I declare everything on my application is true, and us fully acknowledge by m
e, Michael Alexander
utility assembler
Duration - March 2022 - Til Today
stock shelves with products, correctly price them. cleaning. Cafe Mezo
kitchen supervisor
Duration - March 2016 - March 2022
Make sure all kitchen stations are clean and stocked. train new members of the re staurant in food service skills. provide back up to Bar, kitchen cooks and Managem ent. purchase stock if needed.
Sears and Roebuck
warehouse associate
Duration - April 1996 - April 2001
shrink wrap packages, load and unload packages. keep warehouse clean and deb ris free. scan items for shipping and returns. load and unload trucks. EDUCATION
Pasadena city college
Pasadena city college - business Management
Grades - 2.5 CGPA
Year of passing :
Duration - May 1990 - April 2022
Team Size - 2 person
clean homes, apartments and businesses.
I was employed of the year 4 years in a row.
My objective i s to have a career t hat's
f i nancially rewarding, as well as a g re
a t p l ace to work. I 'm l ooking f o r ward t
o retiring f rom my next position.
590 Joseph E Lowery Boulevard NW Atl
anta Georgia 30318
DOB 29/08/1965
Gender Male
Nationality A f r i c a n American
Marital S t a t u s UnMarried
L a n g u a g e s E n g l i s h
Hobbies r e a d i n g, watching P r
o f e s s i o n a l s p o r t s, a
n d c o o k i n g c l e a n i n
g .
skill assembler t echniques, a l ong with
easy to t rain.