Subba Rao Anaparthi
●Senior Java Developer having 12+ years of IT experience in the areas of Object Oriented Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, Deployment and Implementation of various Client Server, Internet, Intranet, Web and Distributed N-Tier and E-Commerce application, using Object Oriented Technologies.
●Expertise in Server side development using Java, J2EE, EJB, JNDI, JDBC, RMI/IIOP, JDK 1.5/1.4, Log4j in Windows and Unix Environments.
●Good work experience in J2EE Web Technologies JSP, Servlets, Java Beans, Taglibs, JSTL and Struts Swing, JavaScript, Applets and HTML.
●Expertise in implementing MVC Architecture frameworks such as Struts, spring2.5 and Object Relational (OR mapping) Mapping tools such as Hibernate.
●Expertise in using Design Patterns including Singleton, Business Delegate, Factory Method, Prototype and Session Façade.
●Extensive experience in XML related technologies such as XML, DTD, XSD, XSL, XSLT, DOM, SAX, JAXP, and JAXB.
●Expertise with web tools like WSAD, ECLIPSE IDE RAD 6.0, ANT, MAVEN, and Log4j
●Active involvement in designing and developing real-time projects/enterprise applications, starting from the requirements analysis/design stages and through the whole Software Development Life Cycle.
●Used JavaScript for client side validations and implemented AJAX with JavaScript for reducing data transfer between user and server.
●Expertise in implementing spring framework for Dependency Injection, support for the Data Access Object (DAO) pattern and integrated with hibernate, Struts MVC.
●Very Good Experience in Websphere portal Development using JSR 168 portlets.
●Experience in adding security with OAuth.
● Experience in writing MapReduce batch jobs on HDFS 1.0 on Cloudera Environment.
●Experience in developing micro service applications using Spring Boot and Pivotal cloud Foundry.
●Experience in developing Front End User interface using HTML5, Angular JS.
Sun Certified Java Programmer 1.4 (SCJP1.4) certified with 93% score.
Operating System: UNIX, AIX, Linux, Windows NT/2000/XP
Languages: Java, C, Visual Basic 6.0, SQL/PLSQL
J2EE Skills: EJB, JDBC, JNDI, RMI, Servlets, JSP, Java Beans
Web Technologies: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, SAX, DOM, XSL, XSLT, XSD, and Web
Services, SOAP, WSDL, GGTS, Groovy
Application Servers: Tomcat 6.0, Web Logic Server 8.0, WebSphere 5.0/6.0/7.0 and 8.5,
JBOSS 3.x/4.x/6.4.4
Portal Servers: Websphere Portal server 5.1/6.0
Case Tools and IDE: Springs, Hibernate, Struts, Apache CXF, Apache Axis, IBatis
Frameworks: Eclipse 3.1, WSAD5.1, RAD 6.0/7.0
Build Systems: Ant, Maven2
CM tools: CVS, Clear Case, SVN, perforce, MS Visual source safe, Star Team
Databases: Oracle, MS SQL Server, MS Access, DB2 and (Hibernate ORM)
Other Experience: Experienced in developing JSR 168 Portlets, Websphere Portlets and
Programming with MQ Series, HDFS 1.0, MapReduce, Hive, HBase, and
Flume, Apache Storm.
LexisNexis, Claims Records Unit (CRU), Alpharetta, GA Dec 2017 – Jun 2018
Senior Java Developer
CRU Suite of applications is to help the customer to order for the police report and allows the user to view the report online, through Fax and email. There are Webservice modules can be used by other systems in the Application is order point where user can order, view report.
●Developed Spring based Web Services Application.
●Developed Spring Rest services.
●Migrated Legacy Struts component to Spring 4.0 MVC.
●Fixed the performance issues.
●Used Mockito to perform the JUnit Testing.
●Used Java Streams to iterate through the collection
●Developed business objects and mapped those objects to Database tables using hibernate.
