Benjamin Pearson
**291> Local> Louisville, Ky
Thank you for your consideration. I work quickly and precisely. I have most any software for executing data entry on SQL, MS Azure Compute & Sandbox + Recovery, MS SDK & NDK Build Monitor, Visual Blend, All applicable (x86/x64) PowerShells and PowerShell ISE's + Debuggable Registry Editor + openSUSE Leap<ALL relevant packages, LINUX<both Kali/Alpine, Automated task scheduling, Incredibuild, JetBrains<ALL, Python applications, Debian, Debuggable Package Manger Assets for Developer CMD and Component Services. I do not have a college degree, but I have been using these softwares for a few decades and watching them as they progressed. I grew up around technology and have a very comprehensive understanding of it's functionality in a complex and constantly changing environment. If you would like to properly interview me in person or set up a ZOOM meeting so I can appropriately demonstrate executions of any skill required for this assigment, I would be glad to lend you my time to further assisting in your data entry project.
Best Regards,
Benjamin Pearson