Ny’anna Muniu
Jacksonville Florida, 32221
I have great communication skills, time management, CPR and first aid certified ( 3/1/2020), patient observation and shift vitals, consistency, always making sure patients are in excellent care. Experience
December 2018 - June 2019
Oak View Rehabilitation, Orange Park FL - CNA
● Working 11-7 getting patients up for the day
● Checking on them throughout the night
● Documenting any type of changes
July 2019 - November 2019
Consulate Health Care, Orange Park FL - CNA
● Working 3-11 putting residents to bed
● Passing out dinner
● Making sure patients get all their needs during the shift December 2019 - March 2020
Fouraker Hills Rehabilitation, Jacksonville FL - CNA
● PRN Position
● Worked all three shifts so i know the ins and outs
● Documentation for each shift .
April 2020- Present
Arbor Medical Sta ng, Jacksonville FL - CNA
● Working at different locations
● Maintaining care to patients
December 2020 - Present
weCare Sta ng Services, Jacksonville FL - CNA
● Maintaining care to patients
● Working at different locations
August 2014 - June 2018
Orange Park High School, Orange Park FL - General January 2020 - Present
FSCJ, Jacksonville FL - Associate's Degree
Taking classes so that I can get into Fscj RN Program