Kolleen Schutz Mercer
*** **** * ** **/,, l n WV 26062 km rce9B ~- mJlc m (301)'374 7/17
Data Entry/Customer ~~ort Representative
Reliable, decdicated, friendly1 cllent ot1iented1 Customer Support/Document Control/Data Entry/ Sr. Tax Analyst. Ability to 1,a,1dle co,nplax tax situatior1:s and be a liaison between clients and the taxing authority. Docume,1t corltrol advocate for company and client. Work Expedence
H&R Block - Kansas City KS Nov 2003- P.-:esent
Sr Tax Analyst/Smafl Business Certifled
ResJJonsible fior preparit1g a,1d filing individual tax returns
•:• Maintain required lf{S education and Company required certifications
•:• A,,sv'1er pt,ones, at1 end to clients arld ma Jee appointments
•:• A11swer complex tax questions
•:• Issue Aecessary bank prodtJcts
•!• Sen1ed over 130 clients in the 2021 tax season Small Engine World - lVlcDor1afd PA May 2000- Aug 2009 Manager/Co-Owner
Respor,sible for day to day operations
•!• AP/AR
•!• Preparing and fiiling Corporate Federat State and Local taxes
•:• Payroll/Bsokkeeping/Account,ng Software
•:• BanJ<ing/Loan procedures (procurement)
•:• Customer Service/ Answer phones
·!• Process Warranties
·=· Inventory Control
-:• Filing
•:• Parts look up and 0r.der Pr:ocessing
rcF Kaiser Engineers - Pittsburgh PA Aug 1997 - April 2000 Document Control Specialist
Responsible for transmitting docl1111ents between e11gineers a,,d on-site providers Education
Assoc;ates Degree - Spe~ialized 1·ect1nology- Cornputer Aided Desigr, ancl Draftlr,g Pennsylvar1la State Certified En1er.ger1fy l\~edical Tei;:t1r1icia11 rllatio,1ally r~egistered Fir.st Responder
West Virginla StatP Certified first Responder
f RS Licensed Pafd Tax PrerJarer
erof_es s ion a 1-5 kilts
•:• f!llicrosoft Office r,ogran,s (Wo, cl, Excel, Office)
•:• Co1l1f or table wo, ltir 1g Jr1 Mic, osoft WI, 1cfows 10
~• O utsta,,ding or gt1r)l1.u l lu,1at skill',, n1 ltltlt askir1g Ofl(1 J)r 01,10111 solvlr1g a blli ties Yolu.nteer__Experf eoce
Oakland District Volunteer Fire Department
I Ir t Ile' por1dc,
Oct 1991
Alig 1993; Sept 2000
J\ ug 2009
Alig 2009
Nov 2003
M,y 2004 .. pr e~er,t