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Academic Advisor Intern

Khobar, Eastern, Saudi Arabia
October 10, 2022

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Date of birth

Aug **, ****

M ar ital status

M ar r ied


Daughter (7yrs)

Son (1year6months)



Permanent Address


Kurnool -






Present Address

College of Dentistry

Jouf University


Kingdom of Saudi

arabia .

Present Contact No

: +966*********






Cl i n i cal Exper i ence:

2006? 2007 Rotating Internship,

Narayana Dental College, India

2008 Junior Consultant,

KNM Sm ile Dental H ospital, India

School Zilla Par ishad Girls H igh School, Gooty,


College Vavilala Junior College, Kurnool, India

Bachelor of Narayana Dental College, Nellore

Dental Surgery NTR University of H ealth Sciences, India 2002-2006 Passed in First Division

(Study:Classroom) College Third in Final year BDS

College First in Conservative &Endodontics

M aster of Government Dental College & H ospital,

Dental Surgery NTR University of H ealth Sciences, India in Pedodontics (Study:Classroom)

and Preventive



Cer t i f i cate : Laser Dentistry

Course 2016 Asian Institute of Advanced Dentistry, India Pediatric Dentistry differs in many ways from other branches of dentistry which treat adult patients. As a Pediatric dentist, my goal is to develop a relation with the parent/child, give comfort by allaying fears about dentistry and give relief from pain and agony of dental problems. Dental Education Exper i ence:

Aug 2011-Aug 2015 Senior Lecturer,

Department of Pediatric Dentistry,

Army College of Dental Sciences, India

Aug 2015-Aug 2016 Reader,

Department of Pediatric Dentistry,

SVS Institute of Dental Sciences, India

Aug 2016-Till Date Lecturer,

Department of Pediatric Dentistry,

College of Dentistry, Jouf University,

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Andhra Pr adesh State

Dental Council Registr ation: A5069

Indian Society of Pedodontics and

Pr eventive Denti stry : Life M embership, No. 1435 South Asian Association of

Pediatr i c Denti stry: Life M embership, No.194

Saudi License Number: Registrar in Pedodontics


Scholars Academic &

Scientific Society: Life M embership, No. SAS/LMSASS/084 Indian Society of Dental Traumatology: Life M embership, No.362 Alliance for a Cavity-Fr ee Future: Certified M ember Dental Resear ch Exper i ence:

Scientific Resear ch W or k :

1. Comparative evaluation of the Antimicrobial properties of Glass ionomer cements with and without Chlorhexidine Gluconate (2011). 2. Clinical Consequences Of Untreated Dental Car ies among Pr imary School Children ?A Cross Sectional Study (2017).

3. Evaluation of effectiveness of an audiovisual aid for oral health education in Saudi Arabian children (2018).

4. Initial 'well-baby' checkup for Oral health: A cross sectional study in Aljouf Province, Saudi arabia (2018).

5. Awareness and Utilization of M outhguards - An overview (2019) 6. Application of various behavior management techniques by graduates and intern dentists to manage children in dental clinic. (2019) 7. Oral health knowledge and practices of graduates and intern dentists in Aljouf province, Saudi arabia. (2020)

8. W inter's classification of impacted third molars and its relation with inferior alveolar nerve among Aljouf population. (2021)

9. Dietary, oral hygiene and lifestyle habits of children during and after COVID-19 lockdown ? Ongoing.

Library Di sser tation:

Ear ly Childhood Car ies.


1. Yadiki JV, Kategar i YB, Chada P, Vallakatla V. Can M ilk Teeth be Impacted? W hy Not: A Case of Six Impacted Pr imary Teeth. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent 2014; 7(3):220-222.

2. Y Josna Vinutha, Pavana Sandya. Apical Third H orizontal Root Fractures in Anterior Teeth: A Review. IJSS Case Reports & Reviews 2015;1(9):61-64. 3. Josna Vinutha Y. Is It Possible To Reattach The Retrieved Tooth Fragment From Lower Lip?. Indian J Dent Adv 2015;7(1):70-72.

4. Vinutha YJ, Krishnapriya V, Shilpa G, Vasanti D. Forensic dentistry: A Pedodontist's perspective.J M ed Radiol Pathol Surg 2015;1:8-14. 5. Yadiki JV, Jampanapalli SR, Konda S, Inguva H C, Chimata VK. Comparative Evaluation of the Antimicrobial properties of Glass ionomer cements with and without Chlorhexidine Gluconate. Int J Clin Pediatr Dent Apr-Jun 2016; 9(2):99-103.

