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Attending Physician and Academic Nocturnist, OSV/:SSU GP2

The Bronx, NY, 10451
November 06, 2022

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Jason Ford, MD

*** ******* ****** **** ***

Mineola, NY 11501

Cell: 347-***-****

Email: *****.*****@**********.***

Citizenship United States

Languages English with written and conversational competency in Spanish

Testing Passed Step 1, 99th percentile

Passed Step 2 CK, 99th percentile

Passed Step 2 CS

Passed Step 3, 99th percentile

Board Certified in Internal Medicine 10/11/21


2020- NYU Langone Long Island Hospital Hospitalist Associates

2017-2020 Northwell Health Internal Medicine Residency Program

2009-2013 Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, Bronx, New York: Medical Scientist Training Program. A full tuition scholarship for the M.D. and Ph.D. degrees are provided in addition to a yearly stipend.


2013-2017 Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, Bronx,

New York: MD Program

2009-2013 Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, Bronx,

New York: Medical Scientist Training Program

2005-2008 B.S. Biology Summa Cum Laude, Chemistry and Biochemistry Minors. College of Staten Island, City University of New York, Staten Island, New York.

2003-2005 Brooklyn College, City University of New York, Brooklyn,

New York.

Work Experience

2020- Academic Nocturnist at NYU Langone Long Island Hospital. This entails

Running the Short Stay/Observation Telemetry Unit, which, in times of

Need, functions as a dedicated COVID Unit, admitting patients, and

Teaching the residents and NPs/PAs.

2017-2020 Internal Medicine Resident at Northwell Health at Northshore University

Hospital and Long Island Jewish Medical Center

2010-2012 Teacher’s Assistant for Molecular Genetics course in the Sue

Golding Division of Graduate Studies, Ph.D. Program.

2011 Private tutor for Biochemistry of Metabolic Regulation course in

the Sue Golding Division of Graduate Studies, Ph.D. Program

2002-2007 Sacristan, Our Lady of Angels Roman Catholic Church, Brooklyn,

New York. This entailed setting up the Sunday masses, baptisms,

weddings and funerals as well as maintaining church and school

grounds, assisting the parishioners as needed and making basic

repairs to church and school equipment.

8/07-12/07 SEEK tutor, College of Staten Island, City University of New

York, Staten Island, New York. This job was also a paid

position in which low income and underrepresented

students were assisted in biology and chemistry as needed.

Volunteer Experience

6/9-6/10 Volunteered at Metropolitan Jewish Hospice where time was spent

with a terminally ill patient from diagnosis till demise, helping the

patient to get to his appointments and manage his daily affairs.

7/10-9/10 Volunteered at Montefiore Dialysis Center. Time was spent

talking to patients while they underwent hemodialysis.

10/09-2/10 Served on the Committee of Thanks for the Albert Einstein

College of Medicine Anatomy course, Class of 2013. The role

of the Committee of Thanks is to host a ceremony for the

family members of those who donated their body for

cadaveric dissection.

9/09-9/10 Albert Einstein College of Medicine MSTP First Year Representative. The role of the First Year Rep, an elected position, is to bring the concerns of the first year MSTP students to either higher elected officials in the MSTP student council or to the necessary administrative figures.

9/17-6/20 Member of the resident Program Improvement Committee, which meets with the Program and Associate Program Directors to incorporate resident feedback to improve the overall quality of the Northwell Internal Medicine Residency training program.

8/19-6/20 Elected firm captain of ambulatory (outpatient) care quality improvement project, which focuses on improving the hemoglobin A1c of diabetic patients through education, interactive media, and social media to reduce micro- and macrovascular complications of diabetic patients. The goal is to present our findings at a conference, such as the Society for General Internal Medicine, and prepare an abstract.

9/19-6/20 Selected as one of two inpatient quality improvement project leaders. The

focus of the project will be to reduce the time it takes for nursing staff to

be able to contact the appropriate provider for their patient. The goals of

this endeavor are to improve patient outcomes, increase nursing satisfaction, improve collegiality among nursing staff and providers, and decrease the number of rapid responses.

Teaching Experience

8/08-6/09 Served as a paid adjunct lecturer in the Department of Biology at

the College of Staten Island, CUNY to teach Bio 106, an introductory three hour per week lecture course for non-majors and students interested in health studies such as nursing and physician’s assistant. Office hours were provided. In addition, teaching this course involved lecture preparation as well writing and grading quizzes, exams and essays.

8/16-1/17 Served as a volunteer teaching assistant and instructor in the MS1 Course Introduction to Clinical Medicine, where medical students begin to learn the basics of the physical examination.

1/17 Served as a volunteer teaching assistant in the Biochemistry section for the MS1 Course Molecular and Cellular Foundations of Medicine.

3/17-4/17 Served as a volunteer teaching assistant for the MS2 Course in Hematology and Oncology.

4/17-5/17 Served as a volunteer teaching assistant for the MS1 Course in Renal Physiology and Pathophysiology.

Research Experience

3/17-6/20 Chosen to be a member of the Research Track, which provides

residents with protected research time. The time was spent on a

project involving serum lactate levels and patients with diabetic

ketoacidosis to ascertain if there were a prognostic relationship

between the two as well as a novel biochemical and physiologic

mechanism to explain the increased serum lactate observed in

patients with diabetic ketoacidosis. The goal is to prepare a

manuscript and present the findings at a critical care conference.

