Vitae Of
Captain P.G.S.N. Pitadeniya RSP (Retd)
No. 10, Kent Road, Dematagoda, Colombo – 09. Tel: 077*******
To build career in a growing organization, where I can get the opportunities to prove my abilities by accepting challenges, fulfilling the organizational goal and climb the career ladder though continuous learning and commitment. I am a strong, confident communicator and enjoy working within a high performing team in a busy, challenging environment.
NameinFull - Pitadeniya Gedara Sugath NilanthaPitadeniya
DateofBirth - 27thMarch 1975
Nationality - Sri Lankan
Religion - Buddhist
N.I.C.No. - 750870023V
Gender - Male
MaritalStatus - Married
SchoolAttended - Nugwella Central College & Idemegama Maha Vidyalaya -Kandy
G.C.E. O/L Examination, Year of 1994Subject Result
Buddhist D
Sinhala D
Commerce D
SocialStudies D
English D
Music C
Maths C
Science C
G.C.E. A/L Examination, Year of 1996Subject Result
Accounting B
Economics C
Geography C
Diploma in HRManagement
Following PG in HR Management FromKDU
Knowledge of Ms-Office Package & IT
Completed Junior Staff Course From Military Academy,Diyathalawa.
Completed Junior Command & Staff Course From Air force Academy,Chinabay.
Completed Counter Insurgency & Jungle Warfare from Army Training SchoolMaduluoya.
23 Years Service in SL Army as a CommissionOfficer.
8 Years Service as a Special Force Officer in the 2ndRegiment SpecialForces.
8 Years Service as a Staff Officer in the field of Logicstic & Man Management in the BDE & High Prestigious education establishment of SL Army,Batalanda
T.K. Danindu Viranga Engineer of ConstrictionField
409/1, Epitawatta Road,Dedigamuwa. Mobile: +94-071*******
T. Wong Manager /Sales
Colombo Jewelery Store,
No. 01, Alfred House Gardens, Colombo – 03.
Mobile: +947********
I do hereby certify that the above mentioned particular are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Date:23/08/2022 Signature