SSN: upon request
**-**** ***** ****** *** Beach, HI 96706 808-***-**** ****.*.******@***********.*** 0021
Civilian Status: ReKred United States Navy
Veterans Preference: 10 pts.
SSN: Upon Requested
Clearance: Top Secret
Ci>zenship: United States Contact Current Supervisor: Yes PROFESSIONAL PROFILE
Physical Security Specialist and Law Enforcement Officer with 20 years’ exprience in military and civilian environments; broad background encompassing security planning including physical deterrents, electronic monitoring, staffing and operaDonal procedures
Demonstrated commitment to conDnuous improvement with success conducKng physical security inspecKons and surveys to idenKfy and miKgate vulnerabiliKes.
Solid technical skill, reviewing blueprints of exisKng faciliKes, new construcKon and renovaKon designs to plan physical security coverage, video surveillance and CCTV installaKons.
Strong Leader, developing security plans and operaKons, and direcKng and overseeing security teams for rouKne and special event coverage.
Excellent academic credenDals highlighted by Master of Science in Criminal JusKce AdministraKon. EDUCATION / RELEVANT TRAINING
Chaminade University of Honolulu, Honolulu, HI
Master of Science in Criminal Jus>ce Administra>on, 05/2014 Bachelor of Science in Criminal Jus>ce Criminology, 05/2012 Graduate, Military Law Enforcement Academy, Lakehurst, NJ, 12/1987 Selected United States Navy Training
An>-terrorism Force Protec>on Level I Training for Overseas Service Member (OCONUS), 10/2002 Opera>ons Security Training (OPSEC), 09/2002
First Line Leadership Development Program, 08/2002 Hazardous Materials Control and Management Technician, 07/2001 Division Damage Control Pe[y Officer Indoctrina>on, 11/1992 Navy Security Guard Class C1, Patrol Procedures Physical Training and Weaponry, 12/1998 Army law Enforcement Reporting and tracking systems (alerts) 07/2018 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
HONEYWELL 03/2011 – 12/2012
67 Safeguard Street, building 167, Pearl Harbor, HI 40 hrs/wk Supervisor: Sco_ Hasshimoto, 808-***-****, May Contact $75,000/annual salary ASSOCIATE ENGINEER
SSN: upon request
Inspected, maintained, installed, troubleshot and repaired 911 emergency computer aided dispatch network, rouKng and communicaKons systems, Command Point Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) mission-criKcal command and control system, Avaya phone systems for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), NICE voice recorder system, MAS Mastermind alarm monitoring systems, video surveillance systems and closed circuit television (CCTV) systems across Naval StaKon Pearl Harbor.
(Honeywell con+nued)
Reviewed blueprints, diagrams and schemaKcs to trace and troubleshoot faults, and plan installaKons of communicaKon and surveillance equipment.
Scope included analog and digital systems, circuits, routers, transmi_ers, receivers and repeaters. Conducted rigorous tesKng following installaKons and repairs to ensure full funcKonality. Documented all acKviKes and tests to demonstrate contract performance. Criminal Investigation Command Army Schofield Barracks UNITED STATES ARMY
102d MP DET (CID) Criminal InvesKgaKon Division
BLDG 3026, 1314 Lyman Road, Schofield Barracks, HI 96857 Supervisor: Mrs. Jessica A Veltri
07/2018 – Present
$51,940/Annual salary
• Disseminate criminal invesKgaKve informaKon, to provide Kmely acKonable intelligence to leadership.
• Collect informaKon to ensure endure criminal invesKgators can make informed decisions regarding invesKgaKons.
• Evaluate incoming data to ensure reporKng is iniKated in accordance with established policies and/or procedures.
• Establish relaKonship with counterparts' agencies for the purpose of exchanging perKnent informaKon on ma_ers of mutual interest.
• Conduct interviews to assist Criminal InvesKgators in the conducKng of on-going invesKgaKons.
• Maintain transmi_al documents to ensure source related informaKon is properly cross-referenced in invesKgaKve files.
• Inventory physical evidence to input informaKon into the unit evidence depository.
• Maintain accounts for evidence on-hand by recording evidence in unit evidence log.
• Prepare evidence to criminal invesKgaKon laboratories to assistant U.S. A_orneys and/or Staff Judge Advocates for presentaKon in legal proceedings.
