Millie Rodriguez
Isla Vista CA 93117
(209) 326 - 7587
● Ability to communicate and interact with guests to build an inclusive guest experience
● Ability to blend problem solving and decision making to positively impact the guest experience and resolve guest concerns
● Ability to adapt to different guest interactions and situations
● Experience promoting and selling various benefits, offerings and services
● Initiative
Target (Guest and Checkout Advocate) October 28, 2021 - January 22, 2022
● Welcoming and helpful attitude toward guests and other team members
● Engaged with guest in a genuine way
● Worked both independently and with a team
● Made the guest aware of current and upcoming brand launches, store activities and events
HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America)
● Competed in Medical terminology for the HOSA event
● Avg. 4 hours/week with 5 hours/week independent practice Gift-Baskets for Homeless
● Raised money to give gift baskets to the homeless
● In charge of advertising the fundraiser
● Organized the agenda
● Total of 20 gift baskets
Link Crew Ambassador
● Responsible for 17 high school freshman
● I was their mentor and a positive role model
August 2017 - June 2021
Patterson High School, Patterson, Ca - High school 2
September 2021 - present
University of California, Santa Barbara
● HonorRoll
● California Seal of Biliteracy
● California Scholarship Federation