Looking for a wri,ng posi,on or a posi,on in produc,on where my skills can be applied. Experienced in: Camera, Ligh,ng, Edi,ng, Wri,ng and Graphic Design. Highly mo,vated with a great ability to learn. Dependable, posi,ve, organized, and collabora,ve; with a strong work ethic and interest in growing with the company.
MICRODOLLY HOLLYWOOD - OFFICE MANAGER - 2017 - TO PRESENT Oversee the building and selling of our products and the educa,onal outreach training client on how best get the perfect shot using our micro system for cameras. Communicate with clients to iden,fy their needs and provide professional advise on how best to maximize their purchases. Responsible for marke,ng and development of business strategies. Assisted with wri,ng content for business projects using both long and short copy. FREELANCE - WRITER/DIRECTOR - 2008-20017
Independent produc,on projects. Scheduling, cas,ng, wri,ng, responsible for overseeing the crea,ve execu,on of assigned projects by seLng feature ideas, rundowns, wri,ng and reviewing and direc,ng staff during field shoots. Supervised the post -produc,on process, including, dubbing and color correc,on.
Created promo,onal DVD’s for celebri,es: Jennifer Lopez, Luis Miguel and Paulina. Co-produced with Univision Television in NY. Involved in the filming of “Meet and Greets,” concert shots and crowd reac,ons.
Turner Film Company - Script Consultant - 1995
Turner Film Company – Los Angeles, CA
Par,cipated in script reading and development. Wrote synopsis, involved in the selec,on of best scripts and ideas for development.
University of Cha]anooga – B.S with emphasis in Finance and Accoun,ng Los Angeles, California ins,tute of Art – Film and Anima,on SKILLS
Avid, Final Cut Pro, Premiere, Microso_ Word, Google Drive, Final Dra_ 11, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Maya, A_er Effects, Pro Tools, Toon Boom anima,on. Powerpoint, Keynote, Excel, Dreamweaver, Marke,ng and Social Media. Photography/Digital Videography, Script wri,ng, Final Dra_, pages,