**** ******** ***** ****, *******, Georgia 30012
Mobile: 678-***-**** / Email: **********@*****.*** QUALIFICATIONS SUMMARY
Detail-oriented with extensive experience in the Financial Loan/ Mortgage Industry. Excellent communicator with relaOonship management skills. Possess Bank regulatory and internal operaOons knowledge. Management experience with strong leadership capability and mulO-task, very knowledgeable to expedite process to finalize accounts within Omely maUer successfully. Excellent customer service skills, and working knowledge of DU, and LP findings. EMPLOYMENT EXPERIENCE
Crescent Mortgage April 2015- Sept 2022
Loan Manager
• Maintain Pipeline daily- Submission to UnderwriOng, Approved for CondiOons, and CTC
• Conduct status review with Account ExecuOve, and Brokers – Daily Hot Files
• Review Completeness for files submiUed to UnderwriOng
• Troubleshoot DU Files/Errors Code
• Order/Request missing and/or necessary document
• Review enOre file for condiOons received and verify accuracy
• Maintain complete open communicaOon with Underwriter, Respa, and Closers
• EffecOvely maintain Ome management and mulO- tasking skills
• Responsible for thru-put of 50 Million per month
• Order appraisals, Otle work, payoffs, all 3rd party verificaOons (VOE, VOR, Supplements), Homeowners Insurance, etc
• Verifies and validates supporOng income, asset and liability documentaOon to ensure the validity of the approved system.
• Income -- Calculates and analyzes income structure (i.e. employment verificaOon, tax returns, etc)
• Assets -- Calculates and analyzes funds to close (i.e. verificaOon of deposits, gid money, 401K, sale of assets, etc)
• LiabiliOes -- Reviews and verifies credit reports (i.e. FICO pay history, disputes, validate other debts and other mortgage real estate owned)
RR Donnelly
Data Entry November 2012 – May 2013
• Prepares source data for computer entry by compiling and sorOng informaOon; establishing entry prioriOes.
• Processes customer and account source documents by reviewing data for deficiencies; resolving discrepancies by using standard procedures or returning incomplete documents to the team leader for resoluOon.
• Enters customer and account data by inpugng alphabeOc and numeric informaOon on keyboard or opOcal scanner according to screen format.
• Maintains data entry requirements by following data program techniques and procedures.
• Verifies entered customer and account data by reviewing, correcOng, deleOng, or reentering data; combining data from both systems when account informaOon is incomplete; purging files to eliminate duplicaOon of data MiLend, Inc.
Processor May 2012 – September 2012
• Responsible for a pipeline of up to 25-30 loans per month.
• Run automated DU, DO, LP, review findings and reconcile borrower docs to data provided in applicaOon.
• Set up loan files and collect and review documents related to applicant’s financial status, credit and property evaluaOon prior to submission to processor/underwriter for verificaOon and recommendaOon
• Reviews loan applicaOon package for completeness and accuracy, reconciles applicaOon against system input.
• Work with customers to get loan condiOons cleared
• Responsible for gathering credit and other documents from the customer and third parOes in support of the loan approval decision.
• Communicate with borrower, agents, appraisal management company, and/or Otle throughout the loan process with some face to face customer interacOon as well as phone and e-mail contact
• Order appraisals, Otle work, payoffs, all 3rd party verificaOons (VOE, VOR, Supplements), Homeowners Insurance, etc
• Verifies and validates supporOng income, asset and liability documentaOon to ensure the validity of the approved system.
• Income -- Calculates and analyzes income structure (i.e. employment verificaOon, tax returns, etc)
• Assets -- Calculates and analyzes funds to close (i.e. verificaOon of deposits, gid money, 401K, sale of assets, etc)
• LiabiliOes -- Reviews and verifies credit reports (i.e. FICO pay history, disputes, validate other debts and other mortgage real estate owned)
• Reviews incoming documentaOon within 24 hours of receipt.
• Input/updates data, prepares the transacOon for closing by ordering final payoffs as applicable and gathering 3rd party invoice/fees from the closing agent.
• Complete the processing checklist prior to pugng the file in final closing review. Orkin Commercial Services
Commercial Account Manager January 2009 – April 2012
• Receive and proacOvely contact prospecOve customers in person and by telephone
• To evaluate their current pest situaOon, and define their wants and needs.
• Set appointment for service by working with Scheduler
• Responsible for helping Branch reach budget goals
• Complete service agreement and compiles iniOal service package for all sold accounts.
• Inspect, Monitor, and evaluate potenOal problem and provide immediate soluOons. Just Mortgage Inc.
Underwriter Assistant August 2008 – November 2008
• Worked directly with the Branch Manager and OperaOons manager on day to day projecOons and goals
• Worked directly with the brokers on submissions of files- ConvenOonal and FHA
• Pull, Printed, and review condiOons submiUed for file in pipeline for underwriter review.
• Worked directly with underwriter on clearing and reviewing condiOons, while communicaOng with broker on outstanding condiOons needed
• Completed day to day Quality Control- uOlizing Credit net, LexisNexis, History Pro.
• Worked with the Wholesale, and Retail division to ensure smooth submissions of file IndyMac Bank
Processor/Customer Account Manager August 2005 – July 2008
• Processed and maintained $40 million dollar pipeline daily while acOng as liaison between internal operaOon and external mortgage sales staff.
• Closed $15 million to $20 million per month in mortgage loan volume, performing as a primary contact for external issues, coordinated and built top producing mortgage teams for the Southeastern companies staff for the last 3 years.
• Maximized raOngs amongst top 50% within the company facilitated expedited movement of mortgage loans from intake process through underwriOng to closing.
• Built respecoul relaOons in order to assure proper communicaOon with mortgage brokers, bankers and closing aUorneys in effort to provide seamless closing on mortgage loans successfully. CSAG Specialist June 2005 – August 2005
• Maintained relaOonship from the iniOal point of sale for Future loan flow from financial InsOtuOons followed up through resoluOon while maintaining increase of set goals.
• Provided informaOon to potenOal clients to facilitate underwriOng of loans, expediOng processing Ome.
• Reviewed producOon quality ensuring company loan standards were met, maintained personal relaOonship with correspondent companies demonstraOng high level of customer service with respect and professionalism. CondiXon Specialist October 2004 – June 2005
• Ensured and implemented OperaOons Support accuracy and completeness of work producOvity. Documented daily reports organizing and tracking the delivery/ receipt of outstanding condiOons. Provided hard copies with condiOons to Mips and through Fips Queue.
• Publicly recognized and congratulated for providing excellent customer service to IndyMac Bank’s customers as well as OperaOons and Sales Staff.
Washington Mutual Bank
Loan Coordinator October 2002 – March 2004
• ResponsibiliOes include preparing and processing adverse acOon for loan rejecOons,
• Entering data, interest rates, and end of the day balancing for post closing
• OperaOons of sodware programs( Word Processing, Spreadsheets, and Database)
• Analyzes, communicate, update, deliver, coordinate, develop, collaborate, research, listen, calculate and report. Voicestream Wireless
Manager October 1998 – April 2002
• ResponsibiliOes included staffing, scheduling, supervising, while troubleshooOng customer problems, and soluOon ensuring customer saOsfacOon
Oakland County Community College, MI 1980 – 1981
Major: Pre-Law
Cornell University, NY 1990-1990
Major: Management
Dale Carnegie 1998-1998
Major: EffecOve Speaking
Available upon request