Environment: Java 8, JavaScript, JSON, JAX-WS Web Services, Spring Rest Services,MVC4.0, Spring JDBC,Eclipse Luna, IntelliJ, GitLab, SQL Developer, Rest Assured, Hibernate, tomcat 8.0.27
Connected Vehicle Data Access, Ford, Dearbourn, MI Aug 2017 – Dec 2017
Full Stack Java Developer
●Developed Spring based Rest services using Spring boot Application.
●Deployed Applications on to Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
●Documented REST APIs with swagger, Providing Latency and fault tolerance using Netflix’s Hystrix.
●Unit testing applications using JUnit with H2 database and Wiremock (for mocking http calls), Functional Testing using REST Assured Framework for backend.
●Currently using Appdynamics to monitor the application behavior.
●Used Spring Cloud Services to incorporate the Spring config server and Discovery servers.
●Used Rabbit Mq to Asynchronously send messages to different system.
●Followed Agile extreme programming methodology.
Environment: Java 8, JavaScript, JSON, Rabbit MQ, Spring Rest MVC4.0, Spring JDBC, Eclipse Luna, IntelliJ, GitHub, SQL Developer, Rest Assured, Spring Boot 1.4, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Pivotal CLI, Gradle
The Home Depot. (Unbundled Home Delivery) Atlanta, GA Feb 2017 - Aug 2017
Full Stack Java Developer
Deliverables: Implementing a new route in the supply chain delivery those ordered online to optimize the price involved in it as well as to improve the customer experience.
●Facilitating conversion of business requirements to user stories or chores and estimating them.
●Developed Spring based Rest services using Spring boot Application.
●Deployed Applications on to Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
●Documented REST APIs with swagger, Providing Latency and fault tolerance using Netflix’s Hystrix.
●Unit testing applications using JUnit with H2 database and Wiremock (for mocking http calls), Jasmine for Angularjs.
●Functional Testing using REST Assured Framework for backend and Selenium for Front end.
●Currently using Appdynamics to monitor the application behavior.
●Followed Agile extreme programming methodology.
●Organizing Daily stand ups to track the progress of stories.
●Test-driven development method is being used which helped in delivering better quality code.
●Code refactoring until the acceptance criteria met that has defined in the user story.
●Used Google API and Geo coding to find address mappings between different markets.
●Pair programming the stories that resulted in better design and encouraged knowledge transfer between the pair.
●Build automation to prevent Build/deployment of inaccurate code to next life cycle.
●Implemented Spring Security and Single Sign on using OAuth2.
Environment: Java 8, JavaScript, JSON, Angular JS 1.6,/4.0, Jasmine, Node JS, Angular CLI, Spring Rest MVC4.0, Spring JDBC,Eclipse Luna, Spring Security, IntelliJ, GitHub,,Google Geo Coding API, SQL Developer, Rest Assured, Spring Boot 1.4, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Pivotal CLI, Gradle, Maven 3.2
Macys, Johns Creek, GA Apr 2015 - Jan 2017
Warehouse Management System Down Stream Routing (WMS DSR)
Senior Java Developer
●Wrote Java classes for different layers.
●Worked on EMS Queues and used JMS API to send Messages to Queue.
●Worked on Tibco Active Space client.
●Wrote EJB 3.0 Message Driven Beans to consume and process Messages from Queues.
●Wrote Rest Easy Rest Services.
●Designed and developed Route Weight Factor application on Apache Storm.
●Involved in finding & fixing production issues.
●Worked on Performance issues.
●Wrote EJBs and Data access layers using Hibernate and Entity manager’s annotations.
●Involved in writing JUnit Test Cases.
●Worked in onsite and offshore model.
●Worked on arquillian to test the EJBs.
●Involved in design and writing prototype code.
●Used JQuery API and Dojo functions for some UI controls.
