Mustapha Raji
Technical Lead
Technical lead with proven expertise in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and exceptional record overseeing all facets of Software Development Life Cycle, from Analysis and Design to Implementation and Maintenance. Developed highly secure, reliable and scalable systems using Object-Oriented programing language & Functional programming language.
Technical Skills
• Proficiency in Java 8, Stream API, Lambdas and Parallel Processing.
• Proficiency in building Server-Client systems using Angular 10, JPA/Hibernate, Spring-boot, Spring Data, Spring Core, Spring MVC, REST, Docker and JHipster
• Hands-on experience in Object Oriented Analysis and Design techniques and Patterns
• Solid foundation in data structures, advanced algorithms, FP and OO Design.
• Proficiency in implementing Backend Server using Spring Boot Technologies.
• Proficiency in building Rest API.
• Extensively implemented Java EE and related technologies such as Servlets, JSP, JDBC, RMI, JNDI, JMS, JTA, and Java Mail.
• Experience programming in Scala with exposure to the most well-known frameworks such as Akka and Play
• Implemented Spring Inversion of Control (IOC) to support the business logic of the application
• Hands-on experience with web frameworks such as Struts, JSF and Richfaces, Spring MVC, Google Web toolkit (GWT).
• Designed Single Page Application using Angular 10, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Twitter Bootstrap
• Designed and build Angular Modules, Components, Services, Pipes, Directives, Routes and HTTP Client modules
• Proficiency in using Angular CLI
• Proficiency in using GitHub for version control and collaboration
• Experience in Integrating Angular Client and Spring Boot Backend Server using Rest API (XML and JSON)
•Secured Single Page Application using HTTP Sessions
• Extensively used O/R mapping capabilities of Hibernate in scalable enterprise applications.
• Strong working experience on XML, XQuery, DTD, XSL and XSLT, using DOM and SAX parsers
• Extensively implemented the actor model using Akka Framework
• Extensively implemented J2EE design patterns such as MVC, Service Locator, Factory Pattern, Session Facade, Singleton, Service Factory and DAO, DTO and best practices for building enterprise systems.
• Skilled at writing DB2, SQL, Stored procedures, Functions and Triggers.
• Experienced in deploying J2EE applications on Apache Tomcat web server and WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss application server.
• Experienced in securing Systems against malicious attacks.
• Experienced in writing JUnit test cases for system testing
• Implemented automated test using Selenium Server and Cucumber
• Proficiency in using Angular CLI
• Proficiency in using GitHub for version control and collaboration
• Experienced in Full SDLC life Cycle: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing, Maintenance, and Production Support.
Leadership Skills:
• Lead software development and Software engineering teams and troubleshoot technical issues that involve software development, engineering tasks and product releases.
• Identify strategies for accelerating automation, improving testing and security.
• Enhance engineer experience through knowledge sharing, technical training and effective onboarding
• Encourage innovation, implementation of cutting-edge technologies, inclusion, outside-of-the-box thinking, teamwork, self-organization, and diversity
• Leverage data to optimize delivery across business and technology by identifying opportunities for continuous improvement with measurable outcomes balancing data with other factors in decision making
• Trained and worked on Agile-Oriented project development environment using the latest agile methodologies and concepts
• Possess Strong commitment to team environment dynamics with the ability to contribute expertise and follow leadership directives at appropriate times
Loyola University, Maryland, USA
Master of Science, Computer science (GPA: 3.92/4.00) Mohamed V University, Rabat, Morocco
Bachelor of Science, Applied Mathematics (Graduated in the top 5%) Certification:
Brain Bench –Java Fundamentals
• Languages: Java, Scala, C, C++, SQL, JavaScript, JQuery
