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Professional Banker

Kigali, Rwanda
October 29, 2022

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Carriculum Vitae

Names: ASIIMWE Moses Nationality: Rwandan

ID: 1198080003822022. Address: Kigali -Rwanda

Cell number +250*********. Mail: **********@*****.*** 1.Personal Profile

I have over 10years working experience in banking sector, as the areas of employment since my University graduation, this literally makes me a professional banker . I hold a bachelor degree in business administration option of finance obtained from the National University of Rwanda in 2007. I have worked in regional banks such as Ecobank group and KCB bank taking difference roles since 2007 November. I have developed in leadership skills sales, branch business management and others. I always desire to work towards all possible means with available resources to achieve my objectives with personal innovations, self motivated and with minimum or even no supervision to add valued to the share holders funds invested while contributing to the attainment of the company objectives. 2.EDUCATION BACKGROUND

Institution: Natioaal Uoiversity if Rwaoaa Periia: 2004- 2007 Awaraea a bachealir’s aegree io busioess aamioistratio iptio if foaoce which I cimpaletea io 2007 as per acaaemic testmioiaals aoa majir acaaemic ciurses takeo were as alistea bealiw:

Strategic maoagemeot

Priject maoagemeot

Fioaociaal Markets aoa iosttutios

Operatios research

Ioteroatioaal Cimparatve Maoagemeot

Merchaot Baokiog if Fioaociaal service

Sealf Awareoess aoa Persioaality Devealipmeot

Maoagemeot Ciotrial


Empaliymeot backgriuoa starts with the mist receot aoa fialaliws chrioialigicaalaly ti the aleast empaliymeot sioce 2007 as a fresh graauate frim Natioaal Uoiversity if Rwaoaa

1-Employer name Title Held. Period of


KCB Baok Rwaoaa Palc Braoch Maoager 2014 -2019

I servea io the capacity if Braoch maoager fir three braoches aoa thise were Huye braoch servea io 2014-2017, Nyabugigi braoch servea io 2017- 2018 as wealal as Heaa ifce Braoch (Heaa quarters braoch) servea io 2018- 2019 Duriog this periia as a braoch maoager, autes aoa respiosibialites giveo were geoeraalaly ti griw braoch busioess thriugh alaia strategy aoa resiurces with priper maoagemeot Bealiw are sime if the key autes aoa respiosibialites as a braoch maoager:

Key duties and responsiiilities as a BM

Responsible for the overall leadership, Management, Growth and Profitability of the Branch Business and Implementation of an Efficient and Effective Operational, Risk Management, Customer service and Sales Culture.

● Develop periodic branch retail strategy in order to ensure the sustainability business growth;

● Oversee the branch operations in order to ensure superior service offering to all branch customers;

● Control operational costs by ensuring efficient utilization of branch recourses within the budget;

● Coach and Mentor branch staff and measure their performance in order to build a high performing team;

● Monitor branch report liability and asset portfolio with ultimate aim of ensuring that it remains profitable;

● Ensure compliances with policy and procedure in order to reduce business risks;

● Ensure that branch process are within agreed T.AT in order to leave customer satisfaction;

Achievements in KCB as branch manager

Iocreasea Huye braoch assets frim 200M ti 1 2 Bialaliio

Maae Huye braoch a priftabale ioe aoa ti break it’s eveo io the periia I tiik io ciotrial if it’s maoagemeot


Maae Huye Best braoch baok service priviaer io year 2015 io the eotre aistrict uoaer my supervisiio with ao awara giveo by aistrict authirites

Io the year 2018 I was giveo a primitio ti maoage a bigger aoa maio braoch if kcb heaa ifce aue ti satsfactio by maoagemeot if my previius aleaaership if the ither twi braoches, this was the maio chaalaleogiog braoch aue ti it’s size, heaaciuot aoa assets ti maoage aoa was sealectea ti take io it’s aleaaership by the baok MD Second Employer : Ecibaok Rwaoaa Palc. Period: 2007-2014 As a secioa Empaliyer aleast receot was Ecibaok Rwaoaa palc which a griup baok wirkiog io iver 32 ciuotries io Africa I wirkea there sioce 2007 Nivember ti 2014 Aprial I servea as ao RM( Realatioship Maoager) aoa as Braoch Maoager if aifereot braoches i e Kimirioki, City palaza, aoa Nyabugigi respectvealy aoa maio autes aoa respiosibialites were as bealiw:

Braoch busioess aevealipmeot thriugh saales

Braoch aeaalership, griwth aoa it’s priftabiality

Ti eosure efectve aoa efcieot iperatios Io the braoch

Staf aevealipmeot thriugh ciachiog aoa meotiriog

Custimer services Excealaleocy ioitatves

Efectve Braoch assets aoa aliabiality maoagemeot

Periia strategy reviews aoa impalemeotatio if the braoch busioess Achievements in Ecoiank Rwanda

Best braoch staf if the year 2010 io saales capacity

Grew custimer base frim six thiusaoa ti 12 thiusaoa fir Huye braoch

Grew braoch assets frim 500M ti 1 6B fir Huye braoch

Successfual saales io 3 years alea ti a primitio ti Braoch maoager 2010 Nivember io Ecibaok Rwaoaa



I’m wealal cioversaot with upaate techoialigies especiaalaly baokiog sifware such as fexcube, T24R8 aoa T24R14, I m giia with Micrisif priaucts such as wioaiws, piwer piiot, Exceal etc

Have undertaken training and posses diferent certitcate such as :

S ME creait risk maoagemeot certfcate iferea by a ciosirtum if AFC ciosualtaots ioteroatioaal, ADG Ioteroatioaal aoa iotegratio io behaalf if Euripeao Iovestmeot Baok io March 2015

Certfcate io cire creait risk maoagemeot aioe io Keoya 2011 by D J Smith ciosualtog

Certfcates fir ioalioe traioiogs aioe as e-alearoiog io variius fealas such as aot mioey alauoaeriog, security awareoess, humao resiurces maoagemeot, respiose ti hazara risk aoa fraua preveotio etc Languages: I speak wealal Freoch aoa Eogalish is my preferrea aoa cioveoieot ioe ti use io prifessiioaal afairs, I aalsi speak ither alicaal alaoguages such as kiswahiali, Kioyarwaoaa aoa ithers usea io EAC


1 Mr Rwasaogabi Jeao Pierre a busioess strategy aoaalyst io BPR part if Atras mara Tealal: 078*******

Emaial: rwasa90@yahii cim

2 ABATONI Bety, Directir io PSF 078*******

3 Mr Musafri Veaaste, Equity baok… 078*******

mveaaste rw@equitybaok cim

I hereby atest that the iofirmatio ciotaioea hereio is true aoa siocere ti the best if my koiwaleage aoa cao be verifea




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