PO Box ******
Stone Mountain, GA 30083
Tel: 678-***-****
Email: **********@*****.***
As an all rounded and keen to detail professional with exceptional management skills, I possess over 10 years of experience managing office operations and ensuring the smooth running of office systems. The experience I acquired enabled me successfully manage supplier contracts and handle procurement functions seamlessly. Some of the competencies I have acquired in the course of my working engagements include; contracts management, supplier engagements, and procurement and negotiation skills. Among the roles I have effectively undertaken include; Developing stock level requirements based on usage factors and mission requirements, recommending forecasting labor and material costs, following supply policies and procedures including procuring, storing, issuing and recording, and negotiating with prospective contractors on pricing, performance, technical terms, and other provisions; among other roles. Aside from this, I have also provided administrative support to the agency, ensuring all office operations run smoothly in addition to providing effective customer support. I have also been actively involved in the management of records ensuring the records system is well secured. These skill sets position me towards a variety of roles that will make the best use of my abilities and experience in procurement and contracts management.
Master of Business Administration- Strayer University Washington DC; 2006- 2008
Bachelor of Science in Physics/Mathematics- University of Nairobi; 1992-1996
Certificate – Entrepreneurship in emerging economies- Harvard EdX Course : 2020
Devops, Cloud Computing, AWS, Azure, Google IT training certification.
Training AWS, Azure, Google, Cloud Computing, Digital Marketing, Cloud developer, Data/Network engineer.
Sourcing / Procurement: Experienced in handling sourcing through identification of cost effective suppliers for procurement with an aim of improving quality & reliability and ensuring timely procurement and supplies management.
Supply Planning/Inventory Management: Competent in ensuing timely sourcing and delivering of goods from suppliers, following supply policy and procedures including procuring, storing, issuing and recording all office consumable supplies
Contract Management: Successfully negotiated with prospective contractors on pricing, performance, technical terms, and other provisions, Performed review of contracting files for compliance with requirements, tracked records of contract and prepared written requests for proposal
Management Procurement: Ability to leverage interpersonal skills to establish rapport and develop relationships with all key stakeholders such as suppliers, customers & colleagues.
Negotiating skills: Excellent negotiation skills with an ability to bargain with suppliers on the best terms of services and in the long run improving cost saving.
Administrative skills: Proficient in managing administrative operations which entailed; providing proper customer service to walk in clients, managing office correspondence, generation of travel reports, handling filing and record keeping and ensuring office operations such as mail delivery runs smoothly.
Records Management: Experience in manages the Agency Records Management Programs for both core mission and administrative records, conducting a variety of analytical studies and projects in the area of records management, including gathering information, interpreting records management and reporting requirements and transforming the records management system to address the challenges posed by electronic records
Management skills: Excelled in formulating and overseeing the implementation of policy and guidance for record keeping and records disposition program, developing procedures and providing guidance to managers on a number of things
Organization skills: An organized and careful approach to ensuring proper documentation, timely deliveries of orders and payments and ensuring accuracy when carrying out all my duties.
Communication and interpersonal skills: Skilled at ensuring that a good relationship between me and the suppliers is maintained and that my relationship with colleagues is professional, cordial and friendly.
ICT Competence: Proficiency in handling MS Office suite, the internet and emails.
Agribusiness officer/owner: Miraga Ltd. : November 2018- present.
Management and Program Analyst, Contracting Officer,
Administrative Services Office, Washington, D.C. (US Office of Special Counsel); October 2005 to October 2018.
Customer Services/Ramp agent : US Airways, June 2003 – February 2008
Duties and Responsibilities
Contracting and Procurement Officer
Developed stock level requirements based on usage factors and mission requirements.
Primary POC for mail and distribution management
Performed review of contracting files for compliance with requirements.
Established, maintained and tracked records of contract and other purchase documents needed for control validation and audit review, as well as maintained and monitored custody of all procurement files and documents to include automated purchasing and contract administration records.
Provided contract/procurement advice and assistance to program managers, technical and financial specialists, co-workers, and/or others on contract or procurement policies, problems, or issues.
Recommended forecasting labor and material costs with unknowns in identifying micro level amount procurement vendors, located and developed approaches for procurement lacking precedent, accommodated technological challenges, and helped resolve major differences in the interpretation of the statement of work.
Served as agency contact person for incoming deliveries.
Filed inter-agency requests for supplies by monitoring OSC supply email and monitors inventory levels.
Follows supply policy and procedures including procuring, storing, issuing and recording all office consumable supplies for the OSC and provides input for inclusion in budget or expenditures.
Negotiated with prospective contractors on pricing, performance, technical terms, and other provisions. Prepared written requests for proposal; publicized requirements for Director of Finance authorization.
Worked with electronic preparation of all requisitions and purchase orders in the automated purchasing system and processing vendor invoices for payment.
Prepared report of key performance metrics and activity tracking; assisted CORs (Contracting Officer Representatives) in performance tracking of contractors.
Participated in performing supply duties to include ordering, issuing, turning in, and conducted inventories for federal and commercial items.
Administrative Roles
Sorted incoming classified mail, publications and directives, and made staff/activity assignments.
Conducted periodic inspections of secured cabinets with sensitive legal documents and case files.
Assisted in the preparation, filing and record keeping of legal correspondence to and from whistle blowers for the Unit.
