*/**/**** ********** ***** an amazing resume in a fraction of time
https://resumedone.co/en/resume/5b016276-b382-48b1-9026-4829bf4ae960/preview 1/1 ABOUT ME
A highly mo vated, confident
individual with excep onal mul -
tasking capabili es and able to
work in a target driven, busy cell
center environment. Hardworking
with excellent a endance and
punctuality records who can work
equally well alone or as part of a
team. Can communicate
effec vely with people from
diverse backgrounds and would be
an asset to any employer who
respects loyalty and responsibility.
Keen to find a challenging posi on
within an ambi ous employer
where I will be able to con nue to
increase my work experience &
develop my abili es.
Proficient Call Center
CustomerCare with [10+] years of
Jun 2012 - Nov 2019
Worked produc vely to determine the needs of
customers and fast track solu ons to those needs.
Answered inquiries by effec vely researching,
loca ng, and relaying informa on to customers.
Maintained call center database by collec ng and
recording informa on. Con nually worked to enhance call center's reputa on by providing quality and mely service. A ended educa onal seminars to improve
knowledge and skills. Provided customers with quality assistance through phone calls, emails, and internet chats. Redirected calls as needed and worked with my supervisor to address any outstanding issues or
Jun 2012 - Feb 2015
Du es and Responsibili es
ASTER DM HEALTHCARE Customer Service Agent
ASTER MEDICAL CENTER Coustomer Care Execu ve, Billing, Taking Approvals.
Sharjah - United Arab Emiraes, Sharjah,
United Arab Emirates
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