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Administrative Assistant Registered Nurse

Saint John, NB, Canada
September 05, 2022

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** **** **, ****** **, E*A *L*



****-**** ******** ** *******, UNB- Fredericton Campus

****-**** ***** ************** *********, Atlantic Business College

1991-1995 High School Diploma

2021 GPA (Gentle Persuasive Approach)

2021 BLS for Health care professionals


2013-Present Registered Nurse, Central New Brunswick Nursing Home INC.

Duties include:

Assessment and treatment of residents with multiple and possible complex health conditions, most include polypharmacy, and which a number have Dementia/Alzheimer's

Working collaboratively with multiple health professionals

Supervise, In charge when DON not in Building

Medication distribution

Critical thinking

Direct resident care

Infection Control Nurse - make sure all infections are documented and information on precautions needed for any given infection.

Tena Representative - work with incontinence products, sizing and products.

Transcribing orders from MD, voice and written orders

Wound care

Phlebotomy and medication injections

Office Administration

2013-2013 Registered Nurse at Centra Care in St.John NB

Duties include:

Patient management of mentally ill patients, range of age from 16-80

Critical thinking

Medication Distribution

Work collaboratively with other health care professional

Transcribe medication orders from MD

Restraint use when necessary

Phlebotomy and medication injections

Assisted with ADLs

Office Administration

2012-2013 Registered Nurse at Nashwaak Villa INC, Stanley New Brunswick

Duties include:

Assessment and treatment of elderly residents with multiple and often complicated health conditions and most of whom have polypharmacy, and Dementia or Alzheimer’s

Working collaboratively with multiple health professionals

Medication distribution

Critical thinking

Supervising co-staff, in charge of building when DON is not there

Direct resident care

Transcribing orders from MD, voice and written orders

Wound care

Phlebotomy and medication injections

Office Administration


Dr. Tanya Wood Stacey Astle-Munn Carolyn Dee

Boiestown, NB Boiestown, NB Hamptown Corner, NB

506-***-**** 506-***-**** 506-***-****

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