Ken Nichols
La Habra, Ca. *****
Cell: 562-***-**** Home: 562-***-****
To be with a company where I can grow, and better myself with the company. To learn everything needed to do my job, safely and in a timely manner. Be trusted by management with any and all jobs, and to be assured that I will complete the job correctly.
Pull Up Neighbor LLC.
Loaded and unloaded trailers. Dispatched trucks on routes for pick up or delivery of product. Assisted customer(s) with palletizing loads and organizing of shipment. Maintained a complete inventory on parts and supplies, and all things in our warehouse
Salvation Army
March-2017-Sept. 2018
Delivered empty trailers and picked up loaded trailers at the different stores. Load and unload trailer(s), to supply product to the warehouse. Assisted the customers with what they needed. Restocked the stores with their orders, and organized the shelves.
Celadon Trucking
June-2016 -Feb.-2017
OTR pick-up and delivery of loads. Loaded and unloaded trailers. Dispatched trucks on routes for pick up or delivery of product. Assisted customer(s) with palletizing loads and organizing of shipment.
Carl’s Jr. Inc.
July 2015 – June - 2016
Cook: Preparing food to orders. Doing any and all things necessary to help the restaurant run efficiently.
Hendrickson Truck Lines, Inc.
Dec. 2014 - July. 2015
Pick up and delivering of load(s), on time. Communicate my daily routine with dispatch. Notified dispatch if there are any problems with on time pick up or delivery of load(s).
General Auction Company
Feb. 2014 – Oct. 201
Drove a car hauler and picked up cars delivered them to auction or other destinations. Pulled flatbed to pick up any an all types of products and delivered it to the auction.
Marten Transport
Nov. 2013 – Feb. 2014
OTR pick - up and delivery of loads. Loaded and unloaded trailers. Dispatched trucks on routes for pick up or delivery of product. Assisted customer(s) with palletizing loads and organizing of shipment
Western Express Inc
Jan. 2013 – Nov 2013
Company Driver
Pick up and delivering of load(s), on time. Communicate my daily routine with dispatch. Notified dispatch if there are any problems with on time pick up or delivery of load(s).
Efficient with on board computer (QC), certified using electric pallet jack.
Gordon Trucking Inc.
June 2012 – Nov. 2012
Pick up and delivering of load(s), on time. Communicate my daily routine with dispatch. Notified dispatch if there are any problems with on time pick up or delivery of load(s).
Efficient with on board computer (QC)
Salvation Army
Truck Driver/Production Assistant
Jan. 2007 – June 2012
Delivered empty trailers and picked up loaded trailers at the different stores. Load and unload trailer(s), to supply product to the warehouse.
Boise State University
Nursing, Computer Hardware
Sept. 1989 – June 1992
I have driven over 4 million miles3 million miles with no accidents.
Mike Beaudreau – Cell: 714-***-****
Charles Zacour Cell: 714-***-****