●Followed Agile Sprint Methodology
Environment overview:
Ware house Down Stream Routing is suite of applications take the online customer order and responsible for waving, finding location, picking, pack and ship the packages to the Customer quickly. I got chance to work on following modules.
1.Route Weight Factor – RWF
This application picks the order and gets the rates for different carriers and based on some parameters order will be prioritized. We used Storm spouts and bolts to get order from different queues and determine RWF value.
2.Talos – Packing
This application will be deployed on RF devices where Ware house operator scans the package, items and creates invoice and shipping label and sends to routing.
This includes UI and Services UI is developed in Groovy and Services are on java 1.8 on Jboss 6.4.4
3.Atlas – Shipping
This application first find the best rate based on delivery end date, application carrier and service level and other parameters. And assigns the carriers generates invoice and shipping label and manifest the package and confirm the shipment of package
JDK 1.8, JBoss 6.4.4, EJB 3.0, Hibernate 3.0, Hibernate Envers, GGTS 3.5, Rest Easy services
●Communication and Presentation Tools included Microsoft Word, Excel and MS-PowerPoint.
●Configuration Management strategy included Clear Case, SVN
Environment: Java1.7 and 1.8, J2ee, EJB 3.0, JavaScript, JSON, JQuery1.8, Rest Easy services, CDI Inject, JQuery, Hibernate 3.0, JPA, Springcore3.1.1, SpringMVC 3.1.1, Eclipse, SVN, ANT, JAXB, JUnit4, XML, Windows, Linux, SQL Developer, EMS 6.0, Apache Storm 0.9.1, Apache Spark, Flume, Hadoop Map reduce, Zoo keeper, Storm UI, Arquillian Tests.
Verizon Wireless, Alpharetta, GA Nov 2012 - Apr 2015
Customer Communications Enterprise Systems-CCES
Sr. Java Software Developer
●Wrote Java classes for different layers.
●Worked on IBM MQ and used MQ API to send Messages to Queue.
●Used and configured activation spec on Websphere.
●Wrote Message Driven Beans to Process the Request from Queue.
●Wrote oracle stored procedures.
●Wrote Web services using SOAP.
●Wrote Shell scripts to load file data into Oracle Database tables.
●Used spring Configurations 3.1 to use the properties and Dependency objects.
●Wrote Quartz 2.1 API to schedule, trigger and run the batch jobs.
●Involved in finding &fixing production issues and running backup programs and scripts.
●Worked on Performance issues and fine-tuned SQL queries.
●Involved in migrating the JDBC Sql queries to Hibernate Named Queries.
●Implemented Caching using EHcache.
●Developed web interface using Spring 3.1 web MVC Framework.
●Developed Restful Web services using CXF’s JAX-RS API.
● Involved in writing JUnit Test Cases.
Environment overview:
CCES is a middle level platform used in Verizon wireless to get the request and business rules and send email or SMS or batch email. There are many small applications like Real time Email, Batch Email, SMS, Pound functions, Confirmation Letters, Single Entry point (SEP), Data Alerts etc. To communicate with in system IBM Message queues were used.
●Communication and Presentation Tools included Microsoft Word, Excel and MS-PowerPoint.
●Configuration Management strategy included Clear Case, SVN
Environment: Java1.5, J2ee, JavaScript, JSON,WebSphere7.0&8.5,Springcore3.1.1,SpringMVC 3.1.1, RAD7.0 and 8.0, Eclipse, ClearCase, SVN, Ant, JAXB, JUnit4, XML, Windows, Linux, SQL Developer, IBM Websphere MQ, MDBs and Session beans, EJB Transaction Management, MQ Explorer, Hibernate 3.1, JAX-RS, JAX-WS
Infor, Greenville, SC Dec 2011 - Nov 2012
Epiphany CRM Sales and Services
Sr. Java/j2ee Developer
●Wrote Java classes for different layers.
●Configured Genesis Framework for Computer Telephony Interface
●Integrated Genesis Framework with CRM Sales and Services Application.