6. M anoj Kumar G M allela, Uday Chowdary Bi r apu, Si bghatullah Yaser M d, M anasa Poludasu, Ravigna Peddi, Josna Vinutha Yadiki. Unicystic AMELOBLASTOMA IN 11 YEARS OLD CH ILD: A CASE REPORT. International Journal of Advances in Pediatric Dentistry, 2016;1(1):35-38. 7. Vinutha YJ, Reddy JS, Suhasini K, H em achandrika I . Diagnosis behind the Swelling of face in a 10-year-old child: A case report. Int J M ed Dent Case Rep 2017;4:1-3.

8. Josna VY.Teledentistry- An Alternative Dental Service. J Dent Sci 2017, 2(5). 9. Josna Vinutha Y and Shital Sonune. ?Esthetics by Prosthesis in an ED Child?. Acta Scientific Dental Sciences 2.4 (2018): 75-77. 10. Josna Vinutha Y, M ajed Ayed Almasluki Alenazi. Evaluation of effectiveness of an audiovisual aid for oral health education in saudi arabian children. Int J Sci Res 2018; 7(8): 53-54.

11. JosnaVinutha Yadiki, Naif Tami Talal Alshammar i . Awareness and Utilization of M outhguards - An Overview. Saudi J Oral Dent Res, June 2019; 4(6): 359-365.

12. Gudipaneni RK, Patil SR, Ganji K, Yadiki JV, Assir y A, Alam M K . Clinical consequences of untreated dental caries among primary school children: a cross-sectional study. Pesqui Bras Odontopediatria Clín Integr. 2020; 20:e4791. 13. JosnaVinutha Yadiki. 'W ell baby oral health evaluation - A review'. European J Pharm M ed Res, 2020; 7(7):389-392.

14.Josna Vinutha Yadiki. No Dr ill, No Fill...A Child Fr iendly Technique. OH DM .2021;20:2. Papers presented

1. Teledentistry - 29th AP State Dental Conference, Dec 2008, W arangal. 2. Bacteriotherapy - 31st Annual Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry Conference, Nov 2009, Ghaziabad.

3. Comparative evaluation of the Antimicrobial properties of Glass ionomer cements with and without Chlorhexidine Gluconate - 2nd Telangana State Dental Conference, Nov 2015, H yderabad.

4. Initial 'well-baby' checkup for Oral health: A cross sectional study in Aljouf Province, Saudi arabia - 33rd International Conference on Dental and Oral H ealth, Aug 2018, Dubai, UAE.

Poster presented

1. Never Ending Sm ile - 7th National PG Convention of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry Conference, M ar ch 2010, Udaipur. 2. Awareness and Utilization of M outhguards - An Overview, 2nd Annual National Interns Research Forum, King Abdulaziz University, M ay 2019, Saudi arabia.

3. Application of various behavior management techniques by graduates and intern dentists to manage children in dental clinic. 28th Congress of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry, June 2021

Confer ence Pr esentation and proceedings:

1. JosnaVinutha Yadiki, Initial 'well -baby' checkup for Oral health: A cross sectional study in Aljouf Province, Saudi Arabia, 33rd International Conference on Dental and Oral H ealth, Dubai,UAE, Aug 13-14, 2018, Oral health and dental M anagement, 2018. 2. Josnavinutha Yadiki.Application of various behavior management techniques by graduates and intern dentists to manage children in dental clinic.Int J Paediatr Dent. 2021;31(Suppl. 2):84.

Confer ences attended:

1. 27th AP State Dental Conference, Nov 2006, Tirupati. 2. 30th Annual Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry Conference, Nov 2008, H yderabad.

3. 29th AP State Dental Conference, Dec 2008, W arangal. 4. 6th National PG Convention of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, July 2009, Nellore, A.P.

5. 31st Annual Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry Conference, Nov 2009, Ghaziabad.

6. 30th AP State Dental Conference, Nov 2009, H yderabad. 7. 7th National PG Convention of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, M ar ch 2010, Udaipur.

8. 32nd Annual Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry Conference, Nov 2010, Amritsar.

9. 67th Indian Dental Conference, Feb 2014, H yderabad. 10. 2nd Telangana State Dental Conference, Nov 2015, H yderabad. 11. 13th National PG Convention of Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Feb 2016, H yderabad.

12. 2nd International Conference on Aesthetic Dentistry, M ay 2017, Aljouf, Saudi Arabia.

13. 33rd International Conference on Dental and Oral H ealth, Aug 2018, Dubai, UAE.

14. 2nd International Conference on M aternal and Child H ealth, April 2019, Aljouf, Saudi Arabia.

15. 2nd Annual National Interns Research Forum, King Abdulaziz University, M ay 2019, Saudi arabia.