• Web Technologies: Google Web Toolkit(GWT), Angular JS, Struts, JSF 1.2 & 2, Rich Faces 3 & 4, Play For Scala, Thymleaf, Spring MVC, JSP, Servlets, JavaScript, JQuery, HTML, XML, Bootstrap, CSS
• Middleware: EJB, J2EE Web Services (SOAP and REST), Spring, JAAS, Java and Spring Mail API, Java Message Service, JCE API, Spring Scala, Akka, Spring Scala, JPA/Hibernate, Spring-boot, Spring Data, Spring Core, REST, Docker
• Application Servers: Web logic, Web Sphere, JBoss
• Web Servers: Apache Tomcat
• RDBMS/Query Tools: Oracle, SQL Server, PL/SQL Developer, MySQL Query Browser
• IDE: STS,Eclipse, MyEclispe, NetBeans, JDeveloper, JBoss Studio
• Testing / Debugging Tools: JUnit, Log4J, JMeter, Selenium
• Scripting: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery
• Front end Tools: AJAX, JSTL, HTML, DHTML and XML
• Version Control Tools: MS Visual Source Safe, Subversion, Borland Star Team, GitHub
• Design Modeling Tools: Rational Rose Designing Tool, MS Visio
• Operating Systems: Windows, Linux, UNIX
• Data integration Tool: Pentaho Kettle
• ORM Tools: Hibernate, JPA, Entity Beans, Mongo DB 2
• Database Query Language: SQL, HQL, PL/SQL
•Continuous Integration Software: Jenkins
• Build Tools: Ant, Maven
• Other tools: UML, HP Fortify, Web Inspects,LDAP Server, Pentaho Kettle, SQL Developer PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE:
Freddie Mac, McClean VA USA (September 2018 to present) - Current position Role: Technical lead
Projects: Market Pricing System, BUBD System (Buy Up Buy Down) and Eiffel System Accomplishments:
- Designed and developed high-volume, low-latency applications for mission-critical systems, delivering high-availability and performance.
- Ensured designs are in compliance with specifications.
- Contributed in all phases of the development lifecycle.
- Mentored and coached development team.
- Analyzed Requirements and Developed Object Oriented Design for the System
- Implemented Three-Tier Application Model (Presentation Layer, Business Layer and DAO Layer
- Implemented Authentication & Authorization using Spring Security and Ping Federate and Access
- Implemented the User Interface with Angular 10 Framework
- Designed and build Angular Modules, Components, Services, Pipes Directives, Routes and HTTP Client modules
- Proficiency in using Angular CLI
- Developed the business Layer of the application using Spring Framework
- Implemented the DAO Layer using JPA2
- Implemented Redis Cache CRUD Method using Spring Redis Data
- Designed Database schema and coded SQL scripts and Stored Procedures
- Designed and implemented Offline processing using Spring Task scheduling
- Implemented Email Services and Email Templates
- Implemented Synchronous and Asynchronous Mail Services
- Implemented Elasticsearch
- Designed the client as Single Page Application using Angular 10, HTML 5, Bootstrap, CSS .
- Tested Angular components using Jasmine testing framework and Mocking with $httpBackend
- Coded Unit Tests using Spring boot test
- Production Support
- Secured the system against vulnerable and malicious attacks
- Conducted peer code review using code collaborator
- Utilized SVN for version controlling
- Attended daily scrum meetings led by technical lead
- Attended regular sprint review and sprint planning meetings
- Regularly demoed application during sprint review meetings for management and the clients
- Relegated access to database information using Hibernate framework integrated with spring
- Deployed Containers to AWS Using Elastic Kubernetes cluster ( EKS)
- Lead Team meetings
- Built highly performant Pricing Engine to calculate Adjusted Prices for TBA and Specs Products
- Built Multithreading System
Montgomery County, Rockville MD USA (September 2015 to 2018) Role: Senior Software Developer
Projects: Board of Elections (BOE), Board of Election Management System (BOEMS), Electronic Service Bus
- Designed and developed high-volume, low-latency applications for mission-critical systems, delivering high-availability and performance.
- Ensured designs are in compliance with specifications.
- Contributed in all phases of the development lifecycle.
- Mentored and coached development team.