●Used Genesis Platform SDK to implement soft phone in Application.
●Developed SOAP based web services using WSDL2Java approach.
●Involved in Fixing bugs
Environment overview:
Sales & Services is a Epiphany Product which allows customer to create Opportunities, Accounts, Prospects, Requests etc. Services Application can be used to as contact center and can create requests, work items, assign work item to agents.
●Communication and Presentation Tools included Microsoft Word, Excel and MS-PowerPoint.
●Configuration Management strategy included ClearCase
Environment: Java1.4, JavaScript, WebSphere, Oracle, Hibernate3.2.2, Eclipse, ClearCase, Ant, JAXB, EasyMock, Junit4, XML, Windows, Linux, SQL Developer, Oracle, JAX-WS Webservices..
Commerce plus-Walt Disney Parks and Reservations Online, Orlando, FL Mar 2011 - Dec 2011
Sr. Java/j2ee Developer
●Developed Rest services using CXF-JAXRS framework.
●Wrote Java classes for different layers.
●Used Spring Aspect oriented programming for Logging.
●Implemented deep caching using eTags to reduce network bandwidth.
●Implemented membase functionality for caching.
●Wrote hbm files and BO classes using Hibernate 3.3.2
●Wrote JMeter scripts for load testing.
●Implemented configuration of beans using springs configuration.
●Used Easy Mock for Writing JUnit Test Cases.
●Followed Scrum methodology
●Involved in code review using crucible.
Environment overview:
Commerce plus – is the application to bring all the different modules like park tickets, transportation, resort reservation etc into single place. Presentation layer is php. Backend java rest services.
Presentation layer makes REST calls to java rest services for operations like PUT/GET/DELETE/POST.
●Communication and Presentation Tools included Microsoft Word, Excel and MS-PowerPoint.
●Configuration Management strategy included Perforce
●Used Jira, Fish eye and crucible
Environment: Java1.6, REST Services, CXF-JAXRS, Spring Core, Spring AOP, Spring beans, HSQL, Hibernate3.2.2, Eclipse Helios, Perforce, CSS, maven, JAXB, EasyMock, Junit4, Tomcat 6.2.2, XML, Windows, Linux, SQL Developer, Oracle.
Dinner Out-Walt Disney Parks and Reservations Online, Orlando, FL Sep 2010 - Feb 2011
Sr. Java/j2ee Developer
●Developed Controllers using Spring MVC 2.5.2 Annotation
●Wrote Java classes for different layers.
●Developed tea templates as Presentation Layer.
●Implemented Business rules using drools.
●Fixed performance issues in Drool rules.
●Involved in publishing content using CMS content editor.
●Used Spring Aspect oriented programming for Logging..
●Implemented caching using EhCache.
●Wrote hbm files and BO classes using Hibernate 3.3.2
●Wrote Mock Services using SOAPUI.
●Wrote Groovy Scripts for editing Request/Response for Webservices.
●Wrote JMeter scripts for load testing.
●Used JAXB for Processing the Request object.
●Used Easy Mock for Writing JUnit Test Cases.
●Involved in fixing performance issues.
●Followed Scrum methodology
●Involved in code review using crucible.
Environment overview:
Dinner Out is an online application for the guest to book the reservations for various restaurants/dinner shows and Dine events in Disney parks. There are two layers one is presentation layer and other is services layer. In Presentation Layer Request first goes to Front Controller from there event name will be determined using flow helper class. Once event name is resolved then makes a call to services end which in turn makes web service call to backend systems. Once response comes back Order will be filled with bag which contains result. And the order will be sent to view.
●Communication and Presentation Tools included Microsoft Word, Excel and MS-PowerPoint.
