Sco$ Allan Adolf
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Phone: 509-***-**** • E-mail: sco$*****@******.*** INTRODUCTION
A sincere, spirited and results-driven leader with decades of achievement and demonstrated successes exceeding business targets. As a highly effec=ve mul=tasker, managing challenging situa=ons and evolving priori=es is key; A team player who energizes and mo=vates others. With significant experience in commercial transporta=on, business management, office technology, client rela=ons, public speaking and staff development I represent an invaluable asset to your organiza=on. SKILLS and ABILITIES
MOST NOTABLE EXPERIENCES (Other occupa=onal history available upon request) Commercial Flatbed Truck Driver Trans-System Inc. (TSI) December 2015 to Present (6 years) Cheney, WA Responsible for the safe, legal and on-4me delivery of customer freight throughout the West Coast and Canada. Since 2018 assigned as a dedicated transporter of all models of Terex Genie Aerial Work PlaHorms (AWPs) for Terex Incorporated. Legal load limit regula4on and securement laws always maintained. No cita4ons or viola4ons on my driving record. Consultant & General Manager JT Educa[onal Consultants (JTEC) 2007-2015 (8 years) Wenatchee, WA Responsible for design, development and implementa4on of an enterprise-wide, custom designed, data processing system used in government claims support for nearly 100 Washington state school district clients. Worked diligently with contracted clients and managed company staff to ensure quick, accurate and efficient service. Performed hundreds of large group inservice presenta4ons for educators and administrators outlining process and procedures. Consultant & Product Developer Cliff Miller’s, Inc. (DBA Efcom) 1986-2006 (20 years) Yakima, WA Responsible for sale of computer equipment to retail customers, school districts and governmental agencies throughout Central Washington. Oversaw development of a number of ancillary client services including online communica4on tools for ver4cal markets including agri-business, Chambers of Commerce and the general public. Performed hundreds of public and private soSware trainings on products including MicrosoS Office Suite, Adobe InDesign (Photoshop), web design, communica4on tools, network administra4on and opera4ng systems. Launched a rela4onal database design service which successfully deployed management solu4ons for regional public school districts including ASB Fund Management and Point- of-Sale, Washington Interscholas4c Ac4vi4es Associa4on (WIAA) par4cipa4on compliance management and student workplace job shadow and internship placement, to name a few. EDUCATION and ENDORSEMENTS
• Terex Genie Cer=fied Operator Experienced operator/hauler/loader/unloader of all Aerial Work PlaHorm models (Z30- SX180) as well as all mini and slab Scissor LiSs. Heavy ForkliS Operator Cer4fica4on 2018 Trans-System, Cheney WA
• Class A Commercial Drivers License Doubles/Triples and Tanker Endorsements with Air Brake restric4ons removed 2015 Independent Truck Driver Training Inc., Yakima WA
• Associates Degree Business Data Processing 1984 Yakima Valley Community College, Yakima WA
• High School Diploma General Studies 1982 Wapato High School, Wapato WA
● Customer Rela[ons
● Team Management
● Sales & Marke[ng
● Inservice & Presenta[on
● Microsob Office Suite
● Rela[onal Database Design
● Desktop Publishing
● Office Automa[on
● CDL-A Endorsement
● Terex AWP Operator
● Consistent & Reliable
● Proven Longevity