Personal information
Name: Ihsan Saad Hsoon Alsaudi
Date of birth: 4-Jan-1981
Nationality: Iraq
Mother tongue: Arabic
Other language: English
Graduation: B.Sc.Civil engineering / from engineering college –university of Basra from (1998-1999)to (2001-2002)
Address: al- Muthna al- Samawa
Mobile: 078******** - 077********
**********@*****.*** ********@*******.*** E-Mail:
Blood group: A+
Experience: good speaking and write English, good working on computer, I have training in course of English conversation and construction quality control, construction safety training
1- I work as a site engineer with al Fatah al Mubeen (Iraqi Government Company for constructions) company in many civil works as pavement and buildings.
2-I work with japans ground self as site engineer in two work constructed new road in Swaier city and rehabilitation apartment in Samawa city.
3-work with city council as supervisors engineer in many civil work rehabilitations and construction (schools, health center).
4-I work with Samawa Municipality as site engineer in many civil work rehabilitation and construction.
5- work with Parsons Company as site engineer and deputy task manger in construction three modern health centers in Muthna about 18 months
6-I work with Mott MacDonald comp. as site engineer in construction big treatment plant (200 m3/day ) in al majid city
about 12 months
7- . From 23 October 2008 to to 15 October 2009 worked with University of Baghdad as consultant as part of a team on the project of pipeline 700mm from AlRumeitha city to Al samawa city with construction storage tanks in Alsamawa.
8-work with Samawah Municipality as seinor civil engineer from 2009 to now