●Configuration Management strategy included Perforce
●Used Jira, Fish eye and crucible
Environment: Java1.6, Spring MVC 2.5, SOAP UI Pro 3.5.2, DROOLS, Groovy, Hibernate3.2.2, SOA, Eclipse Helios, Perforce, tea templates, servlets, go publish, Spring AOP, AJAX,CSS, maven, Web Services,JAXB,EasyMock,Junit4, Tomcat 6.2.2, XML, Windows, Linux, SQL Developer.
UCMS, DLI, State PA, Harrisburg, PA Oct 2009 - Aug’2010
Sr. Java Developer
●Developed configuration files for UCMS Framework using Spring 2.0 Dependency Injection
●Wrote hbm files and BO classes using Hibernate 3.3.2
●Developed JSR 168 portlets and deployed on to Plum tree portal server
●Involved in reviewing and writing the sequence diagrams for different use cases.
●Implemented client for secured web services.
●Involved in improving the performance of SQL queries by applying indexes.
●Involved in interacting with web methods in Service oriented Architecture.
●Implemented Inter portlet communication.
●Involved in writing HQL queries.
●Implemented Façade pattern for invoking service layer.
●Developed secured web services using Jax-WS API
●Involved in writing Junit Test Cases.
●Implemented custom security to the application.
●Implemented client side validations using JavaScript.
●Used JSTL tags in JSP pages.
●Created and tested rules in Drools console.
●Packaged the rools jar and used into other projects.
●Used AJAX for developing drag and drop functionality.
●Worked on Business Objects
Environment overview:
UCMS is portal based application for claiming benefits for un-employed claimants. There are various modules in this project like Monetary, non-Monetary and Appeals etc. Non-Monetary is to file claim application for a claimant. Appeals is for claiming an appeal if the claimant is not happy with the tentative benefit rate. Monetary Module determine eligibility, calculates Benefits Rates, Worker wages etc.
●Communication and Presentation Tools included Microsoft Word, Excel and MS-PowerPoint.
●Configuration Management strategy included clear case, clear quest.
Environment: Java1.6, Spring MVC 2.0, Spring Dependency Injection, Hibernate3.2.2, SOA, JBoss Drools, RAD 6.0, Clear Case, JSP, Servlets, AJAX, Ant, Web Services, WAS, XML, Windows, Linux, SQL Developer, JSTL
STAR Admin, Total Systems TSYS, Alpharetta, GA Sep 2008 - Oct 2009
Sr.Internet Java Developer
●Developed Controllers using Spring MVC 2.5.2 Annotations.
●Wrote configuration files created dependent Bean Objects.
●Developed Free marker templates as views.
●Used Display Tag to display/manage data on view page.
●Wrote services and defined mappings using IBatis.
●Coded security features using ACEGI security Framework.
●Developed API webservices using CXF framework.
●Handled the validations using springs framework.
●Implemented Application metrics using Spring AOP.
●Used Ant and IVY for building and managing applications.
●Implemented caching using EhCache.
●Followed Agile Methodology using extreme learning.
Environment overview:
Star Admin Application is to manage the activities for prepaid cards. This application has ability to perform functionalities like creation of client; program for a client also can create card holder and tasks related to card holder, creation of cards and so on. Basic flow is when an user logs into application context will be established containing information such as client details, program details, user details and capabilities will be stored at the session scope. Internal Admin is used to manage client, account holders, programs and its functionalities, CSR handles the card holder functionalities such as balance adjustment, edit profile, card activate, de active, close account holders and so on. The Web flow is as follows. When user logs in Request will goes to Context Filter and sets the context at session scope, the request goes to Controller, controller calls delegate to process the request. Delegate is a business object acts as bridge between Controller and Service Layer. Service Layer interacts with data access using IBatis. Once controller receives data from service layer through delegates. View Resolver will be used to return the views.
●Communication and Presentation Tools included Microsoft Word, Excel and MS-PowerPoint.
●Configuration Management strategy included Subversion, CVS, JIRA.