• Assist Criminal InvesKgator with research to analysis threats posed by terrorist and/or criminal groups against the agency.
• Manage the supply to ensure unit supply levels are adequate to support the mission.
• Administer the purchase card program to ensure supplies and/or equipment are adequate to support the mission.
SSN: upon request
• Serve as a source control officer to administer the unit source program.
• Monitor monthly and/or annual report suspense's for the office ensure budget funding is available. UNITED STATES AIR FORCE 11/2009 – 23July2018
SECURITY FORCES / SECURITY FORCES REPORTS AND ANALYSIS (SFS/SFAR) $38,000/ annual salary 505 Hangar Avenue, Hickam AFB, Honolulu, HI 96853
Supervisor: Reggie Brunner, 310-***-****, may contact SECURITY CLERK; GS-0086-05
Reviewed and tracked Security Forces incident reports, Kckets, barments, driving records, revocaKons and suspensions using Security Forces Management InformaKon System (SFMIS). IdenKfied incomplete reports and other quality issues and prompted appropriate security officer for clarificaKon or addiKonal informaKon to protect integrity of record. Entered traffic citaKons, accident and incident reports and complaints in SFMIS and Defense Incident Based ReporKng System (DIBRS).
Review and process security clearance requests for informaKon adversely reflected on the individual's loyalty or character. Ensure requests for security clearances are properly screened and verified, and all forms and documents are completed before processing. Keep personnel security records. Safeguard personal data. Review background invesKgaKons to determine whether to grant, deny, revoke or suspend employees, applicants and contractor’s clearances. Review case disposiKons to determine individuals’ suitability and security to entry and retenKon in sensiKve and non-sensiKve posiKons. Conduct nominees or applicants’ interviews to solve incomplete applicaKon or ambiguous data on the applicaKon. NoKfy proper management officials if perKnent suitability informaKon appears in invesKgaKve reports. Conduct facility security inspecKons to ensure compliance with established requirements. Give feedback and reports to the supervisor in formal and informal sekngs on personnel, physical security and informaKon security ma_ers. A_end meeKngs to exchange data on personnel, physical security and informaKon security that impact programs. Chair conferences, give presentaKons or conduct briefings to disseminate security guidance and assistance. Answer quesKons on personnel, physical security and informaKon security issues. Advise security managers of training requirements, procedures changes, security direcKves publicaKons and enhancement designs to increase security awareness. Recommend procedures to classify and protect classified naKonal defense and other sensiKve informaKon. Provide senior leaders guidance in the establishment, maintenance, processing and disposal of Security InformaKon Files for organizaKons supported. Develop and implement security awareness training. Collect and analyze data to idenKfy deficiencies in personnel, physical security and informaKon security, and use findings to make correcKons.
Use Word to write correspondence and reports on security subjects to send to internal and external customers. Use PowerPoint to write slides to use in briefings. Use Outlook to communicate with internal and external customers on security topics.
SSN: upon request
Resolve complex personnel, physical security and informaKon security problems.
Assigned points to driver’s licenses and monitored accrual for excessive points per DOD traffic regulaKons. Applied knowledge of security and law enforcement regulaKons to idenKfy items for referral to Air Force Legal Counsel such as severe violaKons, criminal violaKons, excessive violaKons and other items indicaKng suspension or revocaKon of driver’s license or base privileges. Liaised with Legal Counsel to supply records and reports, and prompt addiKonal informaKon gathering and invesKgaKon as requested.
Generated staKsKcal reports on crimes and incidents involving base personnel. Conducted trend analysis and provided summary analysis to Reports and Analysis Manager to inform on base issues and violaKon trends for use in decision making.
Ensured NaKonal Incident-Based ReporKng System (NIBRS), DIBRS, Report Control Symbol (RCS) reports, and other higher headquarters and local reports are submi_ed as required.
Maintained strict policies regarding protecKon of privacy informaKon. Password protected workstaKon and filed hard copy documents and records in locked area.
Served as Clerk for traffic court.
Prepared formal correspondence and noKfied Sergeants / Commanding Officers of violaKons and incidents involving their personnel.
Generated database inquiries to check driving records of incoming personnel. IdenKfied risks and noKfied appropriate Command of situaKon.
