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Visa status. Transferable
Disciplined and well approach, pharmacist where in-depth knowledge of pharmacy procedures can be aptly used to enhance the efficiency of the healthcare organization. To enter an organization where I can effectively apply my technical, educational, managerial and decision making skills. To use my knowledge and skills in organization’s best interests. To grow and excel with an organization and to provide my services honestly and energetically. Qatar prometric exam passer ( QCHP eligibility)
2 0 0 9 u p t o 2 01 4
Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Hospital Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Marketing & management.
( G a n d h a r a U n i v e r s i t y P e s h a w a r P a k i s t a n ) www .g a n d h a r a . e d u . p k 2009 (Pre-Medical)
B i o l o g y, P h y s i c s, C h e m i s t r y, E n g l i s h ( C o m p ), U r d u ( C o m p ), P a k S t u d i e s, I s l a m y a t .
( B o a r d o f I n t e r m e d i a t e & S e c o n d a r y E d u c a t i o n K o h a t ) w w w . B I S E K . p k . c o m
200 6 Secondary School Certificate
( B o a r d o f I n t e r m e d i a t e & S e c o n d a r y E d u c a t i o n K o h a t ) w w w . B I S E K . p k . c o m
Work Experience
. Four year work experience as a pharmacist from August 2015 to November 2019 .New khattak pharmacy Swat kpk Pakistan Two year experience in mission medical center Al ain UAE Duties:
Accurately dispensing drugs to patients according to a doctor’s prescription.
Checking prescriptions for errors & making sure they are appropriate for patients.
Measuring, packaging, labeling and recording medications issued to patients.
Instructing patients on how to use medications, possible side effects and storage.
Contacting and working closely with other healthcare professionals.
Answering questions from patients and staff about medicines.
Ensuring the accuracy of all prescriptions, products and services supplied.
Helping to develop the pharmacy's electronic discharge system
Managing and resolving complaints.
Talking to regular patients to see how their treatment is going.
Able to trains and supervise Pharmacy Assistants.
Communicating with customers sympathetically and supportively.
Knowledge about pharmacy using software like shades. ( UAE) Personal Attributes
Honest and trustworthy
Possess cultural awareness and sensitivity
Sound work ethics
Language proficiency
Languages Ability to Read Ability to Write Ability to Speak English Excellent Excellent Excellent
Urdu Excellent Excellent Excellent
Pashto Excellent Excellent Excellent