- Analyzed Requirements and Developed Object Oriented Design for the System
- Implemented Three-Tier Application Model (Presentation Layer, Business Layer and DAO Layer
- Implemented Authentication & Authorization using Spring Security
- Implemented the User Interface with Angular 4 Framework
- Designed and build Angular Modules, Components, Services, Pipes Directives, Routes and HTTP Client modules
- Proficiency in using Angular CLI
- Developed the business Layer of the application using Spring Framework
- Implemented the following J2EE Design Patterns: Singleton, Service Selector, Data Access Object, Session Façade, Front Controller, Factory, Business Delegate
- Implemented the DAO Layer using JPA2
- Designed Database schema and coded SQL scripts and Stored Procedures
- Designed and implemented Offline processing using Spring Task scheduling
- Implemented Email Services and Email Templates
- Implemented Synchronous and Asynchronous Mail Services
- Implemented Elasticsearch
- Designed the client as Single Page Application using Angular 4, HTML 5, Bootstrap, CSS .
- Tested Angular components using Jasmine testing framework and Mocking with $httpBackend
- Coded Unit Tests using Spring boot test
- Production Support
- Secured the system against vulnerable and malicious attacks
- Conducted peer code review using code collaborator
- Utilized SVN for version controlling
- Attended daily scrum meetings led by technical lead
- Attended regular sprint review and sprint planning meetings
- Regularly demoed application during sprint review meetings for management and the clients
- Relegated access to database information using Hibernate framework integrated with spring
- Deployed Spring Boot to AWS with RDS and S3
Vencore Services and Solutions Reston, VA USA (May 2013-to September 2015) Role: Senior Software Developer
Projects: Real Estate Across US (Rexus), Rent Building Management Tool (RBMT), Electronic Occupancy Agreement (e-OA), Internal Resource Management Tool (IRMT) Accomplishments:
- Supported continuous improvement by investigating alternatives and technologies and presenting these for architectural review.
- Delivered well designed, testable, efficient code.
- Played major role in determining design methodologies and tool sets.
- Recommended system solutions by comparing advantages and disadvantages of custom development and purchase alternatives.
- Analyzed Requirements and Developed Object Oriented Design for the System 4
- Used JSF framework along with RichFaces to develop the front-end of the application along with HTML
, CSS and Angular JS, JavaScript and JQuery( for Rexus Project )
- Used Google Web Toolkit ( GWT) to build the user interface( e-OA Project )
- Developed Offline Process using Spring Framework feature to support the business logic of the systems
- Coded Webservices with Functional Programming Scala
- Designed and Implemented efficient Algorithms to support the Business Logic of the application
- Implemented the following J2EE Design Patterns: Singleton, Service Selector, Data Access Object, Session Façade, Front Controller, Factory, Business Delegate
- Designed and implemented Data Access Layer (DAO) using Hibernate
- Resolved System Performance Issues
- Secured the system against vulnerable and malicious attacks
- Integrated the System with WSO2 for Work Flow Management
- Designed and Created dynamic and active JSF pages with JSF tag libraries and RichFaces, HTML,CSS
, JQuery and JavaScript
- Coded Unit Tests using JUnit
- Conducted peer code review using code collaborator
- Utilized SVN for version controlling
- Attended daily scrum meetings led by technical lead
- Attended regular sprint review and sprint planning meetings
- Regularly demoed application during sprint review meetings for management
Comtech Mobile Datacom, Germantown, MD, USA(November 2011-April 2013) Role: Senior Software Developer
Projects: Movement Tracking System (MTS)
- Designed, built, and maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable Java/J2EE code
- Maintained code quality, organization, and automatization
- Identified bottlenecks and bugs, and provided solutions to the issues
- Developed several EJBs (Stateless and Statefull Session beans) to support business logic implementation
- Implemented Hibernate in persistence layer, which included coding *.hbm.xml files, coding DAO objects, and coding both HQL and Criteria queries
- Published SOAP-based Web Service to allow other departments to utilize project information in internal applications written in ASP.NET
