Fullstack Academy (Future Code Program)
Fullstack Academy (Future Code Program)
$17,000 Training Value
100% Online Program
Applications for Future Code will close on March 21st, 2022.
Graduates get hired by industry leaders like:
Google, Amazon, Spotify, Wayfair, BlackRock, Andium, DataDog, etc.
Future Code is a 31-plus-week immersive training program designed to prepare New Yorkers with no previous professional web development experience for careers in web development at salaries of $65,000 or more.
Students will also receive weekly stipends to help with living expenses while enrolled in full-time training. Stipends are $325 weekly for the full-time training phase only.
This is a program for beginners interested in pursuing a career as a web developer/software engineer. Applicants are not expected to have any previous knowledge of programming. To learn more, please visit - http://bit.ly/FutureCodeCommunity-e421
What are the tentative training dates and times?
oFuture Code will begin its Pre-Training Program on Monday, April 18th and conclude Monday, February 27th, 2023
oThe schedule is part-time, Monday through Thursdays, from 6:45 – 9:45PM, with about 8+ hours of work outside of class expected per week for the first 7 weeks
oThe schedule is full-time, Monday through Fridays, from 10AM – 6PM, with about 12+ hours of work outside of class expected per week for the remainder of the program
Eligibility Requirements
This no-cost program is an opportunity offered by the City of New York. Applicants must meet the following criteria:
Current resident of New York City
Limited or no prior experience with the basics of coding and no paid professional web development or similar experience
Do not have a Computer Science degree and are not currently pursuing a Computer Science degree
Unemployed, or earn $50,000 or less if currently employed
Authorized to work in the United States
Meet federal selective service requirements
Fluent in English
Interested in gaining full-time employment as a web developer and are available to attend all sessions of the program
At least 18 years of age
Special Notes
Black and Latinx New Yorkers are strongly encouraged to apply
An advanced degree is not necessary to succeed in this training. New Yorkers with a high school degree or equivalency, associate degree, or some college experience are encouraged to apply
All New Yorkers may apply
Eligibility does not guarantee acceptance; all interested candidates must complete and be selected via a competitive application process
Future Code is a 100% remote, online program
Admissions Process
To apply for Future Code at Fullstack Academy, you will need to successfully complete the following:
Stage 1: Submit an application
Stage 2: Complete and pass our logical reasoning assessment
Stage 3: Interview Screening with Workforce 1
Stage 4: Complete and pass our pseudo-coding assessment
Stage 5: Receive tentative acceptance email and invitation to an introductory course
Stage 6: Successfully complete introductory course and final assessment
Stage 7: Schedule and complete technical interview
Stage 8: Receive final admissions decision
Things to know and/or have before applying:
Any high standardized test scores from your past
Relevant Awards
Relevant Experiences
An electronic Resume or at least knowledge of your previous employers, positions, and when you held those positions
Your computer processor, storage and memory
Answers to each of the following questions. Please keep each answer to about 2 paragraphs or 250 words:
1.Why are you interested in this program? What would you like to get out of it? How can it enhance your career plans?
2.What is an APP that you use frequently, and how would you make it better?
3.What is a problem that has been solved by technology? Why was this new solution better?
4.What have you taught yourself in the past year?
5.Tell us about a time when you had to solve a difficult problem. What steps did you take to solve the problem? What do you do when you are unable to solve the problem?
6.How will you support yourself financially during future code training? Note: Students enrolled in the full time phase of programming will receive weekly stipends of $325.
7.Anything else that you would like to share to help us learn about you?
Curriculum and Program Structure
The 31 plus-week program combines lectures, workshops, projects, and more to help master both the practical and technical skills needed to get hired as a web developer.
Students will also receive weekly stipends to help with living expenses while enrolled in full-time training. This is a program for beginners interested in pursuing a career as a web developer/software engineer. Applicants are not expected to have any previous knowledge of programming.
All applicants will start with Fullstack Academy’s Pre-Training.
As part of this introduction, participants will have one day each week dedicated to career readiness topics, including an introduction to tech careers and a day in the life of a software engineer.
The schedule is part-time, Monday through Thursdays, from 6:45 – 9:45PM, with about 8+ hours of work outside of class expected per week.
At the end of Pre-Training, participants will take a technical assessment to demonstrate what they have learned during pre-training. Performance on this assessment and throughout the course determines whether or not participants are invited to complete a technical interview for continued enrollment in the remainder of the program.
