Translated from Arab
Republic of Tunisia
Ministery of Employment and Vocation: I Training
Regional Directorate of Employment and Vocational Training of Mahdia
Certificate of Proof of Professional Qualification
Number : 22 - 0288 — 53
Having reviewed the law No, 2005-15 of February 16", 2005, relating to the organization of the sector of the handicrafts,
Having reviewed the decree No. 2005-3078 of November 29", 2005, carrying list of the activities of the small handicrafts and the craft i
of the activities whose exercise requires the professional qualification,
Having reviewed the decree No. 2009-439 of February 16", 2009, completing the decree n 2005-3078 of November 29", 2005, fixing the list of the activities of the
small trades and the craft industry and determining the list of the activities whose exercise requires the professional qualification,
Having regard to the order of the two Ministers of Trade and Crafts and Education and Training of February 27, 2007, setting the conditions
organizing the professional examinatio} stifying the professional qualification in the sector of trades,
Having reviewed the minutes of the examination dated on 28-05-2022
ndustry and determining the list
and procedures for
Is awarded: The Certificate of Proof of Professional Qualification in Handicraft Activity
To Mr. . Mohamed SAAD
Born on 2 11-08-1979 in Nefta
Holder of the National Identity Card No.: 03199216
Specialty : Waiter in a coffee shop
Done in Mahdia, on 08-06-2022
For the Minister of Employment and Vocational Tr: ining
The Regional Director of Employment and Vocational GTraining in Mahdia
Signed : Mr. Fathi HAQUALA
Seal of the Ministry of Employment and Vocational Training
Tax Stamp : 5,000 TND
For true certified Translation
Tunis, on 20/07/2022