Processed all requests for staff training and set up with travel and lodging arrangements.
Created and generated travel reports for employees of the agency.
Provided assistance to walk-in customers as appropriate, as well as greeted visitors and ensured they were treated in a courteous, polite, and professional manner.
Assisted in handling incoming calls; answered routine inquiries, tracked, forwarded, and took messages as appropriate, and ensured that adequate phone coverage was maintained during official business hours.
Coordinated with Agency program managers to ensure records creation, maintenance, and disposition were in accordance with records disposition program authorities and the Federal Records Act
Processed all requests for staff business cards using the electronic system with Government Publishing Office (GPO)
Monitored disposition of case files and associated records in the OSC 2000 tracking system.
Ensured that incoming correspondence was examined, identified, categorized and coded properly.
Ensured all mail room equipment was operational and was responsible for scheduling operational and annual service maintenance.
Responsible for maintenance of officially closed case files and the chronological and reading file copies of office correspondence, and the preparation of files for disposition in accordance with the records disposal schedules.
Responsible for tracking all charged out files and contact staff members for return when case files are overdue. Maintained closed case files and files correspondence in the closed files according to office policies. Conducted records related research at the request of the Chief, Document Control Branch. Tracked all overdue case files and prepares reports for overdue case files.
Provides advice to field office regarding records management policies and may accompany supervisor to onsite evaluations to gauge adequacy and effectiveness.
Serves as an assistant to the Document Control Branch Chief and assumes technical responsibility in his absence. Serves as advisor to management in absence of supervisor on assigned administrative matters.
Participates in mail functions and operations dealing with commercial carriers such as DHL, FedEx, etc.
Receives sorts and distributes all incoming mail and packages.
Management and Program Analyst
Part of the team that processed analyzed and evaluated troubleshooting procedures for the Oracle software system in both contracts and travel expenditures.
Part of the team in charge of troubleshooting E2 Oracle travel software system for agency.
Served as the Agency Records Officer and leads, plans, and managed the Agency Records Management Programs for both core mission and administrative records
Served as the primary liaison with Records management contractors coordinating work efforts
Conducted a variety of analytical studies and projects in the area of records management, including gathering information, interpreting records management and reporting requirements, correlating information to corroborate facts and coordinating with management representatives.
Participated in evaluation of systems and methods and identifies ways to improve efficiency and effectiveness of these services.
Planned, developed, and implemented procedures for reviewing records disposition schedules of all offices annually, and periodically evaluated agency records management programs including records disposition lists and schedules for compliance with relevant laws and regulations for effectiveness.
Formulated and oversaw the implementation of Agency policy and guidance for record keeping and records disposition program with disposition authorities in accordance with the Agency Strategic Plan, Congressional mandates for all electronic and non-electronic records, and National Achieves and Records
Administration regulations, standards and guidance, and other records and information management standards
Provided advice in agency-wide electronic and non-electronic records management issues and questions
Based on such studies, as well as a knowledge of the program, developed procedures and provided guidance to managers and office records management liaison to develop new information systems, determined value of records to the agency, identified users and uses of information in records, and developed records disposition program with disposition authorities required to preserve information needed to do jobs well and dispose of information when no longer needed
Advised senior program managers, the Chief Technology Officer/Director Information Technology Division, and the General Counsel’s Office on value of records to the agency, identified users and uses of information in records, adequacy of document, creation and management of Agency Records, and records disposition program and disposition authorities
Kept senior managers informed on current and projected operational requirements, issues, legislative and regulatory requirements, and facilitated communications between offices in matters relating to records management and information assets and the management of risks to those assets
Worked with the legal counsel within the Agency to ensure that records information assets were managed to ensure government accountability, protect the interests of the public, and mitigate records related litigation risks
Part of team that led the transformation of agency records management processes to address the challenges posed by electronic records
Worked with the Agency capital planning process for all major information systems to ensure that records management functionality is appropriate for the records and information assets they support, and is included in systems design
Worked with the Chief Technology Officer/Director information Technology Division to build records management functionality into the Agency enterprise architecture and to ensure that all Agency information systems incorporate records management functionality appropriate to the records and information assets they support
Responsibilities also included the creation and generation of reports from the tracking systems, as well as responding to information queries.
Coordinated with the National Achieves and records Administration to periodically evaluate agency records management programs as required
Planned, organized, directed, reviewed coordination and established controls for all Agency records management program activities including records disposition program with disposition authorities
Customer Service
Ronald Reagan National Airport, Arlington, VA; June 2003 to February 2008
Duties and Responsibilities
Marshaled planes in and out of secure gates.
Operated plane tugs and pushbacks with tight schedules.
Was part of team responsible for ground servicing of a commercial airliner, including loading and unloading of baggage and cargo.
Routed baggage to destination terminal and liaised with the handling of different airline baggage and material.
Operated a variety of machinery and equipment, including baggage loader belts, diesel pushback tractors and small baggage cart tugs.
In cold weather, assisted ramp agents operate aircraft deicing trucks.
Supervised and assisted in ramp training of new employees.
Monitored delayed arrivals/departures and mandatory weather related operation procedures.
Handled user access and security; controlled access permissions and privileges of secure areas.
Assisted with the coordination and dissemination of information to travelers.
Provided advice and information on human resource development programs to managers and employees.