Reviewed incoming direcKves, changes to standard operaKons procedures, emerging instrucKons and policy guidance in relaKon to operaKons in place. IdenKfied discrepancies and impact on local operaKons. Brought to a_enKon of supervisor with recommendaKons for modificaKons to publicaKons, security policies and SOPs, and related training. Trained incoming SF personnel on informaKon systems.
Developed and maintain a ConKnuous EvaluaKon Program (CEP) to ensure personnel maintain their eligibility and access to classified informaKon while performing sensiKve duKes.
Monitor and ensure the iniKaKng of e-QIP quesKonnaires which include the compleKon of all Standard Form 86, finger prinKng via the live scan fingerprinKng system and submikng requests to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
Monitor the Joint Personnel AdjudicaKon System (JPAS) for security status on military, civilian and contractor personnel.
Maintained control logs, Kckets, classified records and other files. Conducted quarterly audits of Kckets, files and reports for adherence to USAF instrucKons. Reconciled records and amended master record as appropriate, ensuring clear notaKons and signature authorizaKons.
(United States Air Force Security Clerk con+nued)
Issued DOD driving regulaKons to incoming personnel. Handled incoming calls and visitors. Provided general informaKon and guidance. Routed calls and distributed mail.
Maintained suspense files of reporKng requirements, informaKon deliverables and receivables. Tracked for accomplishment and prompted responsible parKes for submission of required documents. JOHN E. VARNER
SSN: upon request
FORT SHAFTER 03/2008 – 11/2009
Fort Shaper, Honolulu, HI $19/hr
Supervisor: Dwayne Hassell, 808-***-**** may contact SECURITY GUARD
Controlled access at main gate to protect against unauthorized entry, a_ack or breach. Checked idenKficaKons and license plates for currency and accuracy; reviewed logs to ensure permissions. Contacted appropriate command for permissions not logged and/or escort of visitor. Logged visitor and vehicle idenKfying informaKon, purpose of entry and any other relevant informaKon.
IdenKfied indicaKons of fraudulent ID, a_empts at unauthorized entry or potenKal threats. Detained person and vehicle and noKfied military police for response.
Maintained posiKve control of incoming traffic to ensure proper screening. Implemented heightened security plans for alerts and special events.
Conducted vehicle searches and screenings with physical hand searches, explosive detecKon equipment and under-vehicle mirrors.
Interacted with professionalism with all visitors and base personnel while ensuring adherence with all screening requirements.
SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS 03/1998 – 03/1999 Lieber CorrecKonal Facility; 136 Wilborn Avenue, Ridgeville, SC 40 hrs/wk CORRECTIONS OFFICER $28,000 /annual salary
Scheduled, assigned and supervised up to 10 correcKonal officers protecKng life and faciliKes, and maintaining posiKve control of inmates at maximum-security state correcKonal insKtuKon. Rotated through security assignments including recreaKon yard, perimeter patrol, access control and cell blocks.
Inspected areas for signs of escape, damage to structures, equipment, plumbing, and furniture. Prepared work orders and secured area to prevent hazard or escape.
Transported inmates to court hearings, medical appointments and other correcKons faciliKes.
Maintained awareness of and enforced separates. Observed inmate behavior and interacKons to idenKfy indicaKons of conflict or hosKlity, and prevent violence. Intervened in fights and assaults, applying authoritaKve voice and minimal use of force to defuse conflict, gain control of situaKons and remove bystanders from area.
Conducted scheduled and unscheduled inmate census counts, nightly audits and searches. IdenKfy “out of bounds” inmates and order back to appropriate premises, maintaining control to ensure compliance. Confiscated weapons and other prohibited items.
Documented all acKviKes in log books. Wrote incident reports of accident, fire, fights, verbal altercaKons, disobedience, out of bounds inmate, and disciplinary acKons. Clearly detailed observaKons and acKons with narraKve of events, and idenKficaKon of parKes involved. PYRAMID SOLUTIONS 03/1995 – 11/1999
Meguro, Tokyo Japan 40 hrs/wk
Supervisor: Self-employed $140,000/annual salary
SSN: upon request
Developed business plan, managed budgeKng, accounKng, payroll, service and product pricing, staffing and logisKcs for security company employing 200 security officers. Provided security for private restaurants and clubs, and escort and transportaKon services for VIPs, parKcularly music celebriKes on concert tours. Planned and managed security for events of up to 2,000 a_endees.
