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Software Engineer

Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India
August 30, 2022

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Curriculum Vitae

SARIPALLI CK MAHALAKSHMI Email-id:******************@*****.***

W/O P. Srinivasa Giri, Contact No +91-799*******

391D Woodlands Road,

Yew Tee Ind. Est (BLK 3),


Career Objective:

Seeking a challenging job to improve my skills and to work for an organization which ensures me a good position, and be part of a team that works energetically towards the growth of the organization.

Educational Qualifications:




Year of





Science and


GVP College of









Science and


Vignan’s Institute of





2007-2010 70.65%


Govt. Polytechnic for



State Board of

Technical Education

And Training

2004-2007 76.26%


T.N.R. Talent


Board of Secondary


2003-2004 86.66%

Working Experience:

• Worked as a Sr. Software Engineer in Nano Space from 5th june 2014 to 5th August 2019. Technical Skills:

• Programming Languages: C,C++, JAVA,VB

• Database:Oracle 9i,MS SQL Server

• Tools:Visual Studio.Net, NetBeans

• Web Technologies:HTML,XML

• Operating Systems:Microsoft Windows, UNIX

Academic Papers:

• Participated in EUPHORIA’09, a National level event on paper presentation. Topic: Quantum Computation.

• Participated in Dhruv-2K9, a National level event on paper presentation. Topic: Biometrics.

Extra Curricular Activities:

• Participated as a member in the three day international workshop on “Rough Sets and Knowledge Engineering” conducted in GVPCOE (A).

• Participated as a member in the event “C-ARROW 09” conducted in VIIT.

• Participated as a member in the event “YUVTARANG-10” conducted in VIIT.

• Qualified in oral rounds in the Vizag-WIZ KID-2003 Annual Quiz competition. Academic Projects done:

Title of the Project:Secure Data Routing Using FACES and Genetic Algorithm Technical Environment: JAVA, Netbeans 6.9.1

Description:Friend-based Ad hoc routing using Challenges to Establish Security (FACES) is an algorithm to provide secure routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). This project proposes a scheme that has been drawn from a network of friends in real life scenarios. The algorithm works by sending Challenges and sharing friend lists to provide a list of trusted nodes to the source node through which data transmission finally takes place. The nodes in the friend list are rated on the basis of the amount of data transmission they accomplish and their friendship with other nodes in the network. The account of friendship of a node with other nodes in the network is obtained through the Share Friends process which is a periodic event in the network. As a result of this scheme of operation, the network is able to effectively isolate the malicious nodes which are left with no role to play in the ad hoc network. One major benefit of this scheme is that the nodes do not need to promiscuously listen to the traffic passing through their neighbors. The information about the malicious nodes is gathered effectively by using Challenges. This reduces the overhead on the network significantly. Finally this scheme provides an efficient approach towards security and easier detection of malicious nodes in the mobile ad hoc network. Dynamic Traffic Assignment (routing) is one of the most important issues that have a significant impact on the network’s performance. An ideal routing algorithm should strive to find an optimum path for packet transmission within specified constraints. Previously different statistical routing algorithms are proposed to find the optimal path from the source to destination, but the major problems with these algorithms are if the size of the network is huge in number, it is very difficult to find out the optimal solution and also it takes huge amount of time to execute the system. In order to overcome these problems Genetic Algorithm is proposed.The combination of FACES and Genetic Algorithm assures more efficiency. Title of the Project:Audio-Visual Authentication System Technical Environment: JAVA

Description:Audio-Visual Authentication System is a product which is used to authenticate a person using his physical and behavioral characteristics i.e., Biometrics. Existing approaches for authentication such as using passwords, PINs or cards does not satisfy security requirements and so people came up with a different approach called Biometrics which uses the biometric traits of individuals to authenticate. Later these systems also attacked by impostors. Hence, Multi- Biometrics was implemented to enhance the performance of biometric systems. Publications:

S.C.K.MahaLakshmi,S.R.M.Krishna,N.Seetaramanath,K.V.RamanaReddy “Secure Data Message Crypt with SSL and SRSA”IJETEE International journal of Engineering Trends in Electrical and Electronics,volume No 5,Issue 1,July- 2013. Personal Details:

• Date of Birth: 9th July, 1989

• Languages Known: English, Hindi and Telugu

• Strengths:

Team Worker

Easily Adaptable

Self Motivated

Sincere and Hardworking

• Family Background:

Husband: P. Srinivasa Giri (Singapore)

Father: S.Chinna Appa Rao(Employee, FSNL)

Mother:S.Vijaya(Home Maker)

• Address in India:


Nathayyapalem,Near water tank, BHPV post,


• Alternate Phone No.:+91-799*******.


I here by declare that the above cited information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, if given a chance, I can prove myself.


Place: (S.C.K.MahaLakshmi)

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