Butler, Jennifer
Time Entries
Date EE Activity Description Rate Hours Line Total
**/**/**** ** ***** Email from Health Street re: Drug Test Results $150.00 0.1 $15.00 04/26/2022 KD Telephone Call Telephone call with Jennifer re: visitation $150.00 0.1 $15.00 04/26/2022 WS Correspondence Correspondence to Eric Oliver re: Visitation $350.00 0.3 $105.00 04/26/2022 WS Research
Review statutes and Guidelines regarding
grandparent visitation, review Orders for both
$350.00 0.8 $280.00
05/04/2022 KD Telephone Call Telephone call with Jennifer re: processed payment $150.00 0.1 $15.00
05/04/2022 WS Telephone Call Call to opposing atty $350.00 0.1 $35.00 05/18/2022 KD Telephone Call Telephone call with Jennifer re: status of case and file motion $150.00 0.3 $45.00
05/18/2022 KD Email Emailed WRS letter dated April 18, 2022 returned no mail box $150.00 0.1 $15.00
05/23/2022 KD Email Email to Jennifer re: WRS letter $150.00 0.1 $15.00 05/23/2022 WS Correspondence Correspondence to Jennifer re: status of case $350.00 0.3 $105.00 05/23/2022 KD Document
Preparation Entered facts in petition $150.00 0.3 $45.00 06/01/2022 WS Research Research case law and started drafting petition $350.00 2.0 $700.00 06/20/2022 WS Document
Preparation Finalize and file Petition $350.00 1.0 $350.00 07/05/2022 KD Email Email to Jennifer re: filed petition and invoice $150.00 0.1 $15.00 07/08/2022 WS Telephone Call Call with new OC for Guardisns $350.00 0.3 $105.00 07/17/2022 WS Email From OC re visitation proposal. Txt to KD to set appt w client $350.00 0.2 $70.00
07/17/2022 WS Research Guidelines and grandparent visitation proposal $350.00 0.4 $140.00 07/18/2022 WS Email Settlement proposal to OC $350.00 0.3 $105.00 Sipes Law Firm PC Sipes Law Firm PC
151 N. Delaware St., #1130
Indianapolis, IN 46204
United States
Invoice #
Invoice Date
Payment Terms
Due Date
September 16, 2022
Due on Receipt
September 16, 2022
Jennifer Butler
122 N. Williams Drive, Apt. B
Brownsburg, IN 46112
07/18/2022 WS Telephone Call TC with client $350.00 0.1 $35.00 07/18/2022 WS Email Email to opposing counsel re: visitation $350.00 0.1 $35.00 07/19/2022 WS Email Email to opposing attorney re: visitation outline $350.00 0.2 $70.00 07/25/2022 WS Email Emails to and from with opposing attorney re: visitation $350.00 0.1 $35.00
08/05/2022 KD Telephone Call Telephone call with Erica at Superior 2 re: Scheduled Attorney Conference $150.00 0.1 $15.00
08/05/2022 KD Email Email from Ericia at Superior 2 re: Zoom link for attorney status conference $150.00 0.1 $15.00
08/26/2022 WS Hearing Zoom Attorney Status Conference $350.00 0.3 $105.00 08/31/2022 WS Telephone Call Telephone call with Darren Chadd re: Scheduled Mediation $350.00 0.1 $35.00
09/01/2022 WS Email Email from Darren Chadd re: forwarded email from Mediator $350.00 0.1 $35.00
Totals: 8.1 $2,555.00
Date EE Activity Description Cost Quantity Line Total 06/20/2022 KD Filing Fee Filing Fee $182.10 1.0 $182.10 Expense Total: $182.10
Time Entry Sub-Total:
Expense Sub-Total:
Amount Paid:
Balance Due: $1,137.10
Payment History
Activity Date Payment Method Amount Responsible User Deposited Into Payment
Aug 15,
Cash $600.00 Kim Dufek
Jul 22, 2022 Cash $200.00 Kim Dufek
Jul 8, 2022 Credit Card $200.00 Kim Dufek
Jun 2, 2022 Cash $300.00 Kim Dufek
May 4, 2022 Credit Card $300.00 Kim Dufek