Hired, trained, scheduled and supervised 200 security officers to conduct access control, crowd monitoring and control for busy clubs and concerts, and security escorts.
Developed and implemented security plans, programs, policies and procedures for businesses including planning placement and installing security video cameras and Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) systems. Developed physical security assessment methods for and conducted security risk assessments, inspecKng access/egress points, locks and other physical controls, alarms and business operaKng procedures. Advised on layout to control entry points and access points to cash and valuable assets.
Developed and secured contracts with business owners. Detailed equipment, manpower and service levels with performance criteria. ConKnually monitored contract performance, documented acKviKes and presented to owners to demonstrate performance. Achieved excellent customer retenKon rate.
Determined security staffing needs, trained officers on individual venue security plans. Conducted on-site inspecKons of security forces, physical protecKons and procedures at each venue. Monitored for vigilance, adherence to security policies and procedures, professionalism and respectul interacKons with clients and venue guests. IdenKfied deficiencies and recKfied through training, improved physical controls, and changes to policies and procedures. Monitored for follow-through of correcKve acKons.
Prepared reports of inspecKon findings related to business employees and operaKons policies such as uncontrolled access through back doors and access to cash. Advised on pracKcal, cost efficient physical controls and policies to miKgate risk.
Reviewed blueprints for proposed renovaKons and made recommendaKons for modificaKons to opKmize physical security. Advised on risks related to sizes of doorways, types of doorways, drop down security gates and other designs.
Planned and coordinated transportaKon and security escorts for celebriKes and entourages. Rented tour buses and staffed security teams of up to 30 officers. Planned routes and conKngency routes. Directed reconnaissance of routes to anKcipate and avoid potenKal traffic delays. Scouted venues and worked with venue security to plan arrivals for unimpeded access for buses, celebriKes and entourages. Escorted from airports to hotels, to concerts and returns.
UNITED STATES NAVY 03/1983 – 03/1995 & 09/1999 – 09/2007 MILITARY POLICE OFFICER / BOS’N MATE; E-5
Military Assignments Include
PEARL HARBOR NAVY BASE 10/2004 – 09/2007
Trained and directed 16 Honor Guard Members to present colors at reKrements, funerals and change of command events, and provide escort and tours of base for VIP military, civilian and foreign dignitaries. Assigned and oversaw performance of duKes. Provided feedback to improve skills. USS CROMMELIN (FFG-37) 10/2001 – 10/2004
SSN: upon request
Lead Coxswain direcKng 9 Boarding Team members in Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat (RHIB) in counter-narcoKcs operaKons and search and rescue operaKons in conjuncKon with U.S. Coast Guard. Apprehended suspected drug smuggling vessels including go-fast boats. Conducted boardings, searches, seizures and arrests in drug interdicKon operaKons in Pacific coastal waters.
Provided clear instrucKons to crew for apprehension operaKons. Coordinated operaKons planning with USS Crommelin Commander and other RHIB Coxswains.
Trained crew in safety, launch and recover procedures, law enforcement operaKons, ship handling and other seamanship skills.
Secured, labeled and maintained posiKve control of evidence including drugs, firearms and cash.
Deployed with USS Crommelin to train Central and South American naKonal law enforcement and militaries in counter-narcoKcs and counter-terrorism tacKcs at sea. Trained foreign naKonal forces on apprehension and boarding techniques.
Trained, assigned, supervised and inspected personnel in USS Crommelin inspecKon, maintenance and repair tasks encompassing vessel structure, rigging, deck material handling equipment, damage control systems and launch boats.
USS JUNEAU 09/1999 – 09/2000
Trained, assigned and supervised up to 12 personnel conducKng maintenance, damage control and replenishment operaKons (UNREP/VERTREP/CONREP) aboard AusKn-class amphibious transport dock vessel. Conducted and oversaw crew in inspecKons of deck areas, deck equipment and damage control systems. IdenKfied and addressed any indicaKons of wear, damage and malfuncKon.