Environment: Java1.6, Spring MVC 2.5.2, IBATIS, Eclipse3.1, Free marker, SVN, Ajax, Oracle, Ant, Ivy, Web Services, JBoss 4.3, Tomcat 6.0, XML, Windows, Linux, SQL Developer
W.L. Gore & Associates, Elkton, MD Aug 2008 – Sept 2008
Sr. Software Engineer
●Developed Web based interfaces using JSP.
●Developed several SQL queries to retrieve the data.
●Extracted the data from AS400 and performed updates and inserts to synchronize data with the Oracle database, the process of synchronization was developed in java. Developed web client side calls with Web Services for BPEL projected server side Web Services.
●Wrote java interfaces to bring data change sync between AS/400 and oracle.
●Implemented triggers in Oracle to notify changes in the database tables to AS/400.
●Involved in mapping data base tables with Java Business objects using Hibernate.
●Implemented Web Services with SOAP support using Apache AXIS.
●Extensively used the Java collection Framework Classes for Holding the Application objects.
●The UI also provided AJAX implementations enhance the user experience.
●Wrote several build scripts using Apache Ant and maven2.
●Designed and developed several Web services
●Designed and developed several Web Service clients
●Wrote several SQL Scripts to load data into the Oracle Database
●Wrote triggers
Environment overview:
Extranet is a Textile industry (Gore-Tex) related enterprise project addresses mainly on Sales, Purchasing and Marketing related activities like Inventory, Sales, Purchasing, Finance, Payroll etc. This project is replacement for enterprise portal. Using this middleware whenever there is PO, SO, GR, GL etc is created on the Extranet application the same should be created in the Oracle-JDE for accounting purpose with the same PO, SO, GR, GL number created on Extranet. This is an enterprise web based application runs on JBoss server interacting with a real enterprise system (Oracle-JDE). This application interacts and makes Web Service call to Oracle-BPEL, which further updates the JDE data. When the user logs in to the application data from the JDE would be fetched and displayed on application base. If the approves or cancels then it would be updated in JDE immediately.
●Communication and Presentation Tools included Microsoft Word, Excel and MS-PowerPoint. Architectural artifacts were also developed Visio.
●Configuration Management strategy included Subversion, CVS, JIRA.
●Communication protocols included SFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and several other proprietary protocols.
Environment: Java1.5, JDBC, Servlets, JSP, Hibernate, Eclipse, SVN, Ajax, Oracle, AS/400, BPEL, Ant, Eclipse, Web Services, JBoss 4.2.2, and Windows XP, XML, JAXB, Linux, SQL Developer
IBM India Pvt Ltd Nov 2006 - Apr 2008
Sr. Software Engineer
TWE – Sellers is a portal application to integrate the IBM Sales people Functionalities at a single place which makes easy for the Sells people get the required details easily, it is a portlet application that is having various port lets like Opportunities, accounts and requests, TWE sellers application aggregates the various functionalities of sales people and provides different book marking ability in a single place. This Application retrieves the data from different data sources for different portlets. For the “My Accounts” portlet, it gets the account results from Seibel interface by using SAW Web services. For the “My opportunities” portlet, it retrieves the opportunities details from Enterprise information Warehouse. The portlet to portlet communication is there to share data from one portlet to other portlets in the TWE Application using the Context objects concept.
●Implemented portlet classes using jsr-168 and IBM portlets.
●Implemented Portlet Wiring for Portlet to portlet Communication
●Developed themes and skins.
●Involved in Websphere portal server administration.
●Developed different cron jobs on IBM AIX.
●Developed scheduled jobs for Windows.
●Enhanced several portlet application performances.
●Involved in developing help pages using JSP.
●Used HTML, CSS for Developing User Interfaces.
●Involved in Design and implementation for the invocation of secured Web services from Standalone Client.
●Implemented popup combo box controls with Ajax for the “Search” functionality.
●Configured log4j.
●Involved in parsing the xml and data binding with JAXB
●Involved in Retrieving and sending Messages to IBM MQ from Java Client.
