Vincent Gonzalez
Dandridge,Tn 37725
Dandridge,Tn 37725
Technical Computer Analyst II
Computer Skills: Scheduling / Word Processing Software / Project Management Process and Procedure Improvement / Training /Evaluations / OSHA Standards / ISO Certified Training / Inventory Control/ System Research and Purchasing, troubleshooting, hardware replacement, system imaging, some LSC management / HIPPA Security Classes / New Computer Replacement configurations / Macintosh Graphics and computer integrations / Networking / Video Conferencing
Work Experience
North Florida Regional Medical Center, Gainesville,Fl. 2005 to Present:.Technical Systems Analyst II;
Tech-refresh installation and deployment of new computer replacements, printer replacements, following corp. standards, updating facility database assist the team in all aspects in Cisco Network and system installs. SSO and Tap & Go Deployments for complete Facility, Med Com deployment of all new Printer/Fax machines including I.P. configurations. New Deployment of Dive. technology. Assisting in Facility Presentations creating in MS Power Point. 24x7 Support when needed, Logs and trackers and resolved user problems using Remedy job ticket software . Assisting in user training on Facility technology. Project System Management for facility and surrounding Satellite Offices.
Star Banner (New York Times, Ocala, Fl. 1999 to 2005: Technical Designer; Web Department and the Newsroom technical graphics creation and systems monitoring for news paper production. Utilizing software and hardware for production of a daily news paper.. Assisted in production equipment setup for new and existing hardware for the Pre-Press Dept. and the Newsroom Dept., the testing and the implementation of new software and the testing of new techniques. The use of policy and procedure for all Dept. throughout the facility. Removing and the replacing of older equipment with new state of the art equipment.
Moody Aero Graphics: Created the Policies and Procedure Manual as well as the Safety Manual for facility daily operations this included illustrations, photos, and instructional diagrams for facility improvements, Assisted in the compiling data for the ISO 9001-facility outline. Pre-Press Hardware and Software placement and usage. Oral and visual presentations for process mapping for departmental training guidelines. Creating pictorial representations for staff cross training methods. Macintosh and PC bases systems, all hardware and software integrations.
Personal Insight:
In the many years working in the computer industry I have found it rewarding and constantly a changing environment, so that the learning curve is never ending. I find that it is gaining new knowledge to contribute to the company of which I work for which makes it better for the end user in resolving the day-to-day work issues.
In the yeas spent working for HCA and at North Florida Regional Medical Center, Gainesville, Fl. I have found that the people element contributes to how one progress in the job that they do. I am a firm believer that when you are happy in the work you do the better you do the job. I like the work I do and always want to do better.
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Ocala, Fl 34471
North Florida Regional Medical Center, Gainesville, Fl.
Computer Technical Analyst 1- 2006 – Present
Integrate new Desktop computer systems, software and hardware for every department in the hospital. Creating profiles for individual users, explaining and giving operational pointer and software support and training. Deploying new IP addresses joining the computer to the corporate domain giving the new computer it’s new identity within the hospital structure. Troubleshooting issues for computers, installations, software issues and new system configuration updates for SMS clients. Microsoft software configurations.
ESAF approvals for new Users and Outlook e-mail software profiles per user. Remove, replace older computer with new, remove scanners, printers, and check network connections to port junction boxes. Testing new work lines troubleshoot line conditions. Assist in Help Desk for user assist for software problems, windows lockouts, and to act on emergency system failures within the hospital grounds. Assist in off site satellite offices for system problems.
Microsoft Windows XP, Cisco routers, WAN Odyssey 5.1 wireless connections for Laptop configurations, Hardware repair for all components. Project implementations and assisting in the deployment and monitoring and completion of hardware throughout the hospital. Rounding of floors as to dept. needs on daily basis. Maintaining Remedy work order reporting the use of Clarity for project time management. Remote and on-site On-Call as needed. Ability to learn and absorb new work skills to advance and to offer better user tools and knowledge. Assisting Senior Tech analyst in their projects
Staples, Ocala, Fl.
Copy Center Manager for Corp.Hub Operations for 91 Stores: 2005 – 2006
Managing Copy Center Local and supplying printed product and Systems Support for 90 additional stores throughout Florida, supplying assistance to other stores for pre-press, copying, computer systems graphics and maintenance and guidance to other stores throughout the Staples copy Centers. Train and guide ne recruits and motivate the workforce to be positive and productive. Weekly straegy meetings to improve daily systems for the Copy Centers. Writing and documenting procedures to follow for dept. improvements.
Starbanner (New York Times), Ocala, Fl.
Technical Web and Digital Pre-Press Composition: 1999 – 2005
Defined and managed strategic, Web based composition and content editing for online newspaper web site. Utilizing imaging, scanning, image composition, all web content population on a daily basis. Assisted in the pre-press department for newspaper pagination for final press runs to output final digital plates. Assisted in the production and maintenance for the electronic processing for all digital content for the final composition of the daily newspaper press run. Compiled the images for classified and feature sections on a daily basis and would get all content for final for weekend press runs.
Moody Aero Graphics; Ocala, Fl. Senior Operations Manager 1995 – 1999
Created each department for the Large Format Printing facility from pre-press to printing to finishing to shipping and storage. My responsibility for the completed daily operations of a 10,000 sq. ft. facility. Research the technology for the facility for the print, Researched the devices and the materials needed to produce. Created the techniques for printing. All Technical writing, illustrations for policy and procedures were created by Mr. Gonzalez for Moody Aero Graphics. The training of employees for each and every facet of the operation. Mr. Gonzalez researched, purchased, understood the equipment, the pre-press software the ink, and the ink’s viscosity the substright to which the ink lay upon. Understanding the durability of final product to the outdoor weather. My responsibilities to this company were endless and to understand and to implement the necessary production procedures were the greatest task I have ever untaken. This was to the profitability of this Operation.
Queensbrough Community College - Flushing, N.Y.C., Associates Degree / Business Communications –Cincinnati Tech College-Attended Rochester Institute of Technology – Rochester, N.Y., Microsoft Office Training ~ Orlando, Fl. – Apple System Training – San Francisco, Calf. / Microsoft Training Gainesville, Fl.
Guitar Instrument Training at Juilliard School of Music., New York City, Culinary Arts in Milan, Italy
MacWorld Conference Moscone Center San Francisco, Calf.1999,2000,2001,2002,2003 - Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference 2006,7,8,9
References Upon Request