, Reachability, URLSession, JSON, Apple Push Notification Service (APNS), Charles Proxy, XML, KissXML, Ajax


TDD/BDD, Unit /UI Testing, XCTest, XCUITest, Quikc and Nimble, Automated Testing, Jenkins, TestFlight, Kiwi, Perfecto

Project Management & Development Methodologies

Agile / Scrum,Kanban, Pair Programming, Xtreme Programming, Test Driven Development


SQLite, Core Data, Postgres SQL Manager, SQL, Oracle, Realm

Soft Skills

Leadership, Communication, Supervision, Teaching, Mentoring, Technical Support, Problem Solving, Analysis

Work Experience

12/2022 to Present.

Ally Finance


Worked on 2 different project – Saving & Investment

Worked as a senior engineer on the team that lead the client-side development of a significant application modernization of a key iOS application for a major Financial Services institution.

Lead Developer for MyAccount Section and had worked on development of many screens.

Lead Analytics Implementation work for whole App, also integrated Crashlytics.

Resolved many performance related issues and improved the App animations.

The technology stack included Swift originally using an MVC architecture and programmatically created User Interface.

Developed new modules using SwiftUI and MVVM architecture.

Used Swift UI features like Navigation Link, Property wrappers, View Modifiers, View Builders,

Applied Combine for data binding b/w view and view model, view Model and repository layer and repository and network layer.

The most significant business requirements I fulfilled were in “Holding”, where we delivered a rich, user friendly, up-to-date, and interactive ability for the customer to engage with their securities portfolio.

Added the soft function on the stock screener filter page and iOS pre-set filters on ETF explore page.

The application included actual abilities to buy and sell securities and see account positions, so security, including at the Application and Network layers, was a key consideration.

The application originally used 3rd party services as information sources, and this was moved to internally developed and managed services and I adapted the integration. This was a complex and intricate piece of work that generated significant cost savings, additional capability, and the ability for future service improvements for the business.

The integration to the endpoints was RESTful using HTTP and JSON objects which we serialized and deserialized for communications.

I lead and performed extensive work on Table / Table Views, including drilling into details and finally into abilities to actually buy and sell securities and view.

Source management was in Git and delivery used modern CI/CD & DevOps techniques as applied to iOS applications.

I interacted closely both with

o“Horizontal partners” delivering the matching Android application

o“Vertical partners” providing the server-side / backend services

othe User Experience (UX) team that provided the visual requirements.

oand the business partners who provided the key application requirements.

10/2019 to 12/2022

Edward Jones, St. Louis, Missouri


The Edward Jones Online Access app puts your financial information at your fingertips, so you will always know where you stand on your journey towards reaching your goals.

Lead Engineer in implementation of Goals section

Had worked on showing graphs and improved performance of showing points and gestures over graphs

Used Mapkit and Corelocation to show nearest bank locations

Had used MKAnnotation for showing pins and more information on pins

Provided regular updates on the development, testing and release progress during daily stand up, sprint planning, and demo meetings.

Implemented documents module to view list of documents which user has added and share files with financial advisor.

Added pre-set time frames and custom time frame functionality to view performance graph in account details screen.

Tracked and recorded progress of development tasks, defects using tools such as JIRA, Confluence, etc.

Development following the MVVM architecture.

Programmed with MVVM architectural design pattern, with KVO, Singleton, and Swift in Xcode IDE.

Worked with UIKit Framework for development and maintenance.

Used Xcode to create and add new UI views in Objective-C and Swift.

Developed with Cocoa Touch framework on UIKit.

Customized UIElements, UIActionsheet, UIAlertView, UITableView, and UICollectionView.

Creation of new View Controllers using Auto Layout and Size Classes.

Facilitated back-end asynchronous communications with Combine and Decodable for parsing.

Used GCD to utilize multithreading and manage concurrency issues and migrated to use async await and actors.

Used a Git code repository with SourceTree GUI for version control and a Jenkins CI server for continuous integration.

Implemented analytics using Adobe Analytics to track user interaction with the app to help inform business decisions.

Used Storyboards to implement the UI design retrieved from InVision.

Followed Agile/ Scrum methodology for software development and reporting update and progress.

Integrated various APIs into the app using the Firebase SDK.

Assessing and working with SwiftUI and championing a migration strategy to SwiftUI.

Worked with logging and analytics tools like Crashlytics and Google Analytics.

02/2018 – 10/2019

ETA Detroit/RIIS, LLC, Southfield, MI

Sr iOS Developer

The first all-in-one Detroit Transit System application. There is no longer a need to download multiple transit apps taking up valuable real estate on your mobile device to navigate around Detroit. Find routes and stops for DDOT, Smart, Fast and People Mover all in one simple application.

Worked with Swift and Cocoa frameworks, including Foundation, Core Animation, and UIKit.