●Used JNDI for Data Sources lookup and used JDBC API for Database connection in implementing the cron jobs.
●Used JavaScript for performing show/hide functionalities and Validations.
●Used LDAP for searching for Emails addresses.
●Followed CMMI level 3 process.
Environment: Java1.4 /1.5 JSP, html, servlets, java script, JSR 168 Portals and Portlets, cooperative portlets, IBM MQ with Java, LDAP, SQL,Web sphere Portal Server & Websphere Application Server, db2, AIX, RAD6.0,RAD 7.0,WSAD, JAXB, XML,SQL, Hibernate, web services, WSDL, IBM SDK, java mail, JNDI,db2, log 4j and Profiling.
Virtusa India Pvt Ltd Apr 2005 - Oct 2006
Sr. Software Engineer
Project Title: IBM- IIS Reporting Console
IIS Reporting console enables the user to create reports, run and generates the report results. This project uses the Web client framework where applications can be developed as modules. IBM maintains data in Xmeta repository that can be retrieved from data stage using xmql Queries. From data stage report templates are designed and deployed in Acs- reporting console. From the report templates called report definition reports are generated and executed. The executed reports are called as Report Results. The results are published in various formats such as PDF, xml and html etc.
●Developed, and maintain an MVC architecture with Struts framework
●Involved in designing report definitions.
●Handled Client side Validations used JavaScript.
●Coded search functionalities, adding favorites, menu usability using Ajax.
●Involved in integration of various Struts actions in the framework.
●Configured log4j to debug the Application.
●Used JSP Tag Handler Classes for developing custom components.
●Used HTML, DHTML, CSS for Developing User Forms.
●Used Validation Framework for Server side Validations.
●Involved in JUnit Testing
Environment: JDK 1.4, JSP, HTML, java script, Struts, JSTL, Swings, Clear case, Eclipse 3.1, Eclipse Modeling Framework, BIRT, Maven, oracle, Ajax, Servlets, Check style, custom tag lib, Websphere Application Server, JBOSS, JDBC
Virtusa, India Sep 2004 - Apr 2005
Software Engineer
Project Title: Vignette Application Portal (VAP)
Client: Vignette
Description: Vignette Application Portal is used to rapidly build, customize and manage multiple sites across the extended enterprise. VAP enables centralized control of all the sites while distributing their daily management. VAP allows integration of the third party content management systems. Through the content administration plug-in, the content and workflow of the vignette content repository is managed. Sites can be imported and exported from/to VAP. Pages, Portlets, styles, grids, and Navigation items are components of the site.
●Developed several JSR 168 portlets.
●Developed several custom tags for Internationalization.
●Supported the application by fixing several bugs in the “Site Management” application
●Configured the VAP application on Different Servers
●Configured the application with various Databases
●Created various book marks and sites
Environment: JDK 1.4, Servlets, JSP, Struts, SQL, JDBC, Taglibs, portlet beans, JSR 168 portlets, Weblogic, Websphere, Tomcat and XML, MYSQL,ORACLE.
Project Title: CRM Retail System
Client: CRS
CRS Retail CRM is intended to be a Customer relationship Management (CRM) product for retail organizations. The product would analyze customer purchase activity, segment customers, manage campaigns and measure campaign effectiveness. The product would have real-time capability of providing loyalty rewards, bounce back coupons and POS messages at POS terminals (multi-vendor) and also have support for multiple channels like web, catalog, and call center. The product would need to be scalable, extensible, configurable, interoperable and platform independent.
●Reviewed the Design & Documentation in Data Management Module.
●Involved in scheduling the channels
●Converting data in Various Formats into XML format.
Environment: JDK 1.4, Servlets, JSP, java beans, SQL, JAXB, Web logic, Quartz, XML, Oracle
Bachelor of Engineering - Computer Science & Engineering
University: Bharathidasan University, India