My is Gertrudis Amanda Pineda I m looking for a part time job as soon as possible and i know your company is hiring part time I have excellent skills on customer service because I work at Dillard s from 1999 until 2006 I started working as a sales associates for a few years and then became a cosmetic manager .. at Dillard s we were teach that we the associated are face s of the company because it s what customer sees when they first enter to the business in this case I definitely want to be the face of your company, of course you allow me I have 7 years of working with clients or customer s I m very professional and a easy person to get along I can start working right away if your company requires with no excuse Here s my phone number 813-***-**** if you would like to send me a text message or if it s easier for you to email me my email address it s on the top of this email Thanks for the opportunity to communicate with you Gertrudis Amanda Pineda Amanda