Worked with MapKit and Core Location to show current bus locations

Had used Polyline to show bus routes on Maps

Worked on customization of map interaction and performance improvements

Worked with RESTful API to access the data from the backend using Alamofire third party library.

Used JSON to parse the data from the web services and show into App for user experience.

Conducted design and code reviews with iOS mobile developers to ensure high quality, reusable, and scalable code.

Contributed to the full mobile application development lifecycle using Agile processes.

Coded in Swift on iOS mobile in Xcode IDE, and made use of Storyboards, Interface Builder, and Instruments.

Worked with MVVM architectural pattern and Delegation, Notifications, KVC, and Singleton design patterns.

Refactored execution management of multithreaded tasks to be handled in the background without locking up the main thread and UI using GCD.

Tested the application on the physical device after setting up Provisioning Profile.

Profiled the application extensively using Instruments to improve performance throughout multiple sprints.

Designed and customized mockups before starting the actual development.

RESTful integration points implemented to allow for interoperability between back-end systems and mobile apps.

Added reminders with EventKit to remind users of upcoming events.

Stored and accessed data using Core Data.

Regularly performed code reviews to ensure efficiency, readability, and maintainability.

Installed frameworks and tracked dependencies using CocoaPods.

Shared best practices and improved processes within and across sprint teams.

Used Keychain to store user details for application security.

09/2016 – 02/2018

Medium, San Francisco, CA

Sr iOS Mobile App Developer

Medium is an open platform where 170 million readers come to find insightful and dynamic thinking. Here, expert, and undiscovered voices alike dive into the heart of any topic and bring new ideas to the surface.

Lead the accessibility implementation for Article Read page and Filter page app

Lead the Anlytics implementation for whole app

Worked on 10+ screens in app

Lead the work of Localization for whole app in 8+ apps

Participated in Agile/iterative development methodologies (XP, SCRUM, etc.).

Implemented MVP architecture and various design patterns (Singleton, Proxy, Observer, Façade).

Worked on the collection view of article genres and transitions between table views of articles.

Utilized RxJava and Retrofit to optimize multithreading capacity for exceptional performance.

Developed using TDD testing approach using frameworks such as Quick and Nimble.

Resolved memory leaks by using the Allocations and Memory Leaks instruments.

Implemented in iOS platform with Objective-C using Eclipse IDE.

Worked on localization and internationalization of the apps.

Measured, worked on, and improved stability of the app, and scrolling ease.

Worked in a fast paced, Agile environment.

Made use of the whole iOS tool ecosystem for development, testing, debugging, and performance benchmarking.

Worked with current Advertisement layouts and implemented a full screen ad that came up every couple of articles that resulted in a 10% Ad Revenue increase.

Jira was used company-wide to monitor agile sprints and task delegations.

Utilized Jenkins for continuous integration and testing.

07/2015 to 09/2016

7-Eleven, Inc., Dallas, TX

Sr iOS Mobile App Developer

This app allows you to collect rewards and save money at the popular 7-Eleven convenience stores.

Cross collaborated with iOS team, API team, and Android team to ensure consistency across platforms and usability of RESTful API for each team.

Coded functionality to implement access to Passbook (7-Eleven-member barcode) and make it accessible on Apple Watch for ease of checkout and collecting rewards.

Customized all the UI elements using programmatic statements, including Buttons, Labels, and TableViews.

Configured navigation between views using Segues and directly accessing the Navigation Controller to push views.

Made use of Core Location to retrieve the user’s location.

Upgraded JSON parsing from using NSJSONSerialization in Objective-C to Swift to extract information into dictionaries and construct model classes.

Made use of best practices and handled information with security standards such as using Keychain Services when storing sensitive information like user credentials.

Updated UI with new design and user experience, with most of the UI created with Storyboards and Xibs.

Worked on the rewards feature, communicating to the server to sync points, registration, log in, etc.

04/2014 – 07/2015

Six Flags, Grand Prairie, TX

Sr iOS App Developer

The Six Flags iOS mobile app allows users to view and share ride and park photos, navigate the park with interactive maps, access ride wait times, view shows and character-meet-and-greet schedules, purchase tickets, plan parking, plan your meals with restaurant menus, check park operating hours, find upcoming special events, etc.

Worked on the Six Flags Mobile application team consisting of an iOS developer and an Android developer.

Programmed using Objective C and Swift, and Cocoa Touch frameworks like UIKit and Core Animation for cross-functional mobile application development.

Refactored Swift code to an updated version to take advantage of improvements in iOS development.

Was senior Engineer in development of fuel loyalty saving and feedback section

Worked on creating many common reusable UIkit components in app

Worked in MVVM design architecture, design pattern concepts like delegation, protocols, notifications, and categories.

Handled Security by implementing AES Encryption, https requests, and Keychain to store secure information and login session timeout.

Created user account hub for order history, account settings, managing orders etc, and integrated Touch Id/Face Id with the app using LocalAuthentication framework.