What you’ll learn:
Intro to HTML
Intro to CSS
Intro to Javascript
Intro to Git and Deployment
Defining and invoking functions
Data types
Control flow, truthy/falsy, and loops
Multidimensional arrays and nested loops
Approaching problems, review, and mock interview
Foundations is the first phase of the program. Foundations is 4 weeks of self-paced, full-time, instructor-supported training that will build on the skills participants learned during Bootcamp Prep.
In Foundations, Participants will continue to build a strong understanding of the fundamentals of JavaScript and start to understand how a web application is put together from the ground up. Participants will also revisit HTML and CSS in more depth and get introduced to Node.js.
In addition, during this part of the program, participants will be introduced to what a technical interview is, how the process works, and what employers typically expect from job candidates. Beginning in this phase, participants will practice technical interviewing regularly throughout the rest of training – so that the time you get to a real-life interview, you will be more than ready.
The schedule is full-time, Monday through Fridays, from 10AM – 6PM, with about 12+ hours of work outside of class expected per week.
Over the next ten weeks, participants will build out their core skill set in the three main areas they will need to become professional web developers: back-end design and development; front-end development; and computer science concepts.
The schedule is full-time, Monday through Fridays, from 10AM– 6PM, with about 16+ hours of work outside of class expected per week. Classes are 100% online.
Front-End Development
In the front-end section, participants will learn how to make a website look beautiful and be easy for people to use. Participants will build on the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript knowledge they will have learned in previous sections. In this section, participants will also learn about how to keep a website secure.
Back-End Development
In the back-end section, participants will learn how to make a website work “behind the scenes.” This will include content on how to organize data so that a computer can use it; how to test your code to make sure that it works before it goes live; and how to write code in a way that makes it fast and easy for a computer to use.
Computer Science
Finally, in the computer science concepts section, participants will learn the basics of computer science needed to be a top-notch web developer.
At this point in the program, participants will have a solid understanding of the technologies we teach. The next step? Using what you’ve learned to build fully functional web applications.
In addition to working with various teammates on the three projects outlined below, participants will continue practicing for technical interviews and deepen their industry knowledge by learning best practices.
Guided Team Project
Known as Grace Shopper (did we mention we love puns?), this project requires you to work in groups of 3 or 4 to create an e-commerce site. This goal of this project is for you to learn how to build all the components of a web application from the ground up—and that includes the front end, the back end, and the application’s database functionality. This is a core proficiency for any working developer.
Personal Project
Here, we’ll challenge you to use what you’ve learned so far to come up with an idea for a web or mobile application—and then build the entire thing on your own. You’ll have to take design considerations into account—like user experience and information architecture—and learn any new technologies or libraries your app necessitates, which will help you “learn how to learn,” so when you begin your career, you’ll be able to learn any employer’s stack in a relatively short amount of time and stay relevant by keeping up with trends in software development.
Capstone Project
You’ll want to cap your time in the Future Code fellowship with an ambitious, impressively executed final project. Employers want to know not only that you have web development skills but also that you’re able to communicate your process to both other developers and non-technical project stakeholders, as that’s how development projects often work in the real world.
To that end, you’ll need to work well with your teammates and understand how your own contribution to the project fits into the project as a whole. During the final week of class, we’ll record all the capstone presentations, and then you’ll receive a recording of your specific project to share on your GitHub, your website, or any other professional platforms. Check out these incredible Capstones from former Fullstack students.
All Fullstack graduates receive guidance and mentorship from Fullstack Academy’s career success team—both before graduation and after. We're kicking that commitment up a notch for our students in the Future Code: Diversifying the Future of Web Development in NYC program. You'll have your first sessions with career success starting in your very first week of Intro to Coding, so you can start networking and preparing yourself for the job search from the start. As you approach graduation and start your job search, our career success team will check in with you one-on-one, run you through mock interviews, help you negotiate during the hiring process, and keep you motivated and supported during this crucial time.
We also host an in-house job fair during the final week of the program exclusively for Fullstack and Grace Hopper seniors. There, you’ll have an opportunity to interview with recruiters actively seeking developers with your qualifications. We call this opportunity Launch Day because we see it as the official launch of what’s bound to be a challenging but incredibly rewarding job search process. This event may be either in-person or virtual, depending on what's possible at the time.
All this support from our Career Success team—plus technical interview practice every morning of Senior Phase—pays off when Fullstack graduates go on to get hired at major companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon, and LinkedIn but also at financial giants like JPMorgan and Amex and startups, edtech companies, e-commerce businesses, nonprofits, and more. Visit our hiring outcomes page to learn where else grads get hired and how much they end up making in their very first roles.
BALC Contact:
Vernard Kennedy