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Production Coordinator Clerk

Menifee, CA
August 25, 2022

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27u50 t-ake l-anding r Sun City. CA 925ti5

Nlobile : (7 l4) 3O.137 7 . Ir-ntail: ctaig -g75(rr1nlsn.cor11 SU N,I ]\,I ARY OF OIJAI,I FI CJATIONS

A resr.rlts-oriented prot'essional with exccllcnt qualifications in F'ORKLIF'l' OPERATIONS. TR;\INING' WAREIIOUSE ancl MANAGEMENT. Wcll-vcrsccl in all aspects of u,archousc opcratiorrs, antl shippingirccciving proccdrtt'cs. Dctail- oriented and highly olganized, with cxceptional lecord-kccping talcnts. Courpletc all assiguuents accuratcly witliin strict tirnc constraints. Adept at trouble-shooting problcrns and irnplerncnting cffectivc solirtions. Utilizc superit-rr rnulti-tasking talents tt.r direct all slages o1'largc projects.

Key Strengths Includc:

. Well-vclsed in intcrnational shipping protocols and l)O'f rcgtirlations.

. Cot-nr-nunicate etl'ectivsly r.r.ith clicnts. vendors and co-rvorkers tl'orn dir"ersc backgrotrrlds.. o Adcpt in thc operation offorklilis. pallet.jacks, and r valicty ofhcavy cquipnrcnt.

. Strong lcaclership backglorrncl, with thc ability to train ancl rncntor.iunior staff. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE


Perforrn a wide variety of operational and u'alchouse functions at this rttajor distribution center. Operate forklifts, cherry pickers and clcctric pallct .jacks. Rei,ierv ordcrs antl usc R[; scanncrs tbr locating and selecting both incljviciual and bulk packagcs. Additionally handlc prcking. loading and inbouncl/otttborrnd tunctions. Sclectetl to train new hires in tll orets of operations, so.fety antl utmptnl,policies/procetlures. Mcritrtuined o 100'% sa.fetl' record. (202 I to Prescnt)

WAREIIOUSE FORKI-IFT MANAGER / SIIIPPING & RT]CF]IVIN(i . For1ron StILIrce. I-td. - RANChO SANTA MATgATitA. CIA Managcd logistical operations for this porver sr"rpply nranulacturcr tltat scrvcd clients in the mcdical, automotive. t'ltness, and appliancc industries, and gcneratcs $24M in annual sales. Ovcrsarv shippingand leceiving in a l5K square fbot rvarehouse. Operate lorktifts, Ion Vapor Dcposition (lVD) machines. and other heavy equipmellt. 6nportcd frnishecl goods fiont Asia and liulope. Rcvicwed salcs orders to detertrirtc appropriatc shiptllcrlts. Exporled clcctrical/rncchanical colrponeltls to 'fair.van, China. Sirrgapore ancl Gcnnatty. Litilized cotntnercial inviticcs to detcnline appropriate pallets and logistics tirl outgoing shiprncnls. AccomplishnrelLs.. Maintained outstanding rclations w'ith clicnts and vcndors


. Illlplemented strategic

irrprovcrnents that signilicanlly rcduccd packaging and shipping costs. (2005 to 20 l 9) DRMR & WAREfIOUSE ASSISTANT . AJ Construction - Santa Ana, CIA Delivcred constructiorl ntaterials to jobsitcs tlrloughout Southerrr (lalifbrnia. Rcvicwed ordcrs to plan daily delivery routes to sites including o11lce buildings. hospitals. ltotcls and restaulants. (200'1) HIGH-VALUE INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK . ljnitctl Parccl Servrcc ((]PS) - Anahcim. CA Prcpared dclivcry schedulcs lbr shiprnents o1'high-valuci scnsitivc ilcurs, such as guns, diamonds. and prescription drugs. Chccked and cvaluated packagc invcntory. ancl ckrcunrentccl any cliscrcpancics. Collaboratcd with secirlity staff to investigate any delivcry problents. Lrtilk,ed u vitleo surveilltnce s!,stefi, to rrutnitor the hondling of all packages. (2001 b 2003)

Previous Experience:

PRODUCTION COORDINATOR . l:mbce Plating - Santa Ana. Utilized tVD equipntcnt to platc 1007u alumiuurn parts and conrponents lbr thc aerospacc irrdr"rstry. Servcd as I)eparttncllt Forentan. Ovcrsarv a stafl'o1'30. Prcparcd nronthly protluct rcports tbr rttattagenrcnt olthis ISO and FAA Ccrtificd conlpany. Held Security Cleursttce,


Gtlt.tttrlt Wt,s I Crlt-t.t't;ll - ll ti\ I lN(i I o\ llr,nc't t, CA C)otrrsc.s in Productiott finginecritrg, llu::unlou,t fulutct'itl.s (l{u:.Mctt) cQ [:nvintnntarttul Complctcd t-'orklilt Operalor'l'raining & Saltty Coursc . (-ertificd trorklili lraincr Computer SAi//s: Windows r Outlool< o SAP o Anrazon. UPS & IrcdEx (,'ustorn Systertts Op e n To Truv'e l/Relo cu tio tt

REFURENCES: Available uporr Requcst

Clean DMV Record

CON'I PI,INSATION: Opcn to Negotiation

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