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Assistant Operations Manager

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
November 01, 2022

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Cornaish Street – Cornaish, Abu Dhabi

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HR Department

Dear Sir or Madam,

I have a PhD in engineering from ABET accredited university, and My degrees are all attested form the relevant ministry of education and recognized accordingly. I have served for many years in the Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering Departments, teaching several courses for the engineering students. I am currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Prior to joining the academia, I worked as a consultant and operations manager for Du and Etisalat (Major telecom companies in UAE)

I began at HCT in the academic year of 2012-2013, after several years of teaching and research in Oman, KSA and Turkey. My primary teaching responsibilities are at the electrical engineering department.

In addition to communications, electronics and electrical engineering courses, I always push myself to the limit to serve the department needs and teach general courses whenever needed. Such as Health and safety, and design thinking courses, as part of my teaching responsibilities. I have been involved in Faculty Wide Assessments FWA, Course preparation, ECAF, and relative issues. I am also a course Leader for 3 courses. Since my joining date at HCT, my performance record can be described as hardworking and over delivering for the faculty, where I have used all possible teaching methods, research and multiple years of practical experience to deliver the best outcome to the students. Below is a list of the taught courses: 1. Electric Circuits 1 & 2

2. Signals and Systems

3. Communication Systems & Digital Communication Systems 4. Control Systems

5. Mobile Communication

6. Data communication

7. Health and Safety

8. Design thinking in engineering

9. Machines and Power

10. Intelligent systems/Artificial Intelligence and neural networks 11. Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

12. Electronics 1

13. Digital and Logic Circuits

14. Math Courses for Engineers

15. Electromagnetics

In addition, I am a research oriented Faculty, hence research is a vital key in my progression. After joining HCT, I was more focused on teaching and education. However, I managed to Cornaish Street – Cornaish, Abu Dhabi

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find some slots for my research. I could publish several international conference papers and one High impact single Author journal paper (refereed journal and ISI at Elesevier). Cornaish Street – Cornaish, Abu Dhabi

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Currently, there are some conference papers submitted and one journal paper under investigation.

I have presented at international, national, and local conferences. The research on which I am currently working is Multi Cell MIMO communication systems 4G and 5G systems. Another research is a collaborative research in power systems with one colleague at HCT. My Latest research was on Machine learning, artificial intelligence and communication systems.

Brief Job Description at My Current Employer (Academic) The Engineering Technology program established in 1985, it offers Associate of Science and Bachelor of Science degree programs in the fields of Electrical Engineering with the primary goal of preparing Emirati and national engineers with outstanding technical competencies to enable them to contribute in the various aspects of the country. The role of the Electrical Engineering instructor encompasses teaching undergraduate courses, as well as academic advising, professional development, and research and institutional/community service. In particular, the applicant I would like to mention some of what we do:

Demonstrate skill and knowledge in teaching discipline;

Develop syllabi for relevant courses;

Review, evaluate, and recommend student textbooks and learning materials;

Develop, and use a variety of teaching materials that assist students in meeting course objectives; especially through the ASP portal link. Which is assigning student to students peer tutorial.

Make continuous efforts to improve the quality of instruction by utilizing innovative methodologies, techniques, and delivery methods;

Evaluate students to measure their progress toward achievement of stated course objectives;

Keep accurate student records and submit related reports and forms within requested timelines;

Teach courses at a variety of times and locations in response to institutional needs;

Hold regular office hours;

Cornaish Street – Cornaish, Abu Dhabi

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Assistant. Prof. Dr. Hasan 4/9

Brief Job Description at My Previous Employer (Technical Engineering and Management)


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Sincerely yours,

Hasan Abu Hilal

Attached: curriculum vitæ Hasan Abu Hilal

Cornaish Street – Cornaish, Abu Dhabi

'$J (009**-********* • a (009**-*********

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Assistant. Prof. Dr. Hasan 5/9

Hasan Abu Hilal

Curriculum Vitae

"I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only

make them think." Socrates


2005–2012 Ph. D. Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey, GPA – 3.8 .

