Carrera * # ** – ** Suite *** Bogotá, Colombia, South America
Phone: +571- 616 18 49 / Movil +(573-***-**-**-** Born: may 10, 1969 **************@*****.*** Twitter:@l3onardoperezm
Digital Portfolios: www.lmde.webs.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leoperez-graphic-design/ WORKING EXPERIENCE
Colombia Productiva Nov. 2016 / Actual Bogotá
Professional in design, realization of visualizations through the PowerBI tool, coordinator of the project to redesign the website. Administrator of the content of the website. Making pieces for social networks and presentations. www.colombiaproductiva.com Jefe directo: Sonia López - ejecutiva comunicaciones Editorial art director Poder&Negocios Televisa Mexico and Page One Media Bogota, Colombia Art director of Magazine PODER, the target of this Mag are for the business intelligence and upper class in Mexico D.F. Work since 2006. The mag are edited in Miami, Design and Pre press for me in Bogota and printed and distributed in México D.F. www.poder360.com Editor in chief: Jose Lopez (USA) / Jose Huerta (MEX) Graphic Director Legis Publicaciones Especializadas Bogota, Colombia Legis is leader in Legally publication’s in Colombia, and niche magazines. Have 11 trademarks in publications and Yellow pages. www.legis.com
Design Editor Diario Expreso Graficos Nacionales Guayaquil, Ecuador
“Expreso” is at newspaper in standard format. This newspaper circulating issues in Guayaquil, I’ve coordinated the entire publication in design, illustration, photography and final production. I organized and performed the editorial projects including the new daily edition of ‘Expresiones’ Recent redesign suplement. I reported to the Editor in chief: Mr Galo Martínez Leisker. I supervised the design team composed by five graphical designers, two illustrator, Four art finalists and two infographics. Full time position. www.expreso.ec
Design Editor Comunican S.A. Newspaper El Espectador Bogota, Colombia
“El Espectador” is at newspaper in standard tabloid format. This is the second newspaper in the number of circulating issues in Bogotá over 300,000 issues. I coordinated the entire publication in design, illustration and final production. I organized and performed the editorial projects including the Sunday edition. I reported to the Editor in chief: Mr Ricardo Santamaría. I supervised the design team composed by two graphical designers, one illustrator, two art finalists and four photographers. Full time position from January 2003 to October 2003. www.elespectador.com
Art director Semana Publications Bogotá, Colombia
“Semana Publications” is the most important editorial company in Colombia. This company has eleven brands in editorial market with a variety of temporal circulating issues both national and international. I managed five brands of this editorial; their titles are “Semana [Weekely]”, “Jet-Set”, “Dinero[Money]” and “Finanzas Personales [Personal finances]”. I directed and coordinated the designing teams in imaging, graphical design, quality assurance and final quality control. Weekly, I created and designed the “Semana [Weekly]” magazine’s cover page. Semana circulates weekly 75,000 issues. I provided quality control over the entire publication in the design issues. I directed and conducted redesigning issues at the interior of the “Semana” magazine. Weekly, I participate in the newsroom meeting as a collaborative member at the “Semana” magazine. I report directly to the president of the company and maganize directors: Mr Felipe López and Mr Alejandro Santos. In addition, I directed several special projects among other magazines within this company like the creation and development of “Semana 20 year’s edition”, the redesign of “Jet Set” magazines as well. Over more than four years I had more than ten people under my supervision and direction. I supervised the design team composed by four graphical designers, one illustrator and eight art finalists. Full time position from January 1994 to December 2002. www.semana.com CEO: Mr. Felipe Lopez
Illustrator and Infographer Semana Magazine Bogotá, Colombia For “Semana Publications” I perform the illustrations and infographics for the magazines publications in this company. I managed the illustrations in digital format using Illustrator, Photoshop and Cinema 4D r.12 software. I illustrated pages using a variety and traditional techniques as montages, photo retouching and line illustration. Also, I did info graphics charts and pies design among other duties. Graphic Designer Assistant Edimedios- Carvajal S.A. Bogotá, Colombia Edimedios runs its print media under the company called “Estación de Diseño[Graphical Station]”. I participated as a graphic designer assistant in pagination, general art making, etc. Full time position, First Job. OTHER WORKING EXPERIENCE
Magazine design:
2011 Freelance design of the “El especialista” Magazine for HomeCenter. 2008 Freelance design of the “Salud y Mujer” Magazine a Health Mag produce by Datamedia (www.datamedia.co) 2007 Freelance design of the magazine “Conexión” the onboard mag for Aires Airlines. 2004/2005: Freelance redesign and new design of this publications in Colombia. CCI, Owns Illinois Peldar Colombia. 2003. “Revista Cambio” I conducted the redesign of this magazine. This weekly magazine provides updated and outstanding information about the country. This magazine has a circulation around 35,000 issues. 2003. “La Revista [The magazine]” this publication is an additional for the subscribers to the weekend “El Espectador” newspaper. 1998-2000 “JetSet” magazine. I carried out the design of this Colombian’s magazine. This monthly magazine provided information about stars, celebrities and entertainment issues in the country.