Used MapKit and CoreLocation in conjunction with RESTful Web Services to display custom annotation pins on the map representing all the rides, food courts, shopping information etc based on the park selected.

Allowed users to deep link to the right food court page, place their order and pay through the mobile app by integrating with Brain Tree API.

Implemented a functionality to cancel/reorder e-commerce transitions by using RESTful calls.

Used Firebase analytics tool to track day-to-day user interaction with our iOS app and used Crashlytics to keep track of any crashes.

Implemented Push Notification configuration using Firebase and Push Certificate and with help of UIApplication notification delegate methods to let users know if their order is ready for pick up.

Used BrainTree SDK and its drop-in UI as a payment gateway to our iOS app.

Used Core Data for storing data locally on the device and integrated it with the iOS app.

Used AFNetworking to make a RESTFul request and map the JSON data with the respective data model. Presented data as Collection View using delegate and data source methods.

Used a Codable protocol to easily encode and decode JSON data.

Improved user experience (UI/UX) with numerous UI changes, as per aesthetics provided by the design team using XIBs, Storyboards and AutoLayout constraints.

Used UITableView and ScrollView to display all the restaurant’s details, menu Item details, and order details etc.

Dynamically increased the row height to display menu item detail like item name, price, quantity etc.

Implemented offline storing of ride points using background fetch and and NSTimer. Also sent a local notification upon success.

Wrote a multitude of unit tests in the XCTest framework to validate the business logic in the application and ensure no issues/bugs were introduced.

Tested and resolved issues with various features and functionality throughout the app using Instruments and other debugging tools such as NSLog statements, crash logs, LLDB statements, breakpoints etc.

Followed an iterative development approach using Agile Scrum methodology and Sprints to develop new features and add value to our product.

04/2013 – 04/2014

American Express, New York, NY

Sr iOS Developer

Access your American Express® account from virtually anywhere with the American Express® App. Take advantage of what your U.S. Personal, Small Business, and corporate accounts have to offer: Track spending and rewards, find offers, pay your bill, add your Card to your mobile wallet, and enjoy features available only in the app.

Worked on the iOS app in Xcode IDE and developed entirely in Objective-C with native iOS libraries and frameworks.

Was Lead Developer in Amex Offers section

Had developed Support Section, implemented Frequently Asked Question,Leave Feedback Section

Worked with Core Data to prepopulate UITextfields with persisted data received in prior web service calls.

Design and develop persistent data layer using Core Data.

Design Core Data objects and use NSOperations to get all GPS coordinates and trip information using encryption AES 256 to store the information.

Enhanced and optimized map functionality using MapKit, CoreLocation, and MKAnnotations.

Implemented many OOP and patterns like MVC, KVO and Singleton.

Took part in full Software Development Lifecycle of multiple applications from concept to production.

Utilized Instruments, Crash Logs, LLDB statements, NSLog statements, and Breakpoints to resolve various issues and bugs brought to attention by QA team.

Fixed memory issues by using Instruments, most notably using the Allocations and Time Profiler tools.

Worked through Issues and Backlog tasks pulled from JIRA.

Used Trello for iOS team communications.

Integrated Touch ID capabilities, using Local Authentication

Worked in an Agile environment, with daily scrum, two-week sprints, sprint planning, and retrospectives

Added integration of time and deadlines using EventKit, with Apple Push Notifications to alert users.

12/2011 – 04/2013

Teletype Co, Inc., Boston, MA

iOS Mobile App Developer

Avoid low bridges and truck restricted roads by using SmartTruckRoute GPS navigation app. Get directly to warehouse truck entrances. SmartTruckRoute helps professional truck drivers save time, save gas, and drive safely! Join thousands of other truck drivers including regional, local, and over the road drivers who are already using SmartTruckRoute to find their way using truck specific routes on their phones and tablets.

Applied expertise in software for GPS devices. Worked developing applications for product line includes automotive and commercial GPS navigation systems and other products, including GPS receivers and tracking units.

Worked on the Smart Truck Route app which integrates with the company’s WorldNav software.

Had Implemented Favourites, Driver Assistant, Vehicle Setting, Program Setting Feature

Worked on Implementing Google Analytics For Complete App

Stored log details into the database using APIs and retrieved them back in log data.

Worked with MapKit, CoreLocation, and MKAnnotation to make UI tweaks on the map view and enhance functionality to get the latitude and longitude co-ordinates.

Implemented dropdown feature where user can download the database.

Involved in iOS performance testing along with Functional and regression tests.

Followed the Agile methodology for implementing the project.

Took care of Code Review, Code Fixes, and bug Fixes.

Utilized CoreData for persistence of data and used versioning for data changes.

Used instruments to prevent memory leaks.

Resolved several bugs using NSLog, Breakpoints, and LLDB statements.

Developed entirely in Objective-C using Xcode IDE.


Bachelor of Computer Science - Dalhousie University

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