First Class Honours

2003–2005 M. Sc. Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey, GPA – 3.5 .

First Class Honours

1998–2002 B. Sc. Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Turkey, GPA – 3.3 .

Class Honours

PhD Thesis

Title Multi Input Multi Output CDMA Systems. 4G

Supervisors Professor. Dr. Aykut Hocanin & Associate Professor Bilgekul Description This thesis as well as my current research revolves around the latest mobile networks technology. The current research activities include research in field of communication engineering. Research focuses on CDMA systems. Multi Input Multi Output Antenna Communications. Receive diversity. Space and Time diversity. Multipath fading channels, Signal to noise ratio and carrier to interference ratio. Wireless communication, Signal Process- ing and mathematics for signal processing and communication. The Thesis investigated the effects of impulsive channels in MIMO CDMA systems in adverse conditions. My recent research is about 5G mmwave systems, and Machine learning. I have recently published a paper on communication and neural networks. Currently i am heading to the 5G systems with possible combination of artificial intelligence.

Cornaish Street – Cornaish, Abu Dhabi

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Masters Thesis

Title Peak to Average Power Ratio Reduction in OFDM Systems Supervisors Professor Huseyin Ozkaramanli

Description This thesis explored the idea of using waveles as orthogonal carriers to replace the carriers in OFDM systems, All simulation results such as Bit Error Rate (BER) under different types of modulations. Power Distribution of the signal, Frequency spectrum of the carriers, were carried out using Matlab software package. Wavelets and signal processing techniques were used to minimize the peaks that occurs in OFDM signal. Experience




Assistant. Prof, Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi. Teaching and Research.

o Participates in the classroom-based teaching of undergraduate, engineering students in accordance with college needs and requirements.

o Participates in the design, co-ordination, execution, evaluation and refinement of the study plans for engineering programs in accordance with accreditation requirements. o Participates in the engineering course and instructor coordination and assessment process. Participate in graduation ceremonies. Participates in the student learning outcomes and competencies assessment process in accordance with accreditation requirements. Partici- pates in scholarly activity as a principal for funded and non-funded research projects within the identified area(s) of specialty and in alignment with college and college expectations. o Works cooperatively with senior college administration and other course coordinators to design, implement and evaluate remediation programs aimed at students who are not progressing on schedule.

o Establishes relationships with other faculty within the College and other institutions to promote development and assessment of the academic and research programs o Serves on local professional and/or scientific associations as appropriate. Serves as a mentor for the junior faculty who needs assistance to develop their own course management and teaching skills. Coordinates and teaches in assigned courses. Serves on other College and Institutional committees as appropriate. Complies with policies and procedures. Other duties as assigned by the Head of Department.

o In addition to teaching, I am assisting in some administrative committees, such as exam monetoring committee, students misconduct committee, program development committee, and council committee.

Cornaish Street – Cornaish, Abu Dhabi

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2009–2012 Lecturer, Dhofar University, Salalah, Oman. Teaching and Research.


Using a practical, applied approach, teach courses that are in line with course and program goals to meet the needs and aspirations of the students and the community

Develop and utilize various educational technology resources to ensure that effective and innovative instruction methodologies are employed

Apply and create innovative strategies to ensure that effective student learning is achieved within a second-language environment, providing continuous feedback on student progress through a variety of existing assessment tools, including tests, projects, assignments and other evaluation instruments

Take a student-centered approach, providing students with individual assistance, and dealing promptly with student issues by liaising directly with the student, program supervisor and other College personnel as required

Support and mentor students during internships and work placements

Serve as student advisor as assigned

Monitor student progress and take actions to support student success

Ensure that teaching assignments are prepared in advance and that the material is presented in an appropriate manner to support student success and Learning by Doing concept.