Jan-Oct 2003. “Amigo Tendero[Bakery Friend]” this monthly newspaper is directed to baker and small businessmen in Colombia. It runs around 20,000 issues. I carried out the coordination and design of the edition. This was performed as a separate issue from “El Espectador”. Books:
I designed several covers and interior designs in several cover books as: 2012: The Toad House / Book One / Jess Loury ISBN-10: 061******* www.jesslourey.com • Rosario Tijeras -2004 [Editorial Planeta] • Años de Fuego
- 2001 Editorial Planeta. Bogota, Colombia. ISBN: 958420218-9• Retratos del poder [ Pictures of the power]. Editorial Planeta. Bogota, Colombia. ISBN: 958420302-9 Diario intimo de un fracaso [Intimate diary of a failure] - 2002 Editorial Planeta. Bogota, Colombia. ISBN: 958420349-5 • El imperio de la droga [The drug empire] 2002 Editorial Planeta. Bogota, Colombia. ISBN: 958420383-5 • Sistemas de Guerra [War Systems] 2003 Editorial Planeta. Bogota, Colombia. ISBN: 958420539-0 •
Catalogs and Financial Reports
2013: Financial Report for AVVillas Bank • Jan 2001 JICA catalog: Institutional catalog for the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). EDUCATION
BA Graphic Designer. Tadeo Lozano University. Bogota-Colombia 1986-1989 CONTINUING EDUCATION
June 2011. Cymetria Adobe partner, certified in Flash cs5.5 Fireworks 5.5 and Dreamweaver CS5.5. Bogota Aug, 2007. Society of Newspaper designer (SND) Infographics Bogota Aug, 2000. Society of Newspaper designer (SND) Annual workshop. Minneapolis, USA Feb, 1995. II world meeting in infographics. Society of Newspaper designer. Pamplona, Spain. Jan, 1993. Visit to installation to the project Scitex Output. Conference “Pre-press for the Future”. Scitex and Time Magazine. New York, USA AWARDS
Oct, 2003. SIP (Inter american Press Association) in Infographics. The info graphic winner titled was “Asalto al corazón de Cali feature in 2002”. Chicago Illinois. This info graphics illustrate the elements of a complicated terrorist maneuver. COMPUTER SKILLS
I have outstanding experience in Mac and PC platform, in several software as Adobe illustrator (Cs5), PhotoShop (cs5), Quark Xpress (8.0), Indesign
(cs5), Cinema 4D XL R.12 Editorial pagination system as FRED by Tera systems and Millenium. My expertise in Microsoft Office suite is at excellent level. LANGUAGES SKILLS
Spanish Mother language
English Excellent
I take part in the news and the newsrooms. I like this environment the deadline and final product in paper. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS
I am an aspirant to graphic position in design. I have experience in graphics deadline, page design and fast solutions for ideas in attractive pages.