16. International Association of Pediatric Dentistry Virtual Conference, September 2020.

17. COV-DENT-2020 International virtual Pediatric Dental Conference, September 2020.

18. 32nd Saudi International Dental Conference, April 2021 19. 28th Congress of the International Association of Pediatric Dentistry, June 2021

20. H ealth care career pathways Conference, Sep 2021 21. 3rd National Conference of Indian Society of Dental Traumatology, Oct 2021 22. 13th Dental facial cosmetic international conference 18-21 November 2021 23. W orld antimicrobial awareness week conference 21st November 2021 CDE Pr ogrammes, Educational sk i l l development l ectures, W or k shops and E-l ear n i n g courses attended:

1. State level Symposium on Forensic Odontology, Narayana Dental College, M ar 2007, Nellore.

2. Indian Academy of Oral M edicine & Radiology, Saveetha Dental College, Nov 2007, Chennai.

3. Concepts of Infant Oral H ealth Care, Kamineni Institute of Dental Sciences, M ay 2008, Narketpally.

4. IDA CDE, Army College of Dental Sciences, Feb 2009, Secunderabad. 5. Or thognathic Surgery, SVS Institute of Dental Sciences, July-Aug 2009, M ahaboobnagar.

6. Or thodontic Aspects for Pediatric Dentist, Sibar Insitute of Dental Sciences, Sep 2009, Guntur.

7. The Special Child M anagement & H ospital Based Pediatric Dentistry, St.Joseph College of Dental Sciences, Dec 2009, Eluru. 8. Diagnosis and Treatment Planning, Cephalometric Analysis and M odel Analysis in Interceptive Or thodontics, M amata Dental College, M ar 2010, Khammam.

9. The W orld of Research and Journals -Revisited, SVS Institute of Dental Sciences, Oct 2010, M ahaboobnagar.

10. Edentulous State-Treatment Options, July 2011, H yderabad. 11. Zonal CDE Programm, Army College of Dental Sciences, Sep 2012, Secunderabad.

12. W ork shop on Basic Life support, Army College of Dental Sciences, Oct 2012, Secunderabad.

13. Zonal CDE Programme, Government Dental College & H ospital, Jan 2013, H yderabad

14. Zonal CDE Programme, M NR Dental College, Feb 2013, Sangareddy. 15. Clearpath Scientific Session, Army College of Dental Sciences, Sep 2013, Secunderabad.

16.. Zonal CDE Programme, Army College of Dental Sciences, Sep 2013, Secunderabad.

17. Zonal CDE Programme, Army College of Dental Sciences, M ar 2014, Secunderabad.

18. Adhesive Dentistry: Get the Perfect Seal In All Your Dental Treatment, Feb 2015, H yderabad.

19. Zonal CDE Programme, Army College of Dental Sciences, M ar 2015, Secunderabad.

20. Zonal CDE Programme, Army College of Dental Sciences, M ar 2016, Secunderabad.

21. Clinical Decision Support - Reinvented, M ar 2018, Saudi Digital Library Portal. 22. Springer Nature, M ar 2018, Saudi Digital Library Portal. 23. BM J, M ar 2018, Saudi Digital Library Portal. 24. AdisInsight, April 2018, Saudi Digital Library Portal. 25. H ow to publish with Jaypee, April 2018, Saudi Digital Library Portal. 26. A new solution to an old problem - The war against Biofilm, July 2018, Swiss Dental Online Academy.

27. Infant and Child Oral Care: Answers to the Questions that Parents Ask, July 2019, Colgate Oral H ealth Network.

28. Al-ahsa Infection disease M eeting (AIDME) Symposium, December 2019, Alahsa, Saudi arabia.

29. Oral Pathology in Pediatric Patients - W ebinar by SAAPD, April 2020. 30. A biological understanding and management of traumatised immature permanent incisors - W ebinar by SAAPD, April 2020. 31. ADE-M inimally invasive dentistry - W ebinar by SAAPD, April 2020. 32. Pediatric Endodontics -W ebinar by Access Endo, April 2020 33. Radiographic lesions in children - W ebinar by SAAPD, April 2020. 34. Dental M anagment of M edically compromised children - W ebinar by SAAPD, April 2020.

35. Or thodontic M ini implant and its uses in Pediatric dentistry - W ebinar by SAAPD, April 2020.

36. ADE Lecture on Black and W hite in Pediatric dentistry - W ebinar by SAAPD, April 2020.

37. Interceptive Or thodontics - W ebinar by SAAPD, April 2020. 38. Electronic length determination and trouble shooting with Apex locators - W ebinar by SAAPD, M ay 2020.

39. Contemporary Laser assisted Pediatric Dentistry ( Lap-D) -W ebinar by SAAPD, M ay 2020.

40. Child abuse & neglect, managment of Autistic patient in the dental setting - W ebinar by Saudi society of Pediatric dentistry, M ay 2020. 41. Infection control for the Pediatric dentists - W ebinar by SAAPD, M ay 2020. 42. Non-pharmacological behaviour managment: the post COVID realignment - W ebinar by SAAPD, M ay 2020.