Develop course curriculum under the guidance of the line management as per accreditation and international standards and maintain the relevance of the materials

Provide input to program and course reviews and make recommendations based on consultations with students, colleagues and external agencies

Contribute to the development of the HCT by monitoring programs and identifying areas for improvement; by observing and implementing College and system-wide policies and procedures; and by participating in extra-curricular activities and community events

Ensure curriculum is revised as appropriate from Faculty-wide assessment information or with industry advice

Develop an awareness of and respect for the customs and cultures of HCT students and employees Other duties as assigned by the Chair

Cornaish Street – Cornaish, Abu Dhabi

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Assistant. Prof. Dr. Hasan 6/9

o Instructor (Math/IT): Teaching math for all levels especially for Engineering Students. o Instructor for electrical engineering department. 2009–2012 Instructor, Eastern Mediterranean University, TRNC, Turkey. Teaching and Research.

The following duties:

o Microprocessors: Assembly language programming and interfacing devices with computers o CMOS Integrated Electrical Circuits: Pspice simulation for integrated electronic circuit design and analysis.

o Antenna Theory: Measurements on Signals, Signal Attenuation problems, testing various types of Antennas Parabolic Antenna, Antenna parameters. Radar equation. o Signals and Systems: Discrete time signals, time domain and frequency domain representa- tion of signals.Communication Systems

Miscellaneous Industrial Telecom Experience

2007–2013 Spent some time working on some consulting projects for different consulting offices.

1. Technical Engineering Experience (LCC Operations Manager ) 2. Model Tuning Project Manager. Have delivered 14 models for DU operator: Dense Urban Urban Suburban and Rural Models for 3 different cities.(2G, 3G) 3. Managing all Telecom Projects in UAE for LCC. Team Organising, Projects follow up. . . etc.

4. RF Engineer for MSI Consultancy, (KSA): Performed Site audits, Perform site survey, walk test and drive test using TEMS and Swissqual. Providing reports for network expansion capacity and coverage using Swissqual diversity benchmarking tool. o 2G and 3G RF Network Planning and Optimization. Performed UMTS & GSM model tuning Project, Main Role: Project Manager for model tuning project for GSM and UMTS, Planning drive test team, analysis of survey, Site selection, Tool configuration, Model tuning and calibration, excellent client customer interfacing. o Performed UMTS design, GAIA model tuning, and 3G coverage and traffic arrays on different loads in the system, scrambling code Planning and RFDS for different configurations in the Cornaish Street – Cornaish, Abu Dhabi

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system. Performed measurement integration and propagation using PLANET, and GAIA. Performed RF planning and link budget calculations for different sites. o Planned indoor coverage sites, Perform coverage prediction, providing presentations and reports for client as required, Proposal preparation and link budget preparation, and network trouble shooting. Performed Site audits, Perform site survey, walk test and drive test using TEMS and Swissqual. Providing reports for network expansion capacity and coverage using Swissqual diversity benchmarking tool.

o Performing benchmarking for optimization purposes, drive test for Mobile-to-Mobile 2G and 3G, Mobile to land 2G and 3G, video and data tests. Presenting the log file results

(data throughput rate, blocked calls, dropped calls, failed calls). Participated in program review meetings, staff training Generating reports for the clients and investigating the network KPI’s with the optimization team, cooperating with the optimization engineers to reach the required KPI’s. (Data Throughput, Voice quality, Video quality, accessibility, retainability, handover success rate, drop and fail calls, interference analysis, pilot pollution

. . . etc. Radio maps, identifying low or poor coverage areas). o The Link (or Power) Budget, Frequency Hopping, Equipment Enhancements and settings. Cell and Network Coverage Capacity Planning, Spectrum Efficiency and Frequency Planning, Handover issues, Discontinuous Transmission, Parameter Planning for Radio Network Optimization. Collected and processed drive test data. Performed measurement integration and propagation. Performed antenna selection and site configuration. Analyzed candidate sites. Preparing Link Budget analysis for 2G, and 3G Using tools GAIA, TEMS, Swissqual Performing site survey visits and prepared Technical Site Survey report. Validating site’s configuration Managing GSM 2G, 3G Network Roll Out, implementation, commissioning, testing & acceptance Analyzing drive test measurements Using MAPINFO. Applying The Okumura–Hata model propagation model for a macro cell environment to predict median radio signal attenuation, based on field measurements. Investigate the propagation conditions in the planning area, in a way to customize the used propagation model for the area.

