Curriculum Vitae Of Andy Andile William Mashiloane
Personal Details
Surname :Mashiloane.
Names :Andy Andile William.
Date Of Birth :1996/09/07.
Identity Number :96-09-07-58-44-083.
Gender :Male.
Contact Number :066*******.
Residential Address. :371Kutumela Street Ext1 Zithobeni 1024.
Home Languages. :IsiNdebele.
Other Languages. :IsiZulu & English.
Dependants. :None.
Nationality. :South African Citizens.
City. : Pretoria,Bronkhorstspruit.
State :Gauteng Province.
Profession. :General worker.
Zip Code. :1024.
Health. :Physically Fit & Mentally Fit.
Email Address.: :******************@*****.***.
Social Link.
Twitter. :@Andile Mashiloane.
Whatsapp. :066*******.
Academic Record.
Last School Attended. :Dan Kutumela School.
HighestGradePassed. :Grade12.
Year Completed. :2015.
Subject Passed :IsiZulu.
:Mathematical Literacy.
:Life Orientation.
:Consumer Studies.
Work Experience.
Job title. : Avouch electrical company.
Employer. :Sean Dutoit.
City. : Pretoria, Bronkhorstspruit.
State. : Gauteng province
Start date. :20/02/2018
End date. :28/06/2019
Reason for leaving. : Contract ended.
Job title. : Sunrise Contraction.
Employer. : Monica Maduna
City. :Pretoria, Bronkhorstspruit.
State. : Gauteng province
Start date. :02/09/2019
End date. : 03/05/2021
Reason for leaving. : Contract Ended.
Can work in a team.
Previous technical support experience.
I focuse on keeping the team on task and exceeding quality performance on a safely standard
Can adapt to new technology and have dependable skills on performing & maintaining work, always hands on every task given.
Personal Declaration.
I am a hard worker & adapt really fast.
Can use most out of every resource with excellent problem solving skills
Reliable employee, with passionate strong organizational skills & eager to secure entry level on any position given.
To seek & maintain full time position that offer’s professional challenges utilizing interpersonal skills, excellent time management and communication with good judgement.
Going to the gym every morning & afternoon.
Playing soccer & sometimes engaging on chess with my peers.
Reading books & newspaper.
1)Name. :Nelisiwe Mahlangu.
2)Relationship. : Co-worker.
3)Contact number. :060*******.
1.Name. :Relios Bhuda.
2.Relationship. : Co-worker.
3.Contract number. :079*******.
Ultimate goal.
To make success of the position given by exceeding with excellent & make use of my acquired experience to adapt with a manner of benefit between me & my employer.