43. Silver diamine fluoride (SDF): 'The caries bullet' - W ebinar by SAAPD, M ay 2020. 44. Role of M uscles of M astication in M alocclusion - Catch them young - W ebinar by SAAPD, M ay 2020.

45. Aerosal Free Dentistry - W ebinar by SAAPD, June 2020. 46. Orofacial M yotherapy for Children - W ebinar by SAAPD, June 2020. 47. COVID and its implications in Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics - W ebinar by Dental council of India, July 2020.

48. Adverse effects from pre and sk in cancer awareness 6th October 2021 49. Clinical and radiographic considerations for selection of file system 7th October 2021.

50. UNICEF-child poverty,social protection &inclusive recovery 13th October 2021.

51. Novel approach for composite veneer layering 13th October 2021 52. Global health Saudi exhibition 18th & 19th October 2021 53. Coltene E-lecture day 29th October 2021

54. Saudi Digital Library-Taylor and Francis Author services platform-writing your manuscript 2nd November 2021

53. Digital Or thodontics symposium 26th November 2021. 54. Community dental health education programme - Saudi vision 2030 national volunteer work -45 hours-28thNovember to 2ndDecember 2021. Internal Examiner

NTR University Examination for Final year BDS M ar ch 2016, SVS Institute of Dental Sciences, M ahabubnagar.

Journal Reviewer :

Journal of Dentistry and Oral H ygiene.

Advances in Dentistry and Oral H ealth.

European Journal of Dental Education.

Editorial Board M em ber :

Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences.

Journal of Clinical Research in Dentistry.

College of Denti stry, Jouf Univer si ty:

- Diagnosing and treating child patients

- Demonstrating and teaching lab procedures to undergraduate students

- Demonstrating, teaching and monitoring clinical procedures to undergraduate dental students

- Quality and Accreditation standard two committee member

- Academic advisor

- College Attendance committee member

- Guide for students in scientific presentation sk ills.

- Supervisor for intern and student research.

- Female coordinator for few M edical and Dental Blocks.

- Contributor in Child & Adolescent care, Dental sk ills for Pedodontics and few other subjects.

Contr i bution to College:

While doing Post graduation in Government Dental College & Hospital, I assisted general surgeon in treating two child patients under General Anesthesia. I had done apicectomy treatment for three patients under local anesthesia which showed good prognosis after one month and three months. I was doing arch bar fixation for fracture cases. I was doing various treatments for 5 to 6 children per day in four hours by managing their behavior on the dental chair. At Army College of Dental Sciences, I did all procedures like Pulpotomy, Pulpectomy, Stainless steel crown and Space maintainers. I was in attendance committee and decoration committee. I was attending Post graduate students sem inars and journal club.

After obtaining 4 years of experience, I joined as a Reader in the Department of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry at S.V.S. Institute of Dental Sciences. I was involved in attending patients with variety of childhood diseases. I was giving demonstrations and monitoring clinical cases of Under graduate and Post graduate students as well as giving lectures and doing clinical discussions to third year and final year BDS students. I was involved in Post graduate students sem inars, journal club, library dissertation and thesis correction. I have done a special case of primary teeth impaction in a 3 year old child which is a rare case and it has been published in International Journal of Clinical Pediatric Dentistry 2014. I am interested in preparing review ar ticles. I have prepared a review ar ticle on ?Apical Third H orizontal Root Fractures in Anterior Teeth' which has been published in IJSS Case Reports & Reviews 2015. A review ar ticle on ?Forensic Dentistry- A Pedodontist's perspective' has been published in International Journal of M edicine Radiology Pathology and Surgery 2015. At Aljouf College of Dentistry, I am teaching undergraduates, giving demonstrations on each procedure in lab and clinic, monitoring clinical cases and treating child patients. I have been guiding students in scientific presentation skills, guiding and encouraging them to do research studies. A research study on 'Evaluation of Effectiveness of an Audio-Visual aid for Oral health education in Saudi Arabian children' has been published in an International Journal of Scientific Research which is a high impact journal. I have done a research study on ' Initial 'well-baby' checkup for oral health: A cross sectional study in Aljouf Province, Saudi Arabia' which helped us to evaluate the parental awareness in Saudi population and encouraged us to educate Saudi parents about their children oral health and first dental visit. A research study on 'Application of various behavior management techniques by graduates and intern dentists to manage children in dental clinic' helped the graduate students to think about various behaviour management techniques to learn and to manage children confidently in future. From 2006 to 2021, I have attended 23 conferences and conventions, 54 continuing education programmes, live webinars and updating m yself by attending Basic Life Support frequently.

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