9/08-6/09 Worked in the molecular neuroscience laboratory of Dr. Probal Banerjee. One project was to complete the determination of the molecular mechanism by which clozapine induces EPSPs in mouse prefrontal cortex slices. Techniques used include extracellular electrophysiological recordings, immunohistochemistry and biochemical methods such as Western Blotting and co-immunoprecipitation. This work was funded by a work-study program.

6/06-8/08 Worked in the chromatin biochemistry laboratory of Dr. Chang

Hui Shen. This research has culminated in two first author


3/07-8/07 Worked in the peptide synthesis laboratory of Dr. Fred Naider of

the Institute for Macromolecular Assemblies. Solid phase synthesis and HPLC purification of peptides for: (i) study of peptide transport in rice and (ii) immune targeting of gp120 on HIV particles by direct immunization and antibody preparation.

6/06-9/06 Worked under Dr. Shi Jin in the Center for Engineered Polymeric

Materials. Perylene-based compounds were prepared for the

development of more efficient photovoltaic cells using optically

active amino acids.

1/06-6/06 Worked with Dr. Abdeslem El Idrissi and Dr. William

L’Amoreaux using immunocytochemistry and confocal

microscopy to study the effect of taurine-supplemented

drinking water on mouse pancreas for Bio 454. This study correlated the GABAergic neural system with a similar GABA-based system in the pancreas.


2009-2013 Albert Einstein College of Medicine Medical Scientist Training Program Fellowship

2007-2008 CSI Faculty Organization Scholarship

Dr. Else T. Marcus Memorial Scholarship

Jacob & Lucille B. Friedland Scholarship

2006-2007 Jacob & Lucille B. Friedland Scholarship

2003-2006 Peter Vallone Scholarship

2003-2005 Brooklyn College Presidential Scholarship

2016-2017 Albert Einstein College of Medicine Senior Research Fellowship

Honor Societies and Awards

2008 Summa Cum Laude

2008 CSI Auxiliary Service Corporation Award for Academic

Excellence in Biology

2008 Joseph Vagvolgyi Memorial Award for Undergraduate Research

2005-present American Chemical Society

2005-present Golden Key National Honor Society

2005-2008 Dean’s List, College of Staten Island

2003-2005 Dean’s List, Brooklyn College


Sudarshana Purkayastha*, Jason Ford*, Baishali Kanjilal*, Souleymane

Diallo, Joseph Del Rosario Inigo, Lorenz Neuwirth, Abdeslem El Idrissi,

Zaghloul Ahmed, Andrez Wieraszko, Efrain C. Azmitia, and Probal

Banerjee. Clozapine Functions Through the Prefrontal Cortex Serotonin 1A

Receptor to Heighten Neuronal Activity via Calmodulin Kinase II-NMDA

Receptor Interactions. J. Neurochem. 2012 Feb;120(3):396-407.

* Contributed equally

Jason Ford, Oluwafemi Odeyale and Chang-Hui Shen. Activator-dependent recruitment of SWI/SNF and INO80 during INO1 activation. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2008, 373, 602-606 .

Jason Ford, Oluwafemi Odeyale, Antonious Eskandar, Nafila Kouba and Chang-Hui Shen (2007). A SWI/SNF- and INO80-dependent nucleosome movement at the INO1promoter. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 2007, 361, 974-979.

Yijin Xu, Siwei Leng, Chenming Xue, Runkun Sun, Jie Pan, Jason Ford and Shi Jin. A room temperature liquid-crystalline phase with crystalline stacks. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 3896-3899.

Seminars and Presentations

2019 Society for Hospital Medicine. Presented the poster “Investigation of

Unusual Hypercalcemia in a Patient with CKD5 Leads to Diagnosis

Of Extrapulmonary Disseminated Tuberculosis.

2008 College of Staten Island Undergraduate Research, Scholarship,

and Performance Conference. Presented the poster “SWI/SNF

and INO80 Contribute to Local Nucleosome Mobilization at the

INO1 Promoter.”

2007 Chang-Hui Shen, Jason Ford and Oluwafemi Odeyale. The Role of Chromatin Remodeling Activities in INO1 Activation.

Symposium on biological complexity: diseases of transcription.

Salk Institute, San Diego, CA.


1)Dr. Deyun Yang

Assistant Professor, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

Associate Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program

Email: *****@*********.***

2)Dr. Syed Ejaz Ahmad

Assistant Professor, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

Subinternship Director, Medicine Clerkship

Email: ******@*********.***

3)Dr. Jason Ehrlich

Assistant Professor, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

Site Director, Medical Specialty at Glen Oaks

Associate Program Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program

Email: ********@*********.***

4)Dr. Samuel Anandan

Assistant Professor, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

Email: ********@*********.***

5)Dr. Ronald Rosen

Chief Emeritus of Medicine – Long Island Jewish Medical Center

Email: ******@*********.***

6)Leila Sarju

Nurse, Medical Specialties at Glen Oaks Clinic

Email: ******@*********.***

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