I Have been involved in Post and Pre Launch Optimization, Cluster Optimization, KPI Monitoring for LTE 4G, Improvements in BSC Stats by parameter modifications, Post DT Analysis and Reporting, Cluster Level, in-building planning, macro site planning, micro site planning and optimization, transmission network planning, ip planning and Site Level Acceptance Reports.Have used following Tools, Nokia NETACT, ACTIX, TEMS Investigation, MAPINFO, M2000, Genex Nastar Cornaish Street – Cornaish, Abu Dhabi

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WCDMA, Genex Nastar GSM, PCHR, Probe, U-net, OSS, NCPR, Atoll, IBwave, Atoll MW,


2003 Eastern Mediterranean University, Master Program Scholarship. Honor B.Sc. Degree (3.38/4)

2005 Eastern Mediterranean University, Doctoral Program Scholarship. High Honor M.Sc. Degree (3.54/4) & High honor PhD. (3.88/4).


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Assistant. Prof. Dr. Hasan 7/9

Computer skills

Basic, GAIA, Asset3g, Planet, Unet

Intermediate python, html, LATEX, OpenOffice,Solidwork, Microsoft Windows Advanced Computer Hardware and Support, MATLAB

Communication Skills

2007 Oral Presentation at the IEEE international signal Conference 2015 Poster Presentation at the Annual communications and signal processing Conference in Dubai


Arabic Mothertongue

English Advanced Conversationally fluent

Turkish Basic Basic words and phrases only


- Soccer - Chess

- Swimming - Reading

- Running


1. 2019: Hasan Abu Hilal (Sole Author). " Error Rate Analysis of ZF and MMSE Decoders for Massive Multi Cell MIMO Systems in Impulsive Noise Channels ", SPRINGER, IJWIN International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, received at the editorial office,13 NOV 2018, Article revised, 29 JAN 2019, Article accepted for online publication, 9 FEB 2019, online ISSN 1572-8129 2. 2019: Hasan Abu Hilal (Sole Author). " Performance of ZF and MMSE decoders for massive multi-cell MIMO systems in impulsive and Laplacian noise channels” Springer. Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2019 3. 2017: Hasan Abu Hilal (Sole Author). "Robust Neural Networks Detector for CDMA Systems in non-Gaussian Multi-Path Channels", ELSEVIER, AEUE51772, AEUE - Inter- national Journal of Electronics and Communications, received at the editorial office, 19 APR 2016, Article revised, 12 NOV 2016, Article accepted for publication, 10 JAN 2017, DOI10.1016/J.AEUE.2017.01.006

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4. 2016: Hasan Abu Hilal. "Robust Detection for CDMA Systems in non-Gaussian Channels", International Journal of Engineering Maths and Computer. Publication in Vol.-3, Issue-3

(2016) .

Cornaish Street – Cornaish, Abu Dhabi

Cornaish Street – Cornaish, Abu Dhabi

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Assistant. Prof. Dr. Hasan 9/9

5. 2011: Hasan Abu Hilal, Aykut Hocanin and Huseyin Bilgekul. "Successive Interference Cancellation for a CDMA System with Diversity Reception in non-Gaussian Noise", Inter- national Journal of Communication Systems, Wiley, DOI: 10.1002/dac.1375, Volume 26, Issue 7, pp. 875-887, July 2013.

6. 2012: Hasan Abu Hilal, Tariq Abu Hilal and Jamal Daqrouq. "NEURAL NETWORKS FOR CDMA DETECTION IN NON-GAUSSIAN CHANNELS", Accepted for Publication in ISI Journal through the International Conference on Mathematical Sciences & Computer Engineering (ICMSCE 2012), .

