EMAIL: ************@*****.***
CONTACT: 020******* / 054*******
A determined goal driven professional,willing to secure an opportunity to put into good use the experience,skills and knowledge acquired over the years,while making positive impact on the growth and development of the institution. A Positive working attitude and a result driven mindset,both in individual tasks and team work,required to fit in any sector or department.
BA. Linguistics And French University of Ghana 2017-2021 WASSCE Sogakofe Senior High School 2014-2017
National Service Personnel -Ghana Institute of Journalism -OCT.2021 TO DATE
Providing support to a lead lecturer in charge of a course .
Reinforcing lessons by tutoring individual students and small groups.
Taking record of students’ attendance and participation.
Documenting student data.
Working under Lecturer’s direction to lead and supervise assignments and tests.
Providing moral support and encouragement to students. Welding Assistant -Aksa Energy Ghana Company Limited -MAY 2017-AUG.2017
Assisting welders to set up rigs and move them between work areas.
Ensuring welders have required materials and tools available, such as rods, pipes, cutting and grinding discs among others.
Maintaining stock levels of materials and supplies.
Loading and unloading trucks.
Inspecting working implements to identify faults and facilitate repairs or replacement of worn parts.
Cleaning workpieces using grinder or scraper to remove foreign matter such as rust, slag and scale.
Assisting in cutting, grinding and bolting metal components together in order to obtain required configuration for welding.
Welding Assistant - Options Technical Services - JUNE 2019-SEPT.2019
Assisting welders to set up rigs and move them between work areas.
Ensuring welders have required materials and tools available, such as rods, pipes, cutting and grinding discs among others.
Maintaining stock levels of materials and supplies.
Loading and unloading trucks.
Inspecting working implements to identify faults and facilitate repairs or replacement of worn parts.
Cleaning workpieces using grinder or scraper to remove foreign matter such as rust, slag and scale.
Assisting in cutting, grinding and bolting metal components together in order to obtain required configuration for welding.
Atelier Theatre(UGFC) Vice President October 2019- May 2020. As an assistant the president of the club, I was appointed to help in the study and practice of the French language through theatre arts. Linguistics Students Association Course Rep. October 2019- June 2021. I was appointed to represent the class in departmental meetings and to serve as a link between the lecturer and students.
Victory Vocals (GHAMSU) Member October 2017-September 2021. I made available my drumming skills to help build up the musical strength of the choir.I also attending musical programs to play for the choir. Jacob Stephen Class(GHAMSU) Cell Leader September 2019-June 2021. Helped in organising cell meetings and encouraging members to attend.I also helped in leading Bible studies discussions.
Scripture Union (SOGASCO) President 2016/2017.
French Club (SOGASCO) President 2016/2017.
Royal Cymbals (SOGASCO) President 2016/2017.
Eye Media Network (SOGASCO) Chief Editor 2016/2017. Regimental Band (SOGASCO) Member 2014-2017.
General Arts Department(SOGASCO) Organizer 2016/2017. Kwame Nkrumah House (SOGASCO) Compound Overseer 2016/2017. SKILLS
Good communication skills (verbal and non-verbal)
Collaborative work
Ability to think critically and help in problem solving
Ability to create innovative ideas
Ability to organize and co-ordinate activities
Ability to work in different environments.
Multitasking skills
Ability to work on computer based platforms.
Good information management skills.
Drumming, Singing, Playing with pets, Social Media engagement, Playing soccer and table tennis.
Mr. Simon Agbo - General Manager, Options Technical Services Email: **************.**@*****.*** Tel: 020*******
Mr. Dickson Amexo - Head of Department, Ghana Institute of Journalism. Email: *******.*****@***.***.** Tel:024*******