Trained and oversaw safe use and maintenance of material handling equipment including davits, cranes and forklips. Taught and oversaw cargo rigging techniques. During cargo operaKons, received and confirmed orders from First Officer and issued appropriately to crew members. Planned and managed transfers, security, storage and control of arms, ammuniKon and explosives.
Counseled personnel on Navy careers, military life issues and performance.
Operated and maintained Admiral’s barge used to transport Admiral and visiKng dignitaries during moorings.
Trained and directed lifeboat launch and recovery for abandon ship drills.
Conducted security inspecKons on rotaKng watches at sea and in ports. Inspected secure areas such as those housing arms, ammuniKon and explosives and classified informaKon to ensure locked or manned by watch personnel. Monitored for signs of fast approaching vessels or indicaKons of breach. Documented inspecKon results in logs. IdenKfied and addressed security vulnerabiliKes, applying immediate security protecKon while noKfying supervisor with recommendaKons to miKgate risk. UNITED STATES FLEET ACTIVITIES YOKOSUKA 03/1988 – 06/1992 JOHN E. VARNER
SSN: upon request
Yokosuka, Japan
MILITARY POLICE OFFICER, (03/1988 – 03/1990)
DECK WATCH SUPERVISOR, (03/1990 – 03/1992)
As Military Police Officer, protected life, faciliKes and property on military installaKon, and enforced federal, state and military laws and statutes with full detainment, apprehension (military equivalent of arrest) powers. Conducted vehicle and foot patrols; entry control point vehicle searches. IdenKfied and invesKgated indicaKons of breach or trespass, breaks, damage or weaknesses in fence or perimeter controls, or observaKons of possible means of unauthorized entry. Documented and reported for repair or other risk miKgaKon. Checked secure areas and faciliKes for locks; invesKgated unsecured entry points, searching facility or area for unauthorized personnel or signs of thep. Reported security vulnerabiliKes and maintained vigilance unKl facility manager arrival. Escorted facility managers to invesKgate for any signs of breach to classified informaKon storage areas, arms, ammuniKon and explosives, and other criKcal high security property, and high value assets including aircrap, equipment and informaKon technology assets.
First Responder or backup to complaints, alarms, emergencies, terrorist a_acks, suspicious acKvity, traffic accidents and reports of crimes such as felony and pe_y thep, robbery, domesKc abuse, assault, illegal use of firearms and homicide. Assessed and secured scene, taking immediate steps to minimize danger to civilians, self and fellow officers. Used authoritaKve voice and maintained professionalism to gain control of volaKle situaKons and diffuse hosKliKes. Conducted preliminary invesKgaKons, interviewed or interrogated suspects, vicKms and witnesses.
Analyzed conflicKng statements and assessed veracity of informaKon. Applied sound judgment and body of facts to make decisions regarding next-step acKons. Apprehended, detained, searched and/or took into custody (arrested) and processed suspects, applying minimum use of force and issuing Miranda rights/ ArKcle 31 under the Uniform Code of Military JusKce. Preserved and documented evidence, applying chain of custody best pracKces. NoKfied supervisor to iniKate advanced invesKgaKon resources such as forensic specialist and criminal invesKgators.
Conducted follow-up invesKgaKons for crimes involving up to $10,000. UKlized federal and state criminal databases, DMV records and military records. Liaised with offenders’ Commanding Officers to inform on severe violaKons. Worked with NCIC to share relevant informaKon on crimes, suspects and leads. Assisted in criminal invesKgaKons.
Responded to explosions at officer residence. Evacuated area and nearby faciliKes. Assisted in apprehension of terrorism suspects with K9 patrol. Resulted in arrest of 3 Japanese naKonal terrorist suspects.
Responded to report of stabbing leading to homicide invesKgaKon. Selected to assist NCIS in invesKgaKon. Leveraged contacts to idenKfy whereabouts of suspect resulKng in apprehension, arrest and court marKal.
As First Responder to accident scenes, assessed situaKon and noKfied fire and rescue responders as appropriate. Applied emergency first aid and CPR. Took protecKve measures to prevent further injuries. Interviewed vicKms and witnesses; diagrammed accident scenes and wrote citaKons. JOHN E. VARNER
SSN: upon request
(United States Navy Military Police Officer con+nued)
Enforced traffic laws. Operated radar gun. Performed traffic stops and issued citaKons for speeding, reckless driving or other violaKons. Applied probable cause as sufficient to administer breathalyzers and field sobriety tests and and/or search persons and vehicles for illegal drugs. Took custody of and processed suspects as supported by evidence of DUI or illegal possession of narcoKcs. Secured, labeled and processed evidence.
