Surname : Khumalo
Names : Ntombifikile Engrete
Date of birth : 1997/03/02
Identity number : 970**********
Gender : Female
Nationality : South Africa
Home Language : IsiZulu
Other Languages : English and IsiNdebele
Marital status : Single
Driver's Licence : None
Criminal Record : None
Contacts : 078-***-****
Email Address : ********@*****.***
Physical Address : 8129 Section B
Last School Attended : Sitjhejiwe Secondary School
Highest Grade Passed : Grade 12
Subjects Passed : IsiZulu, English, Business Studies
Economics and Life Orientation
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Year Obtained
Institution : Lesedi Community Knowledge Center
Course Passed : Micro Office
Word, Excel, Power Point
: Life Skills
Decision Making And Problem-Solving
Creative Thinking And Critical Thinking
Communication And Interpersonal Skills Goal Setting
Time Management And Conflict Management
: 2017
Company Name : Steers N4 high Way
Position Scullery
Duration From March 2018 to May 2018
Name of Person : D.R Kgatle
Relationship Teacher
Contact Number 076-***-****
Address PO BOX 294
Name of Person : Sbongile
Relationship : Supervisor
Telephone Number : 013-***-****
Address : Between Cullinan and Valtaki
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“Identity number 970********** Exam number 816**********
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IsiZulu Home Language Lee “ Ag 3 /
English First Additional Language®. oes : ae “3 2
Life Orientation fi PSS SE 47 3
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an va In collaboration with
Khumalo Ntombifikile Engrete
Has successfully completed the requirements for Introduction to Computers and to be recognized
as a Microsoft Office:
Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Ufe Skills
decision-making and problem-solving
creative thinking and critical thinking
communication and Interpersonal skills FERRIS
Goal setting
Time management and conflict management ; 2oHie a
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Date:15/December/2017 = ETB Te nse LOT nse gery Certificate No, LCKO4116
LCKC Director/Tralner Siyafunda CTC Director
9 ACC/2015/07/0010
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