Julio C. Mier
L @g__'uliocmiermail.com
* **** ****** ******** *** one year of college in Mexico. Last work - Sonnen Porsche Dealer - May/2001 to Ausgust 2019 0 Occupation - Detail Manager
0 l was responsible for detail department (new cars & used) stock new car, clams when the car is damaged, apply perma plate in the car, etc.
0 Also responsible for customer service, I check in car of customer and guided with service advisor o requiring a ride if I take them to their homes or works 0 delivery ca rs to customers home
0 With nearly 17 year experience working for Porsche l have learned to work a bit on cars. I can do Roadside assist; I enjoy talking to customer and helping.
Current work - Roto Rooter - since December/20019 to now 0 Occupation — Crew and Driver
0 885 Olive Av. — Novato - Ca - 94945
0 Certified Porsche Aftersales in 2006
Current work — part time — Angels Cleaning — since July 2007 to now 0 Occupation - Drlv'er
o 92 Louise St. # D — San Rafael - Ca — 94901
0 (415) 460—5340
0 I speak 3 languages English, Spanish and some Portuguese 0 I Like to communicate with people and learning new things 0 I Like sports