- Analyzed Requirements and Developed Object Oriented Design for the System
- Generated WSDLs through the WebLogic workshop and exposed the Web Service online
- Used Struts MVC framework to develop the front-end of the application
- Developed POJOs and used Spring’s AOP feature to introduce transaction support
- Consumed a Web Service using JAX-WS API and the Axis plug-in to re-order materials
- Coded DynaValidatorForms to make use of Struts’ Validator Framework
- Utilized Maven for build processes, creating deployable .war, .ear, .jar & .bin files
- Used Linux machine(RedHat CentOS 6.3 ) for running, testing and debugging weekly Builds
- Conducted peer code review using code collaborator
- Resolved issues that surfaced in Maven’s PMD and FindBugs reports
- Utilized Borland StarTeam for version controlling
- Attended regular sprint review and sprint planning meetings
- Regularly demoed application during sprint review meetings for management
- Installed application to Jenkins continuous integration tool to analyze the effects of code changes
- Implemented Encryption and Decryption module using JCE API (Java Cryptography Extension) 5
Qinetiq North America Inc., Reston, VA, USA (December 2006-October 2011) Role: Software Developer
Projects: Internet Relay Chat System (IRCS), Imaging Systems (IS) Accomplishments:
- Designed, implemented and maintained java application phases
- Designed, built, and maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable Java/J2EE code
- Derived best practice, quality and consistency within design and development phases
- Used Session Façade design pattern to simplify the interface to the subsystem consisting of session beans and entity beans.
- Implement model 2 - MVC pattern to separate presentation from business logic using the Struts framework.
- Created ANT Scripts for Build and Deployment of .WAR/.JAR/.EAR files.
- Generated WSDL files and implemented WebServices for business logic for one of the modules of the application.
- Relegated access to database information using Hibernate framework and integrated with Spring
- Implemented Spring Framework’s DI/IoC (Inversion of Control) feature using annotations and XML
- Created JSP pages with Struts tag libraries such as struts-html.tld, bean.tld and logic.tld.
- Implemented the Struts-Tiles framework to generate the same look and feel throughout the presentation layer of the application.
- Integrated CSS and javascript for front-end design and user display.
- Created a DAO layer implementing Hibernate using transactions, DAO patterns and factory patterns
- Developed several EJBs (Stateless and Statefull Session beans), which were used to implement the business logic and support the Session Façade design pattern
- Used the Spring framework within Struts and Hibernate to decouple classes in the application, take advantage of IoC design principles, and implements transaction managements.
- Coded Ant build scripts to build and deploy EAR files in a WebLogic Server
- Implemented Log4j for custom logging throughout the application.
- Implemented JUnit for unit testing for various modules of the application.
- Built WebServices using SOAP to allow pdf file generations
Ministry of National Education Rabat MOROCCO (September 2000-to 2006) Role: Software Developer
Projects: Electronic Human Resources Management Systems (e-HRMS) Responsibilities:
- Designed, implemented and maintained java application phases
- Designed, built, and maintain efficient, reusable, and reliable Java/J2EE code
- Derived best practice, quality and consistency within design and development phases
- Analyzed Requirements and Developed Object Oriented Design for the System using JDBC
- Used Javascript, HTML, CSS to develop presentation layer
- Developed POJOs and used Spring’s AOP feature to introduce transaction support
- Implemented the following J2EE Design Patterns: Singleton, Service Selector, Data Access Object, Session Façade, Front Controller, Factory, Business Delegate
- Coded Unit Tests using JUnit
- Production Support
- Develop XML configurations for web applications and web applications framework including web.xml, struts-config.xml, hibernate.cfg.xml
- Developed applications using IDE Eclipse 3.5 Galileo as well as WebLogic server on MS windows XP platform.
- Coded Ant build scripts to build and deploy EAR files in a WebLogic Server 10.3 environment.
- Used Log4j for custom logging throughout the application.
- Used Linux machine(RedHat CentOS 6.3 ) for running, testing and debugging weekly Builds 6
- Conducted peer code review using code collaborator 7