Performed entry control point security operaKons including verificaKon of idenKficaKon and vehicle registraKon, search of persons and vehicle, verificaKon of authorizaKon to enter as visitor, issue of passes and escorts. Implemented heightened security measures as called for.
Built rapport with ciKzens through professionalism, approachability and responsiveness. Interacted and communicated respectully with widely diverse populaKon.
Wrote clear and accurate criminal reports, interview reports, and reports of invesKgaKon, interview and evidence reports. Included idenKfying informaKon of persons and evidence, narraKves of events, and descripKons of scenes. Processed reports. Entered and researched data. Wrote ship reports. Maintained hard copy and electronic records
Supported invesKgators and legal counsel in preparing evidence for legal proceedings. TesKfied in military courts of law.
Contributed to quarterly in-depth surveys and inspecKons of installaKon security, reviewing operaKons and physical controls in relaKon to DOD and USN regulaKons and standard operaKng procedures. IdenKfied and documented discrepancies. Briefed supervisor on findings and provided recommendaKons to bring into compliance, eliminate and miKgate vulnerabiliKes.
IdenKfied and successfully proposed improved scheduling system resulKng in improved rest periods for officers while increasing flexibility in scheduling to adjust to increased coverage needs.
Administered fencing construcKon contract. Inspected materials and work methods for adherence to contract specificaKons. IdenKfied and addressed discrepancies. Assigned as Desk Watch Supervisor while on limited duty due to injury requiring mulKple surgeries and close monitoring. Coordinated temporary billets for incoming and temporary duty personnel, and visitors. Monitored requirements and ensured rooms cleaned and supplied. Greeted incoming personnel and visitors and oriented to Base faciliKes and ameniKes. Provided direcKons and assisted with needs to smooth transiKons. OTHER TRAINING
AdministraKon and OperaKons of Shipboard 3M Systems Training Enhancement Programs, 12/1992 Seaman ApprenKce School, 06/1983
NCIC Terminal Operator
Crime and Criminal Intelligence Analyst
Class 701-18 (86 Hours) 08/2018
Army law Enforcement Reporting and tracking tracking Systems (Alerts) 07/2018 Law Enforcement Tactical Targeting Travel Team (LE-TX4 Course02/2019 FIREARMS QUALIFICATIONS
9MM Pistol, 7.62MM / 5.56MM / M14 / M16 Rifles, 12-Gauge Shotgun JOHN E. VARNER
SSN: upon request
Navy Achievement Medal
Meritorious Unit CommendaKon (3)
Navy “E” Ribbon
Good Conduct Medal (2)
Southwest Asia Service Medal
Global War on Terrorism ExpediKonary Medal
Humanitarian Service Medal
Sea Service Ribbon
Naval Reserve Medal
Expert Rifleman Medal
Expert Pistol Shot Medal
Sea Service Deployment Ribbon (3)
Ba_le “E” Ribbon
Overseas Service Ribbon (2)
.45 Caliber Marksman Ribbon
M-14 Riffle Marksman Ribbon
Flag Le_er of CommendaKon
Coast Guard Special OperaKons Ribbon
NaKonal Defense Service Medal
Le_er of AppreciaKon (2)
Armed Forces ExpediKonary Medal
MS Office Suite including Word/Excel/PowerPoint/Outlook Security Forces Management InformaKon System (SFMIS) Defense Incident Based ReporKng System (DIBRS)
CommandPoint Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) mission-criKcal command and control system, Avaya phone systems for Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), NICE voice recorder system, MAS Mastermind alarm mo nitoring systems, video surveillance systems; closed circuit television (CCTV) systems Clear Investigation software
Personnel Electronic records management Systems
Law Enforcement Defense Data Exchange ( D-DEX)
law Enforcement Enterprise Portal ( LEEP)
Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS)-FBI
Joint Analytic Real-Time Virtual Information Sharing Systems ( JARVISS) Intel Techniques ( INTEL)