*. The application received after the last date or
Encl,: As above
It is proposed to fiIl up one (1) vacancy of Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade) in the Department of Posts on deputation/absorption. The details of the post, eligibility conditions etc. are indicated in Annexure-1.
2. The eligible and interested olficials of the Department of Posts and other Ministries/Departments in the Central Government, whose setvices can be spared immediately after selection, may lbrward their application, through plopcr channcl, in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-ll) to this department latcst bv 26.09.2022. While forwalding thc application, it may be cerlihed that no vigilance case is eilher pending or bcing contct.tlplated ngir inst iitc irpp iir urii.
2 6 AU6 2,?
File No. AD-91i 17l2022-Admn-DoP
Governmer.rt of India
Mirri.try ol Cot:tlttunicet ion
Deparhnent of Posts
Dak Bhawan. New Delhi- 1 I 000 1
Datecl : 1{tALrgust, 2022
Filling up of one (1) vacancy of Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade) in the Departn-rerrt of Posts in Level 2 in the Pay Matrix (Rs.19,900 to Rs.63,200) {Pre- revisecl Pay Band-1 of Rs. 5,200-20,200 with Grade Pay of Rs, 1,900/-)- regarding.
incotrplcte irt any respect will not be
( 2 cr.=-6 f-$ r _d- t / l^n
(Vinayak Mishra)
Assistant Director General (Admin.)
Te .23096027
All Ministries /Departments of Govt. of India (as per attached list). A11 the Postal Circles-Department of Posts, India. CEPT- for uploacling contents of this Notice on India Post Website. Annexure-I
Name of the StaffCu."t (ordinarY Grade)
ffirp C) Non-Gazctted, Non-
Scale of Pa 19.900 to Rs. 63,200
on-the closing dat" of,I99 pI upp]igations'
Deputation/AbsorPtion :
e-'- u.o"gu the iegular Despatch Ridcr (Group C) and Group C;;G""t in Leve"l-1 in the pay matrix,in th€ Depadment ol P";;l;h" possess valid Driving License for Motor Cars on the basis ol a Driving Test to assess the competcncc to drrve Motor L"tt, i"ifirg whi"ch lrom officials holding the post of Despatch Rid"t orr 1o. basis or regular Group C employees in Level -1 in o,fr"t Ministries of the Central Government who fulfil the necessary qualifications as mentioned in column 6' Deputation or re-employment for Armed Forces Personnel The Armed Forces Personnel due to retire or who are to be u"..i"ti.a to rescrve within a period of one year and having the r.e!;trt,; experiencc and qualihcations prescribed shall also be considered. Such persons would be given deputation terms upto in"-aut" o" *},i"h ihey are due for reiease irorl tile Artneci Forces; thereafter they may be continucd on re-employment' Note: The period ofdeputation including the period ofdeputarion il;r;,h"i ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this annointment in the same or some other organisation or iiJr-i.*, of the Central Government shall ordinarily not
.*J.J trn"" years. The maximum age limit for appo,intment by a"pr,"ri"" or absorption shall n^ot be'Not exceeding 56 yeats' as Method of
and EligibilitY
@osing date for receiPt of
{i) Possessiott of a ralid Driving License For molor cars:
- .
iiil f
.ag" of motor mechanism (The candidate should able to remove minor defects in vehicle);
iiiO g"p".i*"" of driving a motor car for at least 3 years' and
(iv) Pass in lOrh standard
(1) 3 years' service as Flome Guard or Civil Volu.rteers' Educational
And other
Name in Block letters
Date of Birth
Date of retirement
cati,cn ( enclose self-certilied co
Other Qualifications
i) Posscssing a valid Driving- License (enclose copy): of motor mechanism ( enclose
Whether the aPPlicant exoerience for the Post
Wlr"th* t" tlre ttglrt
made above, the applicant meets
the requirements of the Post
Details of em tt. in chronological order
Nature of Present emPloYment ad-hoc or temPorary or quasl or permanent
Date :
Countersigned by Head of the Depadment:
(Signature of the aPPiicant)
lication is made for abso
AArtidtlrf ti*, if
which the applicant likes to
furnishing support of his suitability for the post Enclose a separate if the space insufhcient
Wh"th"t b"long to SC/ST/OBC
t 2.
Narne of the Ministry
*Strike out which is not applicablc
l. "L'crliiied. that. thc palliculars givcn abovc aLc trrc rnrl havc l-)oc1) \erillc(1 liorr llrc oftlcc rccoltls. "
2. 'Ihc applicant. il sclcctcd. will bc rcLicvcd irnrnediatcir,. l. 1t is ccltillctl that no viqilunce crsc is pcndirtt: ol being con1cnipllted alainsl Shri/Slrl./i\4s. and his,ihcr intcllitv is ccltilltrl.
- .\l1e5t..l gqrlrisr 1rl'11 11r.llttr. \( li..lLrssict irt resp.'el of Slli Sntt \1s.
(Certificatc thc furnished by the Employee/llead of Office/Fonvarding Authority)