7. 2010: Hasan Abu Hilal, and H. Al-Bahadili. "The Effect Of Reliability On Various MANETs Routing Algorithms", COSIWN-WCF Journal - 05 Tianfield, Huaglory, China. PUBLICATIONS, Conferences

1. 2018: Hasan Abu Hilal, Tariq Abu Hilal, "Impact of Impulsive Noise on 4G OFDM and SCFDMA Systems", International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT) (ISSPIT-2017), IEEE Spain. December2017 in Bilbao, Spain at University of Deusto. 2. Hasan Abu Hilal, Tariq Abu Hilal, “Arabic Text Lossless Compression by Characters Encoding”, Procedia Computer Science 155:618- 623,DOI:10.1016/j.procs.2019.08.087. January 2019

3. 2017: Tariq and Hasan Abu Hilal. " EDUCATION IN 3D TECH- NOLOGY" . International Conference on Education and Workforce De- velopment. Oral Presentation. Institution : HCT. Number: ICEWD, 1067,HCT. March 15, 2017 Abu Dhabi.

4. 2015: Hasan Abu Hilal. "NETWORK ENHANCEMENT APPS", The 3rd World Congress on Computer Applications and Information Systems 2016 UAE, Dubai.

5. 2013: Tajuddeen Rabiu Gwadabe, Mohammad Shukri Salman and Hasan Abu Hilal. "A Comparison Study between Recursive Inverse and Itera- tive Wiener Filter Algorithms" The International Conference on Elec- trical and Electronics engineering, Clean Energy and Green Computing (EEECEGC). 6. 2012: Hasan Abu Hilal and Tariq Abu Hilal. "Neural Networks CDMA Detection in Impulsive Noise Channels", 15th International Conference on Cornaish Street – Cornaish, Abu Dhabi

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Mathematical Sciences & Computer Engineering 2012 (ICMSCE 2012) to be held on, November 29-30-2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 7. 2011: Hasan Abu Hilal, Tariq Abu Hilal. "Speaker Detection using Linear Prediction Coding Based on Correlation Coefficient", Accepted in COMEC 2011, Romania.

8. 2011: Hasan Abu Hilal and Tariq Abu Hilal. "Neural Networks appli- cation for V-BLAST Detection in Impulsive Noise Channels", 5th In- ternational Conference on Complex Distributed Systems (CODS 2011), Germany.

9. 2011: Hasan Abu Hilal, R. Alshalabi and K. Daqrouk. "Speaker Identi- fication System Using Wavelet Transform and Power spectrum Density, Based on Correlation Coefficient", International Engineering and Com- puter Science Conference, Hong Kong.

10. 2009: Hasan Abu Hilal, Tariq Abu Hilal, Shadi EL Hajjar. "Perfor- mance of Diversity Reception for MIMO CDMA Systems in Non- Gaus- sian Channles", SIWN Conference, Germany.

11. 2009: Hasan Abu Hilal, Tariq Abu Hilal, Shadi EL Hajjar. "The Effect of Impulsive Noise on V-BLAST Detection", SIWN Conference, Ger- many. 12. 2007: Hasan Abu Hilal Huseyin Bilgekul, Aykut Hocanin. "Perfor- mance of RSIC Detector for MIMO CDMA Signals with Time Mis- match", SIU’2007, 15. IEEE Turkey. Apr. 2007.

13. 2007 : Hasan Abu Hilal Huseyin Bilgekul, Aykut Hocanin. "Robust MIMO CDMA Decorrelating Detector",2007IEEE International Confer- ence on Signal Processing and Communication. Dubai.

14. 2007: Hasan Abu Hilal Huseyin Bilgekul, Aykut Hocanin. "VBLAST performance in impulsive noise", SIU’2007, 15. IEEE Turkey. April.

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