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Time Work Claims Specialist

Florissant, MO
September 15, 2022

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If you are filing a new (initial) claim, you will receive a "Notice of Initial Determination of Status as an Insured Worker" in the mail. The employers you worked for during the base period of your claim and the wages reported by these employers will be listed on this form. Please review the employer and wage information carefully. If you think the information is incorrect or incomplete, file an appeal following the appeal information at the bottom of the notice. You may also call the Regional Claims Center, but this does not preserve your appeal rights.

If you are renewing an existing claim, you will not be mailed a notice.

If you have sufficient wages in insured employment during the base period of your claim, a Missouri claim will be established for you. Your Missouri claim is available for one year - your benefit year . You cannot file another new claim until that year is over. The maximum number of weeks that you can be paid your maximum weekly benefit amount is 20. The "Notice of Initial Determination of Status as an Insured Worker" that is being mailed to you will show your weekly benefit amount and the total amount available on your claim. The amounts are determined based upon the amount of wages you earned from all your employers during the base period of your claim.

If you are filing a new claim, you will also receive a pamphlet entitled "What You Need to Know About Unemployment Insurance in Missouri"enclosed with the notice of Initial Determination of Status as an insured worker. Read the pamphlet to avoid delay or denial of benefits. It gives step-by-step instructions for filing weekly requests for payment. You are responsible for reading and understanding this pamphlet. If you have any questions, call your Regional Claims Center . You will not receive a new pamphlet if you are renewing an existing claim. You may access the pamphlet via the Internet at:

Even though you may have sufficient wages reported in the base period to be an insured worker, you may still be ineligible or disqualified for benefits. Any situation that may keep you from receiving benefits is called an issue. If we receive information that may cause you to not be paid, you will be sent a questionnaire or be called by a claims specialist.

QUESTIONNAIRES should be completed and returned as instructed within the given time frame. Failing to respond promptly to a questionnaire may result in a delay or denial of benefits.

If you are scheduled for a telephone call to obtain further information, a letter will be mailed informing you of the date and time period of the call. If you have previously informed us you do not have a telephone, the letter will provide you with a toll-free telephone number to call us on an appointed day and time.

To potentially receive a benefit payment, you must make a certification (claim) for benefits after each week has ended. THIS INCLUDES THE WEEK YOU FIRST CONTACTED US TO START YOUR CLAIM. A claim week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday. You can file your weekly certification using the Internet, or by calling the Regional Claims Center and pressing option "1". The Internet and automated IVR filing systems are available 24 hours a day. You must file your weekly claim certification within 14 days from the Saturday of the week you are claiming. Waiting more than 14 days from the Saturday date of the claim week will result in a denial of your claim week.

The first weekly certification that you file and are eligible for the benefits will be your waiting week. The waiting week becomes payable when your claim balance is equal to or less than the benefit amount you would be eligible for during the week.

If you work this week or any other week, you must report the amount of earnings, before deductions, when filing your weekly certification. You must report earnings even if you have not yet been paid. All earnings are reportable, including earnings from temporary, part-time or full-time work. You may accept part-time employment and still receive some reduced benefits. For information on how your benefits will be reduced, go to You must also report any separation from work or any job refusal that occurs during a week you file for benefits.

Your claim will have to be renewed or reopened if it becomes inactive. A claim becomes inactive if you have not filed a weekly certification for benefits within 28 calendar days (four weeks) from the Saturday of the last week you claimed. Your claim will be started again the week in which you reactivate using either the Internet or telephone system.


Anyone claiming benefits is required to be able to work and available for full-time work each day of the week. Except under certain circumstances, you will be required to make a work search. At the time you initially filed your claim, you were given the number of required employer contacts you must make each week. This number is displayed under your confirmation number. The work search requirement may be waived if you are temporarily laid off and have a recall date within eight weeks of the date you became unemployed or if you are in school or a training program that is approved in advance by the Division of Employment Security.

If you are required to look for work you must keep a written record of your work search contacts each week for auditing purposes. A Work Search Record form will be mailed to you. You may also print a copy of this form at Do not wait to receive this form to start making or recording job contacts.

You should register for work using, the Division of Workforce Development's online job search program and premier source for all resources relating to employment in Missouri.

In addition, you must visit or a Missouri Career Center at least once a month. Create your resume and begin searching through thousands of jobs posted statewide. Follow @JobsMoGov on Twitter to see real time job postings.

You may be required to report at least once to a Missouri Career Center or other designated office for reemployment services. If required to report, you will be mailed a notice with the date, time and Career Center location. On your reporting date, take a driver's license or other government issued identification showing your date of birth and photo. Plan to stay at least 90 minutes.

Attendance is mandatory. Failure to participate in all required reemployment services may result in a delay or denial of benefits.

You may be selected for Special Reemployment Services. If you are selected a letter will be mailed to you advising of the date for your orientation in this program. Attendance is mandatory . If you do not attend, your unemployment benefits may be denied.

You may also be selected for an Eligibility Review by telephone. You will receive a letter advising of the date and time of the telephone call. Failure to participate in the Eligibility Review may result in a denial of benefits.

Failure to meet any of the able, available or work search requirements may result in delay or denial of benefits.


Unemployment and other payments made through the Division of Employment Security are paid by direct deposit or the Missouri Access MasterCard® debit card.

You can change your payment method at any time by going to "Change My Payment Method" from the Online Claims home page. It takes approximately six days to establish or change direct deposit information.

If the payment method chosen when you filed your claim was debit card and you have never been issued a card or your card is expired, a separate packet will be mailed to you containing the card and instructions for using it. The packet also contains important information on how to use the card without being charged. Carefully check your mail for an envelope like the one shown below. Allow two weeks from when your claim was filed for delivery of the debit card. If you do not receive the card within two weeks, contact Missouri Access at 888-***-**** to request a replacement card. For additional information, go to or

Receipt of the debit card does not guarantee payment of benefits. Even if you are not immediately eligible to receive benefits, keep your card through the expiration date, as you may become eligible at a later time. Payment of benefits may be delayed if a replacement card must be issued.

You can elect to have payments go to your savings or checking account at any time during your claim. It takes approximately six days after the Direct Deposit information is received for payments to start going to your account. If payments are ready to be made prior to the direct deposit taking effect, a check may be issued.




(Personal Identification Number)


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